Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 958 Sniper Elite (3)

Wilt's eyes stared blankly at the ceiling and lost their luster and luster. Kurt's body, only a dozen meters away from him, looked similar.

This German sniper team, which was so ruthless in Stalingrad that even its name was not known to the enemies who were once in fear, met its final tragic ending on its own sniper position.

On a building diagonally opposite the sniper window of Wilt's final battle, which was at least 250 meters away, Boris, who was holding his breath and flying up to the fifth floor without gasping for air, was holding his hand from Ah The SVT40 semi-automatic rifle that Lexie exchanged for breathed heavily, like an old cow panting, very much like a later generation athlete who had just finished a marathon.

"Don't just stare at your scope, bastard Fasis, you don't even know how you died."

Yes, the person who finally killed Sergeant Wilt was Boris, a third-generation veteran hunter from Siberia.

However, as an elite sniper, Boris did not use his usual Mosin Nagant to kill the enemy, but used an SVT40 semi-automatic rifle that was also equipped with a 5x optical sight.

The reason why Boris chose the rookie Alexei as his assistant and partner observer is indeed because this little kid Alexei is more obedient and can work hard for him without any complaints.

One of Alexei's most important labor tasks is to help Boris carry the STV40 semi-automatic sniper rifle that seems a bit redundant, and follow Boris around the city of Stalingrad, hunting around for those who don't know where they are. Kraut in danger.

Yes, no one, including Malashenko, knew anything about it. Only Captain Varosha and a few people who were familiar with Boris knew the fact that Boris was a "double sniper" that was extremely rare on any battlefield. Man" sniper.

When he was a young hunter back home, Boris was used to taking two guns with him when he went hunting.

An old-fashioned long-barreled shotgun is used to deal with long-distance prey, and another Mosin Nagant M1891 rifle with a cut-off stock and half barrel, which is easy to carry, is used to deal with close-range prey, as well as those who occasionally The carnivorous beast, such as a black bear, rushes towards itself in anger after the gun fails to kill it.

This dilapidated old-fashioned Mosin Nagant M1891 rifle was obtained by Boris by chance. After he killed the mother bear, he was in the bear den with the cubs waiting to be fed. At that time, this gun was very confusing. Being thrown into a bear's den, even the butt of the gun was broken by a powerful external force.

It wasn't until Boris saw a few eaten human bones and fragments of Red Army uniforms inside the bear's den that he basically understood where the gun came from and what it was like. Only a monster with infinite strength can break the solid wooden Mosin-Nagant rifle butt. A furious female bear can indeed do it.

Although this Mosin Nagant was already a scrap when it was picked up by Boris. It had no butt, was dilapidated, lacked maintenance, and was almost unusable.

But Boris, whose ancestral shotgun was worse than this thing, thought he had found a treasure. After a little modification, he cut off the remaining half of the Mosin Nagant butt with a saw, and then cut off the super Half of the long barrel was sawed off, and a truncated Mosin-Nagant self-defense weapon with a flavor of the "rifle pistol" from the World War I was created.

It was from this time on that Boris, who was accustomed to hunting with two main weapons, finally brought this habit he had cultivated for a long time to the battlefield.

Boris, who possesses accurate and experienced marksmanship, quickly showed his prominence in the infantry ranks and won the appreciation of his superiors. Combined with his calm and sophisticated style of being from a family of hunters, accustomed to squatting and stalking prey, he was finally deemed suitable to be trained into a qualified soldier. Sniper.

Boris did live up to Varosha's recommendation. After becoming a sniper, he also got the opportunity to choose standard weapons. But what was different was that Boris, who rarely made requests to his superiors, took two at once. The main weapon, he also said that this is not a waste, both guns can be used by him.

A Mosin Nagant and an SVT40, the former is a bolt-action single shot and the latter is a semi-automatic continuous shot, and both guns are extravagantly equipped with 5x optical sights.

In view of Boris' excellent shooting talent and almost peak sniper talent, his extravagant request was finally approved with Varosha's guarantee, and he officially became a "double sniper" sniper. .

The Mosin Nagant has a higher muzzle velocity, smaller ballistic drop, and is very accurate, but the gun is also heavier, and it is a bolt-action rifle that requires one bullet after another. After carefully studying all the light weapons he could choose, Boris believed that this thing was indeed good for dealing with long-distance targets, but he also needed a more suitable sniper weapon that could deal with medium-range targets.

The muzzle velocity of the SVT40 is slightly slower, the ballistic performance is not as good as the Mosin Nagant, and the accuracy of continuous fire is also lacking, but Boris was pleasantly surprised to find that this precious thing can actually fire continuously!

Although it is a burst of firing once the trigger is pulled, rather than a burst of fire like a submachine gun where the trigger is held tight and the rate of fire is slower, Boris, who cannot read a word and has never been to elementary school, is very Love this weapon.

Intuition told Boris that this was exactly what he needed, and it would play a big role in future battles, so he relied on his ability to finally get this weapon that he couldn't put down.

But as an old man, Boris is a bit hypocritical

The combination of two rifles and a Bobosha submachine gun is perfect for both the near and far, but running around with three guns at the same time made the somewhat elderly Boris tired and couldn't bear it, while the obedient and obedient Boris Alexey, who never cuts his tongue, is the ultimate "tool man" he has been striving to find.

So under normal circumstances, Boris still shows people with a Mosin Nagant sniper rifle and a self-defense Bobosha, and does not attract the attention of many strangers.

Letting Alexei wear his own fur hat and holding a Mosin-Nagant behind a low wall to attract attention was also a bad idea of ​​the extremely cunning Boris. Thanks to the "tool man" for playing his role to the extreme.

Boris himself, who chose to change his main weapon and copied the SVT40 semi-automatic rifle that was better at mid-range sniper combat, lost the observer Kurt who was exposed first and interrupted Wilt's right hand. After breaking his Achilles tendon, before Wilt, who had moved his sniper position, noticed his presence, he hid behind the nearest tank.

Then he continued to use a large number of infantry and tanks as cover, wearing the helmet he exchanged with Alexei, and ran all the way to the high-rise sniper point that was considered the most suitable.

He saved the life of Alexei, his little brother who admired him, by racing against time against death, and shot him into a hornet's nest before Wilt, who was leaning on the window frame, pulled the trigger.

And the last 92mm Mauser rifle bullet actually missed the target when it came out of the chamber.

Wilt, whose body was hit and lost his balance, fired a bullet at the edge of the low wall only five centimeters above Alexei's head. The bullet penetrated the loose low wall and almost hit Alexei's leather hat. The terrible sound at his feet almost made Alexey cry out of fear, holding a Mosin Nagant with a hot bullet hole in his arms.

"Boris! You old bastard! I hate you!!!"

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