Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1368: Initial Formation (Part 1)

Latest website: Wells was not hungry, but now he has no appetite. He stared at the man in front of him and said, "It's no use sir that you can find me. I know very little."

The man shook his head and showed a pensive face, as if thinking about how to explain Wells before him, "Wells, you seem to have made a mistake so far. I found you, or you think The'boss' asked me to come and find you, not because you know something or want to get something from you. You know very little. If you want to get some information, go directly to the top of the association. Much faster than you here."

"It's still the same sentence. I came here today. I just want to talk to you. You treat me as an old friend and haven't seen me for a long time. I suddenly found you today and chatted here for a while, so you can understand."

The man looked at Wells, his eyes asking if he understood. Wells nodded and pursed his mouth. Although he didn't understand the man's intention, he could only do so at this moment.

"By the way, you can call me Hesley." The man said, "I have been in the Principality of Inans for almost a month. I had to leave for the next destination right away, but because of other things. After all, small things are often the most time-consuming."

"Hello, Mr. Hesley." Wells remained polite, at least for the moment there is no hostility on the man.

"Let’s talk about the current situation first, Mr. Wells." Hesley ate a bite of food. "You are almost fifty years old this year, although you are definitely young in the ranks of surgeons. I have investigated your relevant information, no Before joining the association, you seemed to be a member of the management department of a small force, who was responsible for the establishment of the force's internal information database. The main thing was to do personnel information. After that, you left from that force and moved to the Principality of Inans. There is a gap of one year in the middle, but after that, you will enter the association and engage in your current job. It is still the management of personnel information, but there are more things than before."

Wells didn't say a word, he was tacitly acquiescing what Hesley had said.

"Mr. Wells, you know that when I read your information for the first time, there were a few pieces of information that surprised me." Hesley showed an unbelievable look on his face, as if something was impacting his recognition. Knowing, "It stands to reason that you have worked in the association for nearly ten years. Even if you are not promoted to the middle and high level, your salary should be increased based on your experience and resume?"

Wells himself was puzzled. He originally thought he was found because of the things that surprised Hesley.

"One and a half million yuan a year in the currency of the common country of the ocean." Wells himself said, "In the association, my position is not less than I think. Because the nature of the work is only processing information, occasionally meeting with customers Meet. Just like meeting you with Mr. Hesley not long ago. There is no danger, there is more leisure time, and every year the association will distribute a batch of medicines to promote the growth of strength according to our personal circumstances. I think, These things may be available in small powers, but they probably need to be the core figures. Other small powers don’t have this kind of medicine at all, and even if they have funds, they can’t find a way.”

"I don't think there is any problem with it, Mr. Hesley, please allow me to say that. Because as far as my strength in the middle of the second phase, I don't have much experience, I want to rely on a big power to eliminate some potential dangers. I think this is all It should."

Hesley showed an expression of "just say it well", and didn't say anything more about this matter.

"Then, Mr. Wells, say something else. What do you think of what we are doing now? Or, you know that the real purpose of the association is to screen. Can you tell me your own opinion? "

"I don't have any opinion. On the contrary, I know too much and worry about myself." Wells replied, "The association will not make any adjustments to me because of what I know. Instead, it will list me as an observation object because of this. Right? I think this is the result. I don’t know why I think this way, but the person will always feel uncomfortable when he is noticed by others. In addition, let’s just talk about the Principality of Inance. In fact, it’s been five years. Before, if I judged that there was no mistake, then someone else would do the same thing as you. In the end, what was the result was probably that the association won, because five years after that, the association still operates as usual Now."

"I don’t know very well what will happen to those who are selected after several years of inspection and screening. But they must be the strongest among the mercenaries and bounty hunters. I think they will definitely enter. I went to the organization that the association belongs to. Isn't it a promotion?"

Like a recorder, Hessley nodded after listening, "It may be high, but it may not be more."

Seeing Wells’s expression, Hesley continued his own words, “As far as the information I have obtained, the information on your association is a large and medium-sized family in Yuanhai Common. As for how long it has sent people to establish an organization like the association, there is no Get information. Do you know Mr. Wells about the operation mode of a family?"

"The operating mode of the family?"

"It seems that you don't know it." Hesley sighed and said, "Anyway, you just have to remember one thing, unless you are particularly good, otherwise no matter what, no matter what decision is made, it is based on blood relationship As the first determining element. A simple example is to assume that two people are exactly the same, one is an internal member of the family, and the other is a foreign recruit. Now there is a position here, and both of them are competent, but the final result, Family members are definitely preferred. In addition to the lack of domestic resources, I don’t have much hope for these so-called excellent candidates. Compared with those in the family who have received good education since childhood, they lack a lot of things. Like a small country. The environment, these excellent bounty hunters and mercenaries can indeed accomplish many tasks brilliantly, because it does not require too much configuration. But having said so much, these situations are also limited to small countries, these people form one The team, colliding with the regular teams of some families, is extremely likely to become fragmented after a few rounds of attack."

"If this is the case, wouldn't the screening of the association be meaningless?" Wells said, "I think since the association has existed for a long time and continues to do this kind of thing, it means that this model must exist. ."

"Of course. Both the bounty hunters and the excellent group of mercenaries are experienced in fighting or handling battles, just like Mr. Wells's handling of personnel information. After training, they can He quickly caught up with most of the members of the family. But the top batch of,,, "Hesley did not speak, "In short, some gaps are indeed related to their own talents. Furthermore, the environment and education within the family have affected them. For decades of members, this kind of influence is the most critical place in my opinion."

Having said that, Hesley looked at the time, "It's almost there. I said it was a conversation, but I just wanted to come over to determine some things. You have already given the correct answer. Then talk about other things, you know we are screening now. These mercenaries and bounty hunters, and I also said, because many things, the level of busyness exceeds our own plan. Therefore, in order to make the time node basically correspond to the plan, we need one or several people here. Come and assist us."

Looking at Wells, Hesley found a handwritten list by the way, and handed it over, "In short, there is a'boss' who wants you to come in and wants to bring you in as a member of us. This list is a reward. , I don’t know if you are clear about some of the above. If you have other questions, you can ask. There is still a lot of time."

Wells glanced at the list, and laughed helplessly, "I don't know why you are fancying me? I mean, this kind of work can be done well by individuals. And for my job, the association is in the UK. The Principality of Ans is divided into nearly 20 districts, which means there are still 20 people like me."

"Luck." Hesley said, "I don't know why. In short, the few bounty hunters we want are in the area you manage. So after all kinds of things, I came to find you. Then can you talk about why several outstanding people are in this area?"

"Mr. Wells, you must not underestimate your own changes in the past ten You can't notice it, it is because this kind of change is potentially accumulated. We found you, there must be Our own reasons. What you need to consider now is to agree or not to agree."

"But before that, I think you can think about your situation. This is not my threat. You know your current situation in your heart. Also, there was a team of people who came to investigate because of the task I entrusted to you. , Don’t know if you know it?"

"Master Holden's team?"

"I don't know his name." Hesley showed a clear look. "It should be them. I didn't do anything with them. I guess it should be a contradiction between the internal personnel of your association. Holden in your mouth became a victim. . And you should be the one who will be used as a finishing touch shortly afterwards."

"Or to put it another way, the upper management of the association must know what you know. It's the fact that someone is picking things in their captivity. I didn't make it clear, probably because of the times and the nature of your association. Some changes. From the selection of personnel, it becomes an operational base in a small country. Some of these involve changes in rights and positions, so it is normal for this to happen. At least around me, fierce competition is often the result. Take life as the final rest."

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