Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1217: Fuel for "lights" (1)

A few days later, news about the factory fire in Kromi was being reported, the death toll was very different, and the situation in other places was not in people’s sight. Only the black market intelligence merchants can know some of it. After understanding the follow-up, Cassia guessed that this matter would be suppressed by the forces of the King of the Kiel Kingdom in various ways, which reduced his attention.

After that, Terry Weikang and Adolf never mentioned this matter again. Cassia believed that they must know a lot of additional information, but they should not find out about him. From this moment on, life suddenly returned to a calm state. Cassia waited for the simple task from Adolf's mouth. During that time, he went to the area where the king's forces and the rebel forces were fighting, and was in the team of surgeons for several nights. , Never saw anyone in McDonald's team again, at this moment he finally felt a kind of trouble-free ease.

"The words have played a big role." That evening, Cassia said to herself after reading the information passed by Waters. As for whether there will be a follow-up, Cassia guesses that there is probably no. Thirty-six knight attendants will be getting busier and busier. Compared with the missions of the imperial school, the tasks set by the Imperial Council for them will be upgraded and the span will definitely be larger.

"After the Chil Kingdom has no restrictions here, what remains is to hurry up and expand the arms business." Until late at night, Cassia was still thinking about these issues. Of course, how to find a more accurate route to improve his strength has also become the main thing. One of the general directions to think about.

The heavy weapons have not yet been sent by Waters to retrieve them, because they have actually been used, and Cassia is well aware of the immense power of weapons used to destroy enemy armored forces and construction on the battlefield. I was considering myself based on the criteria of an imperial knight attendant. What I saw in the battle a few days ago will only appear more and more frequently in the enemies I encounter in the future as time goes by. The scaly state will also have great limitations at that time, and with the support of all aspects of the enemy's forces behind it, it is difficult to say that he can find a little advantage in the situation of squad fighting.

At least money cannot become one's own limitation. At present, we can only look for this. The surgical development project materials brought out and the training and exercise methods of various military schools are not enough to bring Waters and Delya People like them are cultivated to the ideal point. It's too much difference on the basis, and time is fair to anyone. If there is no other way, in the armed forces of the team, let alone catching up with other people, then it will be impossible to do without falling.

The first thing Cassia thought of was the mercenaries and bounty hunters who mixed in various places and regions, but the level fluctuations were not controlled. The top teams would rarely take the initiative to join forces with no background and name like themselves, and the rest. However, Cassia always felt that it was not suitable. I knew that it was because I had a higher vision and knew which standard line the enemy would face next, so in a circle where the surgeon didn't pay too much attention to the accumulation of numbers, the number of people was not his first consideration.

Keeping these questions in his head, Cassia devoted himself entirely to her exercise in the next few days. When entering the scaly state, the body instinctively drives the operation of solid red mercury, which has a certain enhancement effect on itself like warming up. Under the premise of not knowing the specific route, only training can make Cassia more irritable. calm.

During the period, I only focused on the general situation of the internal war between the king's forces and the rebel forces. The mine base lost tens of thousands of teams and a large amount of supplies. McDonald’s team recently evacuated from it, and the anxious situation quickly changed. The king's power took the advantage, taking the area of ​​the mine base as its starting point, and taking a large area along the direction of the mountain little by little.

The rebel forces retreated, took the initiative to abandon the area surrounded by the king's forces, and retracted the team to hold on to a few fortresses and strong fortifications. It was three days later. The king's army did not take advantage of the momentum to pursue it, but at a certain distance, began to send a large amount of manpower to build its own fortifications.

At the same point in time, Waters contacted Cassia and informed that the internal war might fall back into the same state as the truce of previous years in the near future. "The number of orders will definitely be greatly reduced. Commander, I think the Kingdom of Chir is here. , It’s time to exist as a rear base."

"Then the plan was formally discussed. Although the technical information on the artillery and shells has not been obtained, the research team at Delya has not made good progress." Cassia was originally prepared to wait until the internal war in the Kyr Kingdom ended. The expansion of business started, but I didn't expect it would be so fast.

In the early morning of the next day, Cassia had breakfast. After reading the latest newspaper, he thought about it and contacted Weimer, this one who was promoted because of the mine base incident.

Unexpectedly, Cassia would take the initiative to contact him, Vermeer was quite surprised in his words.

"Mr. Wimmer," I figured out what to say a few days ago, "Recently, I don't think you have ever encountered an imperial surgeon during your army's offensive time?"

After waiting for a while, Vermeer seems to be determining whether the situation described by Cassia is in line with reality. Soon, Vermeer replied with gratitude, "I don't know how to thank you Mr. Soriatu. The upper-level has already explained to me that as long as it can meet the requirements, it will definitely meet Mr. Soriatu."

"There is no requirement, as long as the bounty for bounty hunters and mercenaries can be exactly in their replied, "By the way, Mr. Wimmer, you can get it recently. I came here once, because of my personal relationship, I found some information in the mine base and never had a chance to give you. They may be what you need. "

"Okay, if you have time, Mr. Soriatu, I will rush over tomorrow."

After cutting off contact with Vermeer, Cassia thought for a while and contacted Waters and asked him to leave today and come over to his side.

Early the next morning, the sounding communicator told Cassia that Vermeer might be here in the evening. Arranged for the meeting place, Cassia took what he asked Phinea and Waters to write like a memoir of a mine base, and set off with Waters.

Half an hour later, in the restaurant across the street, Cassia saw Vermeer waiting alone.

"This is the first step." Cassia said to Waters.

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