Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1369: Initial formation (in)

"Do you need me to give you time to think about it?" Hesley asked, turning his attention to more than half of the food. "You will leave in two days, during which you can think about it. By the way, I will still Give you a basic information about us. It can help you get to know us roughly, know what it is, what work you need to do if you join in. A brochure like a travel guide, wait until you have asked all the questions. you."

Wells nodded, and after a short silence, he looked up, "Mr. Hesley, from your point of view, if I give your information to the Association, how much chance do I have to prove that I am connected with this Doesn't matter matter?"

Hesley didn't care about the way Wells asked questions, and after thinking about it, he replied: "Almost nothing. From the time Holden in your mouth came to investigate this matter, a plan to take advantage of this situation followed. Also. That is to say, from then on, you, Mr. Wells, have become the destined person for finishing. In order to make the plan go smoothly, the person who made the plan will definitely work **** you. The simplest way is, That is, everything you submit to the association will pass through the hands of the planner."

"Do you think the information you submitted at that time will remain complete and authentic? It will definitely be changed, or the information you submitted will be completely discarded. They will find someone else to falsify some information. In short, this kind of thing will be done. It's very simple, and the other party must have certain power in the association. If you don't have the help of special strength, you can't win this battle. If it is me, now I must be thinking about how to escape, not whether you are You can rely on some collected information to prove that you are clean. I will choose you only because the Hall section just wants to investigate, and he happens to be in the area you manage. So from then on, your ending has been decided. ."

"Mr. Wells, your life is worthless in their eyes. You don't have to think about how to prove that you have nothing to do with the whole thing. Because they won't care about it, as long as the goal is achieved. In addition, I also said that the senior management of the association know that someone is patronizing their captive circle. In short, based on so much information, you can win nothing."

   "Then I don't seem to have a choice." With bitterness, Wells said.

"There are still choices, but every choice has the necessary preconditions. If it can be achieved, there will be more ways to choose." Hessley replied, "You don't need to give me the answer soon. After breakfast, You can walk around, relax, and think about what I said. In addition, the range of activities in the last two days is best not to be too far away from this hotel, otherwise if something happens, I will not be able to rush over."

"Mr. Hesley, can I guarantee my own safety by joining you?" Wells asked sincerely, "I mean, your nature is about the same as that of the association. You are all about finding suitable candidates in various regions. , Recruit them into a huge organization. I really don’t see a lot of things, but I have been diligent and diligent in my work for more than ten years. There is a question here, as far as I know, the power of the association is all over this huge area. Geographically, it covers more than ten countries. As far as the strength of the association is concerned, not to mention the mercenaries and bounty hunters who join, I think it can be very oppressive to anyone, right? In terms of intelligence information, there are also inside the association. Corresponding intelligence department, if you want to find us who left, there will probably be no problems within a few days..."

Halfway through the talk, Hesley expected this to happen, "It can be guaranteed. To be honest, as far as I personally wish, I really don’t want to be an enemy of the Association. The Association has existed in this area for a long time. , Power and relationships have gone deep into many aspects. However, in our plan, there are five small countries that overlap with the scope of the association. How to say, the idea of ​​"boss" in your mouth, for the time being Observe for a period of time. Because we don’t do other things, just fish out a few people from it, and then walk far away. If the association thinks that this kind of thing is fine, of course it’s better. But, if you feel like you The authority of the country has been challenged, and it will definitely be another situation."

"But here I can tell you one thing. In fact, the association is far from being as strong as you think. It can even be said to be very fragile. You can look at the association like this. It is simply an organization used for screening. At first there might be reinforcements from the Yuanhai Common Country family. But now, last week, the'boss' sent a message that he tracked down to the headquarters of the association and took some time to explore it several times. The message to me is Don't worry, everything will do as planned."

Hesley paused here, "At the headquarters of the association, the people left behind are just a team of fifteen people. That is to say, if the association wants to do it without any support from the upper family, their backbone These are the mercenaries and bounty hunters who have joined the association. They are not on the same level at all. Compared with the regular teams in the family, the status quo of mercenaries and bounty hunters in small countries is like this. So in terms of safety, you are done. You can rest assured. Furthermore, in the plan, although some areas overlap with the scope of the association, when you choose to expand later, those areas that do not overlap must be given priority. Mr. Wells, if you join in, work The environment or the location will be brand new."

"I hope you can give yourself a new start." After saying that, Hesley found out a stack of brochures and handed it to Wells. "This is the basic introduction. We are in the arms business and are beginning to expand ourselves. The base and business. The general work in the future is nothing more than the contact on the business network and the protection of the The last is a line of radio frequencies. Within two days, you can contact at any time if you think about it. I."

   Putting away the brochure, Wells said thank you, "I will consider it carefully, and thank you for seeing me."

"Remind, there are only two days. After you came out of the tavern, I cleaned up the people behind you. The association is probably searching for your trace now. I think they will be able to find you in two days. But the association You will know more about the situation yourself. You can grasp this time yourself. If you don’t receive a communication within two days, I will leave. Even if you contact me later, you will never return to the Principality of Inance."

   "I see." After speaking, Wells thanked him again, and then left with the dinner plate.

   Hesley watched Wells walk into the elevator, only then sighed, speeding up to eat the leftover food. Soon after, he went to the underground garage of the hotel and contacted him in the car.

   "Go to the next destination in two days, the last person is still under consideration."

"I almost use my life as a bet. I will definitely be cautious. I hope that it will be good news in the end. My side is going well, and I will check the strength of the remaining people later. If appropriate, I can go there soon. The next destination."

   "In matters of the Association,,,," Hesley added a sentence in due course.

"I guess the teams that stay behind have received information from their families. Judging from their performance, they either make them wait for support, or they don’t make any statements or participate in the various chaotic things in recent times. However, no matter what. The situation is not important, and the association is not a threat."



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