Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1334: Three stages of transformation (part 2)

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I woke up naturally in the morning at 9 o'clock in the morning. There was mist and a slight wind, and the temperature dropped a few degrees overnight. After patted off some thin ice on her body, Cassia re-sit on the soft cushion after warming up her body, thinking about what she thought was feasible from the beginning to the end.

A stronger impact is needed. This is the idea that Cassia has always insisted on. If there is enough time, Cassia believes that he will naturally enter the third stage at some point. But it can't wait for that long unknown time, and can only give the body a signal from other paths to wake up the things lurking inside.

At the beginning of the experiment, Cassia made many guesses about the situation in the third stage. After more than ten days of experimentation, he also faintly understood that other people's experiences had no room for reference for himself or for reference. At best, it can be used as information to know the situation of other people. As for itself, it seems to be of no use.

After filtering many conjectures, Cassia finally decided on the direction and chose the creature closest to him as a reference. Of course, the reason why I became in this state has also become an important clue-in the first dream, Sukarius' swallowing method and self-controllable rejection. Later, the giant whale method obtained from Linna also became an important factor in changing himself.

You need to start from these three aspects. Cassia took this clue to remember the information about dragons checked in the military school, plus what Sukarius said when introducing the swallowing method-dragons can be completed in advance by devouring the same kind. Own growth.

"My state at the moment is similar to that of a juvenile dragon, and the difference may only be in form. The difference in normal times is more, but in the scaly state, except for the lack of wings, the appearance is indeed different. It is essentially already very close."

Cassia is ready to try to use the devouring method to complete the preparation before a powerful impact. After absorbing the eight jars of concentrated blood in the scaly state, the body's state can reach a peak that can be reached. During this period, the energy in the three solid red mercury can be transferred as much as possible.

And from the second dream, through the scenes seen in that space, Cassia roughly guessed that the relationship between the giant whale and the dragon does not seem to be a relationship between friends. The two stand on opposite sides, whether there is a balance between them, Cassia does not know, but only from the attack methods of the two and the effects of their respective methods, a kind of breath that is extremely high temperature can instantly melt the alloy. ; A kind of freezing gas with abnormally low temperature, which can freeze everything in a large area around it in a very short time. If two completely opposite forces are triggered in the body at the same time, can they create a force that breaks certain bonds?

When I went to the uninhabited area of ​​the volcano, this was the case after swallowing the red crystal. The biggest reason for entering the second dream is probably from this. Cassia is very sure that it will lead to the third dream, but also because of this. He himself hopes so, whether it is a dream or an illusion, he can see some wonderful things. It contains important information. So far, Cassia, who has not been exposed to the strange words that Shake can interpret, is not clear about the importance of these information, but in a certain period of time, they will definitely have an effect.

After opening all the eight alloy jars and placing them, Cassia first entered a scaly state, and used his claws to break the scales on his hands. After cutting out several wounds, this artificially controlled the wounds not to heal immediately. Still feeling the pain, Cassia took a deep breath, and when he exhaled, it seemed to empty the air in the body, and the mist in front of the body was blown, forming several small tornadoes that slowly turned.

No longer thinking about other things, when his breathing returned to calm, Cassia put his hands in an alloy pot.

The swallowing method is activated, and the blood without any taste suddenly emits a strong fragrance at this moment. It was an alluring smell that had been permeating the surroundings without knowing it. You don't need to think about it yourself. At this time, the body is like a highly automated machine. From the wound, there is a wonderful feeling of concentrated dragon blood entering the body.

The blood in the alloy jar decreases at a visible speed. When the liquid level reaches half, the warmth is first generated from several wounds on the arm. Just when Cassia thought this was the sensation produced when the wound was healed under the blood, the warmth spread from the wound to the entire arm.

The chain reaction was opened at this time, and the three solid red mercury in the abdomen were stimulated to some extent, and the same warm current centered on them, spreading to the whole body with the blood circulation. When there was a warm feeling in the sun in the afternoon, the blood in the two alloy jars was swallowed up.

When he was about to put his hand in another jar, the speed of swallowing increased significantly with the appearance of warmth. White mist exhaled from his mouth, and Cassia obviously felt that his breathing became much faster, and the beating of his heart began to be uncontrollable, and the speed began to accelerate as the body temperature increased.

The swelling feeling in the body suddenly appeared when the temperature increased to a certain critical point, so that Cassia had the illusion of becoming huge at this time. The black scales seem to dry up as the temperature rises. On the cold morning in the mountains, the closely-closed black scales unfolded on their own, emitting wisps of steam toward the surroundings.

By the time the blood in the six alloy cans was swallowed, the violent ups and downs could be seen in Cassia's chest, and the ejected air was under pressure. The heat continued to rise, and after just a few breaths, the air around the body had already appeared a little twisted, and the heated air expanded towards the surroundings, dispelling all the fog around Cassia.

Withdrawing his hands from the jar, Cassia found that twisted red lines had appeared on the black scales around the wound. In the blink of an eye, the red lines quickly spread to the whole body, and gradually began to gather toward the chest. The blood boiled in the body, and Cassia heard the sound of them rushing rapidly in his blood vessels. The swelling feeling rose by a level at this time, as if the body was about to burst open, showing a sense of tearing from everywhere.

Without stopping, Cassia stretched his hands into the last two jars. In less than one breathing time, the blood inside was completely swallowed. Marveling at this speed, the red lines gathered an orange palm-sized pattern on his chest. The temperature of the whole body rose suddenly at this moment. In the distorted air, the orange lines on the chest spread towards the surroundings, and then as if burning, the converging lines quickly turned orange into blazing white~www.mtlnovel .com~ It’s just strange that there was no dazzling light as imagined, and the white color began to spread towards Cassia’s throat. The feeling of wanting to spit something has never been so strong at this moment. The black scales all over the body were also affected, and the red lines began to increase for a while, so that all blacks were covered by bright red afterwards.

Trying to suppress this feeling, Cassia pressed her mouth tightly and stared at her hand silently, but didn't notice that in her eyes, the cross pupils did not know when they had expanded and turned completely round bright red. Color pupils come.

The blazing white lines continued to soak the surrounding scales, until the entire chest was stained with this dazzling color, Cassia let out a low roar, and activated the giant whale method.

The moment the idea of ​​the giant whale method appeared, layers of white snowflakes began to replace those red lines, and the temperature began to drop rapidly at the same time. But the temperature difference does not seem to be able to effectively offset, and the two different forces have conflicted. In the crackling sound, cracks instantly spread all over the black scales of the whole body, and the uncontrollable force immediately collided in the body, splashing out with light blue blood towards the surroundings.

"Clang!" At this moment, a huge collision sound like a bell ringing, clear and high, spread through Cassia's head.

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