Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1366: Boss (middle)

"Do you understand what I mean? Someone foresaw the difficulty of this matter, and foreseeing that it will not have a result in the end, so from now on, many people have begun to prepare two routes for themselves. One is to thoroughly investigate , How did it happen, how did it develop, and what it eventually evolved into. The other route is you, Wells." The bartender Olch looked at the man, "Many people can do it in these two routes. They have the right to do so if they choose. But you alone cannot. You can only do everything you can to find enough evidence to prove that you are clean. Or, you can sort it out in these days and let the people of the association Understand and convince them that the whole thing was caused by bad luck for you."

   "However, as I said just now, they don't care about luck. A few people stand there, either with conclusive evidence in front of you, or you are dressed in formal clothes, walk to the hanger, and hang yourself."

The man Wells drank the warm water down his stomach, got down from the high chair, and took out a stack of folded documents in his coat pocket, about dozens of them, and placed them on the counter. Information." After speaking, the man walked to the pub door.

"Hey, Wells." Orch put away the pile of materials and shouted to the man, "If you need help, just speak up. Ms. Rachel did not immediately let people control you, which means that the matter is currently There is still room for turnover. Also, as a friend, I sincerely advise you not to have other ideas."

   The man turned his head, "I'm not going to run, Orchi, don't worry." After saying that, he took a big step and went to the umbrella basket to take the umbrella. After opening it a few steps, he disappeared from Orchi's sight.

Putting the cup away, Olch turned around and was about to go to the kitchen. The other two men had already stepped out of the inside and stood at the door, “It’s a good job. You need to continue to do this and support him. Zhong Yu When you go to difficult places, you can report on the 17th link inside the association, and the corresponding contact members will help you as soon as possible."

The tall Olch looks like a child in front of two men who are short and half of their heads. He looks respectful and his voice like a loudspeaker is now completely softened. "This is what I should do. ,Gentlemen."

   Before Olchi finished speaking, the two men turned and walked towards the kitchen. Olch knew that they would leave by "special line", and after thinking about it, he shouted: "Dear Sir, can I ask what happened?"

One of the men turned his head and smiled, “You don’t need to know what you shouldn’t know. Besides, we also follow the orders.” Olch was silent for a while, watching the two disappear behind the secret door of the kitchen and stood. After staying in the same place for half a minute, he started to clean the piled cups.

   On the other side, the man Wells under his umbrella went to the circular main road and walked most of the circle alone. After making sure that there was no one behind him, he went to a small alley to turn over his clothes and put on his clothes. He smeared something on his face, and roughly changed into another person, and continued to walk two to three kilometers. He went to the garage and drove the limo, then left the Ghana city and drove to the major large city of the Principality of Inans in this area.

   was always disturbed on the road, and it was eleven o'clock in the evening that he could barely see the lights of the city ahead. There are several rental houses in the city, but Wells dare not live in them now. Using another identity to find a small hotel, Wells knew he could only spend this way recently.

   After taking a shower, Wells poured himself a cup of warm water according to his habit, sat down in front of the small desk in his pajamas, and began to sort out all the recent events. He didn't remember how long it started, but it happened two and a half weeks ago. At that time, his life was business as usual, following the trajectory, going to taverns in various locations at a fixed time to hand over information. According to the negotiated agreement in the communicator, meet with the customer to discuss the price and completion time. But many things changed soon afterwards. Wells recalled carefully at this moment. After that, he took paper and pen, selected three weeks ago as the starting time, and began to record all the things that could be called clues.

   Three weeks ago, Wells lived like an ordinary person with a stable job. The main activity of each day is to record the information sent from each city base and send it to the people of the association on time. In addition, meeting with customers, meeting with subordinate middlemen in this area, and summarizing some expensive tasks are also in the work day.

   is in charge of a region. Wells has more than 30 subordinates and several secretaries who assist him. A large amount of data is processed every day, all about tasks issued by various customers. After handing over, tracking, and filing after completion, a fixed process has not been known how many times he has gone through it in many years.

"The first signs appeared, probably because of a mission." Wells wrote, "It was sent by a lower-level middleman in the 13th district two days later. I still remember the content of the mission-protecting a noble lady During one week, no harm was allowed. The commission was very high. Although the so-called noble lady was now confirmed to be a forged identity. But at the time, he was not vigilant enough, and he also took a fancy to the three million yuan of the common country currency. In terms of remuneration, after several rounds of audits, this obvious loophole was not found, but all were passed. In the end, the second-level task was positioned according to the task requirements, and it must be taken seriously."

"Because it involves a commission of 3 million yuan, which is a huge expense," Wells recalled, "At that time, I got the contact information from the lower-level middleman and wanted to develop this customer, so I contacted In the past. Very smoothly agreed with the client to meet in a restaurant. Two days later, at the agreed location, I saw a man in a formal dress in this city."

"I was a middle-aged man in his forties, very polite and aristocratic. I just remembered carefully, it must not be his real face, he had put on makeup before coming. I didn't notice it at all, it was my problem. The conversation was very good. It went well. The other party had no objections regarding the commission and agreement of the task. However, I asked a question. From this question, it can be seen that the other party must have investigated the association in advance."

"The other party wants a list of people who can be hired. The reason given is to find people with strong comprehensive strength to protect their young ladies. If possible, they can increase the price and hire more people to complete the protection task. I did not reject the other party’s request, and sent the list on the same day. Soon after, the other party contacted and said the names of three people."

Written here, Wells rubbed his temples, "I have to say that the other party is very discerning, even though the list has marked each member’s level in the association, but since I have been working for nearly ten years, those three The overall strength of the company is indeed the best. The price was negotiated to reach 6 million. I originally thought the task would go smoothly. At that time, I was happy with the half of the commission received. Three days later, the task failed."

"Because this matter has been reported to the association, the loss of three powerful members at a time, not only the commission that has arrived in the account needs to be refunded, but also a large security deposit as compensation for the failure of the mission. According to the established process of the association, this This matter has nothing to do with me. The handling of failed tasks has always been handled by other departments of the association. And this kind of thing is not uncommon within the association. If a task is successful, there will be some tasks for various reasons. Failure. It's just that Master Holden of the Association came to deal with this time."

"I think it was because of the large amount of money involved and the loss of three powerful members that Master Holden came out to investigate this matter. In the past, some people deliberately used missions to set up prepared traps for high amounts An example of defrauding compensation from the commission is probably the same this time. Because after the mission failed, the other party said that no corpse was I thought it was Master Holden and the association sent to assist Holden. The young master’s team will end very smoothly. It’s just less than five days..."

   Wells took a deep breath here, "In fact, I lost contact after two days, and it took another three days before he was judged dead. Not only Master Holden, but also a professional team of six people around him."

"The association attaches such importance, I think it is not only because of the death of Master Hall Duan, but also as a signal. Some people or organizations want to do something with the association, or within the association, because of the recent transfer of power. , Holden looks too obtrusive." These words were not written, Wells started a new piece of paper, "But as far as the investigation so far, there is another news that I am very concerned about. Inians Most of the bounty men and mercenaries in the Principality were absorbed by the association to form a group, and given corresponding treatment and benefits, so that the circle can function normally like a company. However, there are still some people who did not join the association and chose Free identity. As early as three weeks ago, two lower-level intermediaries mentioned it to me, and I confirmed it in the past few days."

"Among these free-identity people, several of them disappeared suddenly. It might explain the past that they were performing some long-term employment tasks, but it's hard to justify the fact that several people are the same. And some of their friends have already Can't reach these people."

   "So I finally came to a conclusion." Based on his nearly ten years of work experience and past events, Wells had an idea, "Other forces have stepped in to screen the captive farm."



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