Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 957 Sniper Elite (2)

There are only the last two rounds left in the ammunition preparation, and I only have the last two chances left! There must be no mistakes!

With such a firm belief in victory, Wilt stood on one leg and put his shoulder against the edge of the window to barely maintain his balance. It could be said that he had tried his best at this moment.

The right leg with the broken Achilles tendon was destined to no longer be able to support the body in standing. Wilt, who was extremely unaccustomed to this poor standing posture, found it difficult to even raise the gun to aim, but he would die if he didn't kill the Russian guy as soon as possible. People will inevitably become themselves. This is a life-threatening gamble with life as a barrier.

Escape? Wilt never thought about it this way, and of course he didn't consider doing it at all. Between him and the Russian guy, only one person was destined to live, and there was only one real city hunter.

"Come on, come closer! Russian! I'm going to shoot you in the head!!!"

Holding his breath, Wilt fixed his sights on the target with his right eye that controlled the scope. The Russian guy who was moving crazily and fast against the low wall was indeed quite troublesome and difficult to deal with.

The opponent's steps seemed chaotic and he was just trying to escape, but in fact, based on Wilt's position, he was trying his best to find the key blind spot that could cover the vital parts of his body.

The five seconds that had passed gave Wilt two shooting opportunities, but these two shooting opportunities that could hit the enemy were all given up by Wilt without exception.

There is no other reason, just because Wilt believes that hitting the arm or leg cannot kill the prey on the spot, and the angle after the opponent falls cannot give him the opportunity to immediately make a second shot. The cunning Russian guy can't even kill the prey on the spot. Possible evading postures after being shot have been considered, enough to hide in the blind spot before the bolt-action rifle fires again.

"Smart bastard! Run, keep running."

The temperature shrouded in the harsh winter is minus 27 degrees Celsius. For the people living in this land, such a temperature is nothing. It has long been a normal temperature.

But Wilt, who was still extremely uncomfortable with the weather and often complained about the cold weather, now forgot about the cold.

Even though the snot had frozen to the tip of his nose, the sweat sliding down his cheeks had frozen to his face, and the blood stains on his trouser legs had frozen to a solid mass, Wei remained unmoved. However, Erte continued his hunting as if nothing had happened.

"It's now!"


call out--


After firing the shot, Wilt did not immediately reach out to pull the gun bolt. He was still staring at the scope and waiting to confirm the target. At this moment, he was very sure that his shot must have achieved something.

Whether the bullet that penetrated the edge of the low wall hit the target or not, Wilt was actually unable to see or completely confirm with the naked eye. But the figure that was running quickly did fall to the ground as if tripped for a moment, but Wilt could see it clearly through the scope.

"Oh, if you have the ability to keep running, just show me how to do it."

Did you really hit the target?

Wilt, who took the huge risk of missing and chose to shoot through the wall, felt that there was an 80% chance that he had indeed hit the target, causing one of his legs to be injured and he fell to the ground instantly.

If that's not the case, how can we explain why the Russian guy didn't stand up and keep running?

The only possibility of escaping to this point is that the prey has lost the ability to continue running for its life. The classic truth of hunter and prey has not changed at all for thousands of years. Wilt is very convinced of this and firmly believes that his judgment is absolutely correct.

There was only one bullet left, and the only thing Wilt had to do next was to use this last bullet to kill his prey.

"Come on, Russian, the last game! I will play the queen!"

At the moment when he pulled the bolt of the gun with his right hand to eject the fired cartridge case, from the corner of his eye, Wilt inadvertently caught sight of the battlefield on the street below.

The Russian heavy tanks rushing at the front were as ferocious as beasts that had escaped from their cages in the zoo. Like a herd of tigers, they bared their teeth and claws in front of the difficult defense of the German army and went on a killing spree.

The German soldiers, who were about to be crushed in the face by the tracks, were still holding on to the defense line. As the security force of the Sixth Army Headquarters, this German infantry battalion was indeed very powerful and extremely powerful. It did not get double the approval of Paulus. The minimum amount of food supplies was in vain. Even though they were under direct fire from Soviet heavy tanks at all times, they still clung to their position and refused to retreat even half a step.

However, this seemingly exciting scene, in Wilt's opinion, smelled like a beast about to pounce on the faces of zoo visitors, and the upcoming results were almost predictable.

There is not much time left, this must end as soon as possible!

Wilt, who kept warning himself in his heart, pushed the bullet into the chamber of the gun and continued to raise the gun to aim. The Mauser 98K sniper rifle he raised instantly was still aimed at the position where the Russian fell just now. He was always keen. Instinct told Wilt that the prey was still at the same location and had not moved.

Wilt, who spent two seconds to calibrate his aiming mark, did not choose to use his unique skill of rapid shooting to kill the opponent as usual, because he really had no chance to waste.

There is only the last bullet left in the gun chamber!

The thickness of the low wall was not enough to withstand the direct fire of a 92mm full-power rifle bullet. Wilt, who had just penetrated the edge of the wall with a precise shot, was convinced that another shot through the wall would definitely kill that The Russian's life was so small that there was no need for any hesitation in firing after he was sure that the target was firmly locked.

"Farewell, Russian!"


Bang bang bang bang bang——

There was a sinister smile on the corner of Wilt's mouth

He did feel the recoil when he pulled the trigger and the gun butt hit his shoulder. He also saw the exciting scene of the bullet hitting the low wall and splashing a burst of debris and snowflakes. He also heard the sound of his own voice. The dull sound of the body weighing more than 120 kilograms falling heavily to the ground echoed in the ears, and the appearance of vomiting blood from the mouth was unknown.

"Pfft cough cough"

"I hit it, I killed him! I am me and I am the final winner."

Wilt, who never finished his words until he died, died very quickly. The cause of death was that five precise rounds of 62mm full-power rifle bullets penetrated his chest, causing multiple chest organs to shatter in a very short period of time. He died quickly, without even a chance to die from excessive blood loss.

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