Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1352: Mutual assistance (below)

Latest website: Kassia was standing at the fork in the passage. When the thin man came out from behind the airlock, another man also came from the other end of the passage.

"Hello, Mr. Soriatu." The man who just came over said, "You can call me Bennett. The one who brought you here is my assistant, called Zagarwal."

Cassia nodded politely, "Hello, Mr. Bennett, and Mr. Zagarwal."

"Don't be so polite, I think we will see each other often in the future." Bennett smiled. "Because of certain things, the head of this laboratory base, Professor Mosier, wants to see you. He is already here. The conference room is waiting. I think Mr. Soriatu, if you have any questions, you can get answers after you go."

Without asking too much, the low voice had already told Cassia about this, and he saw the two sitting in the conference room. Seeing Cassia's silence, Bennett turned around to signal to follow him, and walked straight to the conference room.

The passage where Cassia and Bennett are at this moment is like a main road, with many branch roads connecting it. At the end of the third fork in the conference room, after passing through a brand new pneumatic gate, you can enter a spacious room, nearly forty square meters in size. It has a sense of technology. The walls are inlaid with metal plates. Apart from a large bronze bell, there are several exquisite landscape art paintings. The room is roughly a square with a round table in the middle. Water is ready on the round table, and there are stacks of printed materials.

Professor Ke Mosier, who Bennett said, was sitting at the round table, his middle-aged transitioning to old age, his hair was a little bit gray, and his wrinkles climbed onto the energetic face. She was fat, her complexion was ruddy, besides her kind feeling, she was wise and steady.

"Hello, Mr. Soriatu." Cassia walked into the room, but Professor Mosier stood up to say hello, waved his hand, and motioned Cassia to sit across from him. Zagarwal took the door of the meeting room, then went to the pile of materials and took a copy, put it in front of Cassia, and signaled that it would be better to look at this material before the conversation began.

The materials are all printed color pictures, taken from a fixed angle-the test tube holder, and the glass test tube on it.

Pretending to be completely ignorant, Cassia read the picture carefully, and then looked at the four people opposite.

"You must be very puzzled right now, Mr. Soriatu." But Professor Mosier said, like a test. "Because I'm doing research, I personally don't like going around in circles, so I get to the point here."

"You must be very clear about the things in the photo. The reason why the four of you will come alone every three days is because we need to test each of them individually. The purpose is to find out who uses sound waves. , Use it to detect the surroundings." While talking, Professor Mosier took out a monitoring machine and pushed it to Cassia, "It can capture low-frequency sound waves and high-frequency sound waves at the same time. The sensitivity is not very high, but it captures the Soria diagram. There is nothing wrong with your sonic pulse."

"The first three people, after most of the observation and testing, are not in line with the situation. Even if it is the exclusion method, only Soria is left. Moreover, these machines have feedback that they have detected high The intensity of the sound pulse is enough to penetrate the wall without too much attenuation. This also ensures that our guess is correct."

Cassia stretched out his hand to pick up the monitoring machine, and immediately after the sound wave pulse was sent, a slight vibration came from his hand and the machine in front of Professor Mosir.

Without admitting, but also not denying, Cassia put down the machine and waited for the next words.

"The intensity of the high-frequency sound waves that can shatter the glass test tube is exactly one of the conditions required for my experiment. Therefore, I would like to invite you to assist in the research. Correspondingly, I will personally write one after the assistance is completed. Submit a report to help you personally,..., um, whether you are in a position, promoted, or whatever. In short, this report will definitely provide you with a lot of help."

"Professor, are you so sure that it is me?"

"Human brains can make mistakes, but machines can't lie, Soria. Besides, there are still three such machines."

"I think machines can also do this kind of thing, Professor, there is a special high-frequency sound wave machine." Cassia asked rhetorically. He knew that when he entered the laboratory base, he walked into the trap and didn't even know it. It's just that he wants to know more, because the impression left by the experiment is not very good. Of course, I secretly remind myself to be more careful in the future, especially in places like laboratories. The number and types of inspection machines in these places will not be small.

"If there is, we won't be sitting here together at this moment." But Professor Mossier said that after seeing Cassia acquiesce, he continued his own words, "Let’s explain. A lot of research and scientific results, in hundreds of It has been thoroughly studied in a few years. Even if the technology is blocked at the beginning, no information is leaked. But more than ten years, decades later, starting from all aspects, latecomers can always get a lot of information. Through this information, After decades of deduction, the desired result can be obtained. No technology can be kept secret forever, and only continuous new research can form a technical barrier."

"It's like the smelting and manufacturing of high-grade alloys. The ratio of various elements and the temperature range required for the treatment process are no longer a secret. But until now, there are still many factories, even small countries, that can't make it. Because. The equipment and machines fail to meet the requirements. Why do they fail to meet the requirements, because the technology of the machines cannot support them to produce qualified things. Such a chain of loops will cause something to be manufactured, which will involve one Blockbuster areas."

"And the research situation at this laboratory base is roughly like this. Don't just go to the black market to buy these machines. Things that can be solved by money are not counted in many cases. It is just like breathing. It is boring and simple."

"As a member of the organization, I think this is also my honor, and I can help." After thinking about it, Cassia said. But Professor Mosier explained it clearly, and he was paid very well for assistance. This is exactly what Adolf and Trevikang want to see, "But I don't know if I can really meet your requirements, professor, and I want to know what needs to be done?"

"Thanks in advance to Mr. But Professor Mosier said that his face was full of expected expressions. "It's very simple. Just stand next to the machine and emit high-frequency sound waves. Leave it to us. Each time lasts about half an hour, so after a month and a half, I think I will help it. "

"It's that simple?"

"Research is to try every means to achieve one condition after another, whether right or wrong, one by one experiment, and finally get the results. And the researchers rely on their own brains and knowledge to minimize the number of wrong experiments." Professor Mosier smiled, as if enlightening his students, "By the way, if there are no other questions about this, let's move on to another topic."

"Regarding the purpose of organizing the establishment of various laboratory bases, as well as several plans. Becoming the protection personnel of the laboratory base warehouse, it shows that the organization has assumed that you have the right to know these things."

"In fact, the number of warehouse protection and administrators has never been large." Bennett interjected at this time. "Protecting and managing warehouses is an established process that only exists within an organization."

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