Steel Steam and Flame

: Organize the follow-up content and ask for a day off

Basically, we have completely bid farewell to the early stage, and the following content needs to be sorted out so as not to be overwhelmed at some point. So ask for a day off, forgive me. But in the early stage, in fact, there is only the early stage and late stage. In addition, recently because the company has entered the off-season, work has become a little easier (but there are more tasks. I don’t know why. I always feel that leading bosses are I don’t want to see employees have a relaxing time...) Will take time to carefully read the comments of book friends, if you have better suggestions for the book, or point out the shortcomings and deficiencies, please also see Friends in this chapter put forward as many as possible, thank you very much.

Although I feel that I have written so much, the more I write and the more I think about it, the more I feel that what I write is too far from what I have in my head. Compared with other books, I always feel that it is lacking. Like important souls. In summary, without the essence of being a thing, it feels like a pure existence in order to become a novel. I think there should be more things in it, whether it is actually there or not, even if it is expected.

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