Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1333: Three stages of transformation (middle)

  I arrived at the mountain in the evening, but after a few days away, the weather changed the surroundings. Cassia sighed indifferently, dug out the buried things, went down the mountain to carry the necessities and several other jars of blood, and then spread out the soft cushion.

  Like a prayer before going to bed, Cassia closed her eyes and meditated, emptied the excess thoughts in her head, and recalled how she felt during the experiment a few days ago. It was about eleven o'clock in the evening when her mood returned to a calm state. Cassia opened her eyes and looked at the night sky, took a few deep breaths, and then sat up and moved for a while.

  The dragon blood was injected at twelve o'clock. The first few times I felt strange. After six or seven times, the feeling of concentration from the previous period finally returned. At a frequency of once every two minutes, Cassia will not change this time afterwards. One is to allow the body to adapt. On the other hand, Cassia believes that from this moment on, it is not only necessary to observe the changes when entering the scaly state, but also to pay attention to the situation in the scaly state.

   has always regarded this feeling as a mysterious sixth sense. Cassia can clearly know in her heart that when she enters the third stage, she will not be like other people. There should be huge changes both physically and mentally. It's okay to have a third dream, even if it isn't, for some reason, seeing some illusions, just like the first time invading Cassiehe's spirit through the swallowing method.

  I'm not sure that the probability is 100%, but Cassia has a strong feeling that this will happen.

  The next afternoon, in less than a day, Cassia had used up two cans of concentrated blood. Correspondingly, the mastery of the whole body information went smoothly to about 85%. The body feels swelling to a certain extent, as if every piece of flesh and blood is full of some kind of material, trying to break through the restraints and break out of it.

  I don't know if it is good or bad, Cassia chose to stop for a few hours at this time to rest, and also think quietly.

When the total amount of information on changes in the organs and tissues when they reach the scaly state reaches 95%, it should be tomorrow. What needs to be done at this stage is to continuously use dragon blood. Just keep accumulating data. How should the next five percent be handled? Cassia turned to this question. Is he a little too eager?

  Sometimes, Cassia thought that he stayed in the late stage of the second stage for a long time, compared to his previous speed. On the other hand, he himself is afraid that he, who has no experience and no guidance, should slow down at this important moment. But these contradictory ideas may have been useful in the past. After listening to the various news brought by Hesley, the influence of this contradiction has indeed plummeted.

  A mentality that doesn’t care much.

  Cassia has always understood what his strengths are. It was not the forces that Delya and Waters helped them manage. Although it has taken shape initially and the art of artillery and artillery shells are available, in a few months, the power will usher in the spring of rapid growth and expansion in advance. But in contrast to the enemies or competitors that Cassia has drawn up, their role is sometimes very small.

  In the next year or two, they still have to rely on their ability to exceed the horizontal line to help Delya and Waters open up a general path. Leave the details to them, but the troubles and obstacles along the way need to be solved by themselves.

  In this small country, in the end, the role of power occupies the majority. Cassia, who was talking to himself, said that at the same time, he collected the test data and information in his head and sorted it out carefully. At nine o'clock in the evening, the test started again.

  The process of reaching about 95% of the total information was very smooth. According to the law of growth, it was exactly one day. It was still evening, and Cassia got up from the soft cushion, and after eating simple food, sat cross-legged and thought.

  At 4 pm, the total amount of information has been reached. Without stopping immediately, Cassia chose to continue the experiment, which continued to the present. As expected, the test in the next few hours is no longer effective. Whether it is self-observation or feeling, Cassia can clearly know that the changes in organ organization have been captured, and there are no aspects left. It's just that there is something missing in it that hasn't been discovered. Cassia thinks that it should be the function of the spirit-where he did not notice, there is some substantive spirit doing the work it should do. It's like opening your eyes, and the surrounding scenes naturally appear in your head. This was originally a matter of course, but what Cassia has to do now is to carefully dissect the various details and processes that are taken for granted.

  Considering some time, at 11 o'clock in the evening, Cassia continued to experiment. It's just that the purpose becomes to simply accept the data in an all-round way and continue to impact their own spirit. At first, there were some effects, and then an instinctive reaction was formed. The memory of the surgeon makes Cassia very aware of the various changes in the organs and tissues when they enter the scaly state. Whenever he is ready to receive this information, the data that already exists in his head will come out before one step, leading to later The experiment also lost its The next morning, Cassia had to end the experiment and think about other methods. With a little time left in the middle, Cassia used the information to try to control the various organs and tissues in turn, just like controlling the heart. The effect achieved can roughly reach about 80% of the scaly state. After completing the linkage control of the whole body, this effect has some improvement. Eighty-five percent strength, which is the conclusion drawn by Cassia after testing.

"The linkage of fine control is completed, and it can reach a very good level in normal conditions. Comparing the scaled state, setting aside the remaining 15% difference, the difference between the two is brought about by the black scale. Defensive power and the combat methods given by the tail have been enriched. And in terms of the tolerable explosive strength, the scaly state should also be higher. In summary, in normal times, I need to pay attention to many things, such as bullets, explosions, and collisions. Wait. But you don't need to consider these in the scaled state. Then in actual combat, the scaled state is still close to about 25% higher than usual."

  "The experiment is considered to be over today, and it will no longer have any effect after that. The next plan..." The diary-like record stopped here, and Cassia took a deep breath.

  He already had a seemingly feasible solution in his mind, but that was what he thought. It's just that at this time, the person who knows his state best is himself.

  Try this method tomorrow morning, rest tonight, and be prepared for all aspects. Cassia comforted herself, lying on the soft cushion, and fell asleep completely.

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