Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1353: Uranium, Destiny, and the Great God Declaration (Part 1)

The latest website: "Laboratory bases are never open to peripheral members of the organization. To say that they are peripheral members can be understood as being unsatisfied in their strength to know these things, or they have not been tested within the organization, and it is uncertain whether they can be identified as It is harmless to the organization. In other words, even if this member leaves the organization in the future, with his head and thinking, he will not disclose what he knows at will."

"That should be very dangerous. Whenever you know what information, you can go on step by step without problems. But people are curious, so there are never fewer people who kill themselves." Cassia continued, " There should be no problem with this understanding."

Bennett's characteristic head: "No problem. The organization sent you over to manage and protect the warehouse. One of its purposes is to let us be the guide to tell you these things."

"The necessary information is definitely not as much as you think, Soriatu." But Professor Mosier continued. This kind of thing has been done ten years ago, but every time I explain this information to a new member, Professor Mosier always feels excited. Because it is really exciting.

"First of all, Soriatu. Do you know the ultimate alloy?" After receiving a nod, Mosier showed an expected look. "One of the purposes of the laboratory base is to make the ultimate alloy. Alloys. Ultimate alloys actually have no special characteristics that need to be studied. The three giant countries helped us to study them hundreds of years ago. It has extremely stable properties, and its hardness is the highest among all metals and alloys. Armor made of it can hardly be damaged by thermal weapons. Even if the three giant countries each have weapons to deal with high-level surgeons, the huge power of the super alloy can be offset. At present, except from ancient times Except for some things excavated from the ruins, nothing can be harder than it. While having hardness, it also has excellent energy conduction properties. Heat, cold, electricity, etc., are used in ultra-super alloys. There is almost no loss in transmission."

"But these characteristics are not enough to support the name'Ultimate'. The ability to let energy radiate out under artificial control is one of its terrible points. Substantial spirit is the key to control. Regarding various pneumatic weapons, Sori You should not be unfamiliar with Yatu. Just think of the ultimate alloy weapon as an upgraded version of the gas weapon. However, the ultimate alloy weapon is in your hands, at best, it is hard and sharp. At the point of energy dissipation, you If you don’t use it, you need to reach a certain stage of surgery and start learning to use the induction force field.”

"Uh, ..., it seems to be elsewhere." But Professor Mosier did not have an awkward look on his face. "Because of these characteristics, the preciousness of the ultimate alloy can be imagined. The whole posterior continent. , As long as the powers and countries that have access to the raw materials are committed to manufacturing the ultimate alloy. But in terms of results, at present, except for the Santorage Empire, which can purify the ultimate alloy to 100% and turn it into the ultimate metal, There will be no other countries and forces."

"The current achievement of the organization is to achieve a purity of 95%. If there is a refinement ranking, the organization will be second. The Ocean Common Country and the Flame Alliance are almost tied for third, with a purity of about 856%. As for other forces and small countries, sixty to seventy percent is good." Bennett continued, full of pride, "This is the current strength of the organization and one of the reasons why the organization can obtain huge resources. Many countries and forces will trade with organizations to exchange large amounts of money and resources for extremely pure alloys with a purity of 195%, which are used to make weapons, armors, and important parts of certain machines, such as steam on airship mother ships. The control valve spool of the furnace."

"All in all, the use of Ultra Alloy is very, very wide, and they are all on some extremely important machines. It is almost impossible to touch such machines in normal times."

"Just like Bennett said, the purification process of ultra-extreme alloys is one of organizational secrets, and it is also the key to supporting the organization's long-term operation." But Professor Mosier continued his own words, "but even this is the case. The technology planted in the post-phase continent is extremely precious, and it also serves the organization's plan."

Speaking of this, Professor Mosier suddenly became silent, even taking Bennett and others seriously. Cassia had a serious face, staring at Professor Ke Mosir. The two seem to be holding a solemn ceremony, without a sense of sacredness, but full of invisible weight.

"Soriyatu, you were born in a small country like us." With a certain tone, Professor Mosier was not asking Cassia, "This gap between the three giant countries, There is still a huge territory. Almost hundreds of small countries exist in this gap. Perhaps because of becoming a surgeon, Soriatu, your own life has become very good. But sometimes, do you have Want to change the current situation of these small countries in the past? Or, have you specifically learned about the situation in small countries?"

"The three giant countries are like three rulers, and every small country dare not challenge them. As long as the three rulers move, these small countries will be afraid for a long time. This is a gap derived from a simple comparison of strength. Cross-domain gap. Normal times may be fine, but whenever the three giant countries enter a war period, this gap is often defaulted as a buffer line, and then it will become the main battlefield in the early stage of the war. In the three rulers In my eyes, these small countries have almost no value. Whether they exist or destroy, they cannot have any impact on them."

"However, this is just the idea of ​​the three rulers. Let's not mention the things during the war, the normal period, the limitations of technical research, and the routine inspections and registration surveillance of high-level surgeons, etc., very early, very early. It has violated the bottom line of too many countries before. And, because of the cracks, many family powers in the three giant countries also use this crack as their back garden. Soria Tu, you don’t know very well, because Not in the research circle. But as far as we are concerned, every year, many people are captured as business objects. Countries in war, some war orphans, or people who have lost their homes are captured as childhood training. It’s a normal thing for a war machine to become a test subject. In terms of biological research, living humans are probably the most suitable carrier. It just so happens that small countries are like fungus beds in a petri dish, and they can provide them without restriction. The carrier is for the three rulers to choose. In the past, there were people specializing in this kind of business in a small country, but they were later pulled out by the organization. And there, as a woman, and a woman with a beautiful face, often herself It's a disaster that cannot be quelled."

Cassia could not fully understand the heaviness in Professor Mosier's But as a commoner, he knew the identity gap between nobles and commoners in the small city. Only the empire has the most basic security and public order. In peacetime, only the circle of surgeons will have endless battles. And the more powerful the family, the stricter the control over the members of the family will be. This may be why the empire looks calm and safe.

At this point, Professor Mosier's tone also slowed down.

"You have to make some changes, but for a long time, no one has succeeded. In other words, in the first batch of people, they have no idea in which direction they want to go. However, if you want this kind of thing, look for it carefully. There will be a little light. We don’t know the specific time. This is also a secret within the organization. But we know clearly that one day long ago, the organization was born in a small country and gave birth to a project that took a long time. To serve it and finally reach a plan."

"Lighting Project." But Professor Mosier said seriously, with a look of yearning. "From the beginning of the organization, regardless of the generations of members, they are very convinced that when the plan is successful, they can definitely be in this gap. , To build a safe paradise belonging to small countries."

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