Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1374: Confluence (Part 1)

Brod's body jumped on the ground because of the shock. He sat up forcibly, and under the light of the flare, he did not know when, without any notice, lying beside him. It can't be said that they are close to each other, but the distance is definitely within the limit for any surgeon.

   was frozen in place, the feeling of tiredness affected Broad's reaction ability and senses. When he remembered to draw a gun and hold a tactical knife, the man on the side just raised his hands, and everything he wanted was on those hands.

"You'd better lie down and rest. I have no malice. If you want to kill you, you will be a corpse on that street." The man beside him said, "Because of your wrong judgment, we are tens of kilometers away from the city. I have to run back in a while." The man looked over, "One hour and seventeen minutes, endurance is fair."

   Broad looked forward sluggishly, the wilderness was dyed light red by the flare. Lie down without listening to the man's words, but he also made no other movements. Unlike myself, when I looked at the man just now, the natural face, as well as the gentle breathing and heartbeat I noticed at this moment, all proved that the people around him didn't seem to be exhausted.

   It is not so much consumption, it is better to say that running for more than an hour is just a warm-up exercise for men. Knowing the fact, Brod hummed himself a few times, as if laughing at himself, his seated body banged and then leaned back, weighing heavily on the soil.

"Did they hire you?" After a while, after Brod's breathing recovered more than half, he said, "I don't think that thing will allow them to do so. Your price will never be cheap, probably More than ten million sacred coins. I am not worth the price."

"what did you say?"

"It's easy for you to kill me. But you didn't do this, probably because you wanted to make me realize the gap through these actions." Brod said to himself, "Well, I realized it, very profound Realized. If you don’t kill me, you probably want to take another sum of money from me, as money to buy your own life. Mercenaries and bounty hunters are doing this kind of thing, especially when it involves super Missions at long distances. Eight million holy coins, I can only get so much."

"However, they are really willing to spend so many holy coins to buy my life, which I did not expect. I always thought that when they came to a small country and disappeared, all the previous things would be cleared away." Gu sighed, Broad's whole person seemed to be cheerful at this moment, and it seemed to be completely cut off from the past.

   "Are you born in an empire?"

"Huh?" Brod replied reflexively. After he heard something was wrong, he immediately sat up and looked at the man beside him. He seemed to notice something from the smiling face, "What do you mean? You and the Chesnow family did not Relationship? Not someone they hired?"

The man nodded, "How can I explain it to you? Anyway, wait a few minutes. When the other two come over, I think you can understand it soon. I am just surprised that you are born in an empire. I have not got any information about this. . But, taking advantage of this rare time, we can talk about other things, such as the Chesno family in your mouth." After patting the ground, the man signaled that Broad should lie down better.

   In the end, he lay on the ground, but Brod didn't speak, as if he didn't want to talk.

   "Is the Chesno family famous? I didn't seem to have heard of this surname when I was in the Empire."

"Not well-known, it is an absolute ruler of darkness in a large area, and it is closely related to all walks of life there, the dark world, whether it is on the bright side, including the management departments of various cities, etc. An inseparable connection. If you understand the empire in the hereditary Marquis family, you should understand the weight."

"Marquis, it's no wonder that I can't remember. I originally thought that I hadn't gone back for a while and remembered the family names incorrectly." The man sighed, but not for the marquis's title, but for more than a year, recalling The information of the empire has some doubts.

Broad smiled, "Yes, Marquis." Full of doubts and a sense of mockery of the man's contempt, "It seems that you haven't stayed in the empire for a long time. It seems that the Marquis was crushed by the big family above. , But in the eyes of other forces and families, a hereditary marquis is a mountain, insurmountable."

   "I agree with you, then can you tell me why this Chesno family hired me..., suppose they hired others to hunt you down? It shouldn't be, since it's the Marquis family, don't even have this power?"

   "No,,, you,,,," Brod felt that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong at this time. He sat up again and looked at the man beside him, "Sir, I think..."

"You can call me Soriyatu, but you still have to call me'Boss' later, so just call me the boss. As for'Soriyatu', just know it." Cassia looked at Bu Rod, smiled, "Lie down better. The other two will arrive in a few minutes. It's a pleasant surprise. You will understand when you see them."

  Broad then lay down again, because it was really much more comfortable. However, he was silent and did not speak.

"You killed someone in the Chesno family, and that person is still important?" Cassia continued, "However, there is something wrong with this speculation. If the dead person is important, then there is definitely protection around him. With you Judging from the current strength, it seems that there is no way to deal with the protection of those people. Is it because of your own identity? It makes the Chesno family hesitate to send people directly from within the family and need to hire bounty hunters?"

"Another point, you seem to know the Chesno family well, and you can hear it in your words. I feel like this." Cassia continued, "Are you from the Chesno family?" Brod on the side had a subtle reaction. , "However, since you don't want to talk about it, forget it."

"Kill a person with heir status." After a while, Brod took a long breath. "But there was a lot of luck and accident. Of course, as you guessed, I am the Chesno family. Yes, otherwise there will be no chance to get close to members of the heir status. It’s just that I always feel unfair when I think of it, but now it’s gone, it’s my own reasons."

"Mr. Broad, you should also be an heir? From the perspective of the surgical development project, the first ten minutes of your state should be the integration of the two projects. There is no strength and family support, and there is nothing in it. Identity is probably difficult to obtain. Another point, in the Marquis family, it seems that most of the distinction between direct and collateral is retained. It should be the direct identity that died, and Mr. Broad, you are an insignificant collateral. "Cassia said, "I don't know if my guess is right, it should be correct, I still know something about it, although not a lot."

   "Basically the same." Broad replied, and Cassia fired two flare again at the same So there is a reason why the Marquis was crushed by the 23rd family. Even if things like you still exist in the grand duke's family, as long as they are handled properly, it is the capital for their promotion. In other words, the internal tolerance of the grand duke's family is completely unmatched by other noble families. "

   "Mr. Soriatu, are you a member of the twenty-third patriarchal family?" Broad still sat up. He thought it would be awkward to lie down on this topic.

   Silence shifted to Cassia's side, but after a short while, Cassia sat up and said, "The other two are coming." As he said, he bounced the last minute signal out, stood up at the same time, and looked forward.

   For half a minute, in the last light of the flare, the two panting people finally stepped into sight. The two bright flashlights turned on at this time, illuminating the ground in front of Broad.

"Boss." Shivi and Tretek walked over, then looked at Brod, who was constantly looking back and forth between Cassia and them, "It's been a few months, Brod, how are you talking to the boss? Up?"

   "I am very happy..." said Brod who lived in Munnar.

  After the four returned, they went directly to Broad's residence, which took three hours. It was eleven o'clock in the evening when they came back, and a few people sat at the dining table in the small living room. Broad brought the wine and sat down.

"This is the list, please confirm it." Cassia took out the prepared paper and handed it to Brod. "As I said when I came back, you can think about it, but only two days. I hope you will join in. , Mr. Broad."

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