Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1335: End and Beginning (Part 1)

Latest URL: what's going on! "The slightly old voice was still joking with the assistant beside him a moment ago, and the vibration from under the hard floor almost knocked him to the ground, who was completely unprepared. The wine glasses and bottles on the table fell tumbling. , Shattered to the ground, did not wait for a few people in the hemispherical room to react. At the edge of the room, the dark gray high-grade alloy shield was already under the control of triggering the alarm, rising from the surroundings like petals, and it would change in the blink of an eye. The domed glass wall is completely wrapped.

The red alarm indicator light began to flash crazily at this moment, and the harsh buzzing alarm sound could not be artificially eliminated for a while. Feeling that the whole room was sinking into the protective structure under the ground under the control of the alarm protection mechanism, the mechanically synthesized sound finally sounded.

"Red alert! Red alert! All personnel immediately return to the inside of the shield and close all entrances and exits in one minute!"

The siren sounded three times in a row, and several people in the room had gone to their posts to collect all the things currently happening through the colored magnetic panels.

"Control room! Control room! What's the situation? All observing airships were forced to super-accelerate to high altitude at the same time!" Dozens of huge airships outside are now all spreading out a blazing white rotating spire at the top. The top of the aircraft accelerated dozens of spirals behind it, and the resulting high-temperature air flow had enveloped the entire airship, flying diagonally toward the high altitude with overload.

"Hurry up and clear the alarm, otherwise we will enter the deep blue field in a few minutes! This is an observation body, which cannot withstand the strong wind in the deep blue field! Control room, please pay attention to eliminate the alarm as soon as possible, and cancel the forced lift-off of each airship Control program!"

"There are still a few minutes, we will think of a way. Please report all your observations immediately. All ground agencies have all sunk under the ground under warning, we will find a way to contact the Holy See, now only they have the ability to remotely disarm the alarm . Once again warn that we are being disturbed by strong inductance phenomena,,, please,,,, observation,,, situation records,,,”

It took less than a minute before and after, and the still smooth connections were all disconnected under strong interference at the same time. Correspondents in different places began to try all means to contact the control room and contact other members who were experiencing the same situation. But after a simple attempt, they found that the interference had penetrated into the interior of the monitoring airship and burned some of the communication equipment. The components come.

"Captain! The communication facilities have been damaged due to the strong inductance phenomenon and cannot be used at this time!" In the cabin of the airship, the local radio network has not been destructively damaged and can still work normally. The captain immediately issued an order for immediate maintenance, and was about to ask about other aspects of the current airship, but was interrupted by an exclamation.

"Captain! Captain! You'd better come and have a look right away." There was too much surprise in the voice. The speaker looked out of the observation window nervous but extremely curious, as if he had seen the miracle mentioned in the book. . In other words, the sight he saw at the moment was a miracle.

"What's the situation!" The captain had already faintly guessed the reason why the airship was forced to lift off. Because this mechanism has only been developed in the last one or two years, and has become a program written into the analysis machine. He knew the alarm mechanism very well, "We must immediately find a way to pass all the information back to..."

When he walked to the observation window, the captain stopped immediately when he was about to finish. A layer of pale red light was printed on his face, and a burning sea was reflected in those pupils with solemn expressions!

Masses of huge bubbles rushed up frantically from the bottom of the sea, and the bottom material was stirred, and the sea water was dyed red at a visible speed. The stuff in the bubbles is no longer their usual ultra-high temperature gas. At this moment, it has become a mass of heavy material. As it spreads on the sea, it burns violently when it encounters air. The flame's burning spread very quickly, like a drop of oil falling on the calm water, spreading across a very wide range in an instant.

In the visible field of vision, the captain saw the only islands in this sea area and was instantly covered by flames. He was thinking about the control room not to have any danger when there were bursts of blood vessels suddenly jumping up on his forehead.

"Everyone is ready for the impact!" He nearly pulled the people around him and threw them onto their seats. The captain sat back to his position. When he was about to command the airship to fly again, the rumbling voice had already spread. Into the ears. At this moment, the cab that was full of multiple alarm sounds suddenly became quiet. Immediately afterwards, everyone's sights began to shake, and the airship lost control in an instant.

"Sad!" The captain firmly grasped the handle beside him, and the sound of the cracking observation window was caught by the only one of him.

On the other side, a place far away. Here is a wide flat ground, with several tall buildings of forty or fifty stories standing on the side. Beside the tall building is a huge airship airport full of large and small shock-absorbing devices. At this moment, more than dozens of airships of various sizes are landing and taking off here.

It was as lively as usual, but at a certain moment, the harsh siren was sounded, and nearly 30 working vehicles emerged from the building beside the tall building, enclosing a corner of the airport at a very fast speed. It was an all-concrete ground less than four to five hundred meters square. As the alarm sounded, on a diagonal path, the ground about fifty meters wide began to sink The metal arc slowly rises.

At the end of the track, a platform was spinning at roughly the same speed. On the platform, a triangular-shaped aircraft is aligning its sharp nose at the direction in which the orbit extends as the platform rotates. At the same time, dozens of manipulators on both sides of the platform, under the control of the program, are checking the status of the aircraft using standard procedures. In less than a minute, after the inspection was completed, the joints of more than a dozen tubes were accurately connected to various positions of the aircraft under the traction of the manipulator, and several important modular parts were also controlled by the manipulator. Orderly install into various parts of the aircraft.

"How long will the Pope be here? Are you sure you received the news that you don't need a pilot, you only need to prepare the corresponding model of aircraft?" On a certain floor of a building, dozens of people looked at the corner of the airport. Someone once again confirmed the order they received, "At the same time, the preparatory plan was started, and the order directly issued by the Holy See did not go through any other institutions. It must be ensured that there will be no problems at each step!"


"Here is... beyond the deep sea..."

"Sure enough, it became like this..."

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