Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1365: Boss (on)

   How long did it start to rain? No one remembers the exact time. It has been going on for almost a week, and many people are looking forward to the end of winter soon, but the continuous spring rains waiting to come did not appeal to many people. On the contrary, the humid climate has not yet fully warmed up, and the colder temperature than winter makes people start to miss the good winter.

   At least you can see the dazzling sunlight. You can lay a soft cushion and lie on the grass comfortably to bask in the sun until evening. What I miss is this situation. During the spring rain, staying outside for a little longer, I feel that I will be damp and covered with mold.

  Ghana City, a medium-sized city in the Principality of Yingans, has been shrouded in this endless drizzle for a long time. The ground was wet, full of yellow mud brought from the muddy road outside the city, sticky and sticky, and could not be washed away by this powerless rain.

   The city of Ghana is surrounded by four circular roads, forming four areas as divided by wealthy classes. On the branch road of the third ring road, a piece of low-rise buildings are scattered along the side according to its trend, becoming an area where the middle class and the poor are mixed together. There are many such areas in Ghana City. They form the largest part of the city and enclose the relatively prosperous central area.

   There is no specific name for this branch street because it is more like a small alley in nature. In the afternoon, there are almost no pedestrians on the street. Soon after, a man holding a black umbrella with a lazy face, stepped on the sidewalk flagstones on both sides of the already pitted street, and gradually went to the depths of the street with a sound of "da da".

   The man finally stopped in front of a pub. People nearby said that this tavern was opened by an unknown wealthy woman, because if she had time to squat by the tavern, she could often see people with identities, or beautiful ladies who parked the limo. Next to the garage, he walked in with sorrow, and finally walked out with a smile on his face.

Few people know what is going on inside   . Because it is really just an ordinary tavern, there are colorful lamps on the door spelling out the words "Norman Sven", and the look after entering is no different from other taverns, but the interior space is more spacious.

   The man put away the umbrella at the door, shook the water, and placed it in the umbrella basket by the door. Then he shook his head and looked at the inside of the tavern. Consistently elegant and gentle music, with wider tables and longer counters than other pubs. Today’s business does not seem to be very good, but judging by the situation of this tavern, it may be said that it is a good situation.

   The man went straight to the counter, sat on the high chair, folded his hands on the counter, and then released it again. Then he looked at the bartender behind the counter: "Thank you, a glass of warm water will do."

  The bartender is a man who is nearly 1.9 meters tall, like a memorial statue made of steel. The checkered shirt like a tuxedo can't hide the bulging muscles on his body. It has a square face with a black beard around the chin. It looks like it only takes care of it every two or three days. It looks very lush at the moment. But the expression is very kind, holding the bartender in his hand, he looks like a kind father who is studying children's toys.

The bartender nodded, picked up the glass skillfully, poured half a cup of hot water, and then habitually added three pieces of ice to it: "Ms. Rachel came here this morning. She said that she didn't see you very much. Regret. If you have time, I hope you will contact her as soon as possible."

   The man just picked up the cup and was blowing the heat rising from it. After hearing this, he put down the cup and looked at the bartender.

"There is a communication machine in the store, which can be used at any time." The bartender didn't care about the man's embarrassed face, turned around and counted the various wine bottles on the wooden rack behind him, and then said, "Nothing else was said. Soon, I didn’t even drink. By the way, the limo stopped at the entrance of the tavern. I didn’t see who was driving, but it’s not the same person anymore. Maybe Ms. Rachel changed to a new friend. ."

   "Orchi, you are starting to care about these things." The man took a sip of water.

   "Ms. Rachel is our boss, does the necessary care make sense?" The bartender Olki smiled, "I always thought you wouldn't be here today."

"Why do you think like this?" The man's face changed and became a little gloomy. "Today is the 27th. This is the time I should come. For several years, I have always kept to the time, whether it is a client or us. Own person."

   "Who knows?" Orch shook his head. The man waiting for the answer was obviously dissatisfied with the answer. He continued to lower his head and looked at the rapidly melting ice in the glass. At this time, the bartender Olch came over, pressed his hands on the counter, and stared at the man, "After Ms. Rachel left this morning, someone came over to pay for the consumption. He said you died in a rental room three days ago. Inside, the body was chopped into two pieces."

   "So you believe it?" The man looked at Olki's face.

   Orch stood up and waved his hand, "Of course I don’t believe it, everyone knows that it must be your substitute. Besides, the other party is a newcomer, and I don’t know that some conditions are normal. But well..."

Orch sighed at this time, as if the fuel was about to run out. The old farming machine parked at the edge of the field sprayed the last puff of black smoke, "This is the third time. Think about it, three days... , In four days, three different people told me the same thing. They all said that you were dead, and the body was chopped into two pieces, some were blown to the head by a shot, and the neck was directly broken. This is not normal, you know? Otherwise, Ms. Rachel would not make a special trip over to the tavern and would like to see you here."

   "You must know that Ms. Rachel is very distinguished, and she never said a word to us."

   The man didn't reply, he just looked at the wine glass in front of him. Olch closed his mouth when he saw the man's silence. After a short while, Olch opened his mouth again, "The Association is very concerned about This is what Ms. Rachel said. She hopes you can tell the Association what you know."

"Orchi, if I knew anything, I would contact the association directly a week or two ago, and I would never let the matter reach Ms. Rachel's ears. The problem is, now and at the moment, I don't know anything. You, and Ms. Rachel, think I know something, but I don’t want to tell the association.” The man’s emotions were obviously a little agitated, “Damn it, this is a loop that can’t get around. Why is it my management area? These things happen!"

   Orch was not moved by what the man said, "Some people say that you have met the so-called ‘boss’ and you have been talking for a long time."

   "What!" The man raised his head and looked at Orch, "I now say that the Principality of Inance will be attacked by the Far Sea Common State in two days and will be destroyed within one day. Do you believe it?"

Orch shrugged, "In this era, anything can happen. I believe and hope that it will really die in two days. In short, there are only a few things I can help you, and you can bring it up when you need it. Pull Ms. Cheer won’t give you a long time. You'd better find enough evidence to prove that you are clean during the period, otherwise what happened in the last ten days, especially the death of Master Holden last week, even if they haven’t As a result, in the end, someone has to stand up and say-okay, okay, these are all I did, you hang me. You know the stakes better than me. But maybe it’s the same as you said. You don’t know anything. But luck will fall on whoever falls. Those in the association don’t care about luck, they just care about who should stand up and take the gun."



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