Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1375: Confluence (middle)

Broad confirmed the list but did not immediately answer. Cassia could see that he had other concerns, and he might be thinking about whether he could raise them at this moment. There are still two days left in time. Cassia glanced at the three of them, stood up and said, "You are friends, so the opportunity to sit together must be rare. Why don't you talk first, and I will come again tomorrow night. Regardless of any questions or new requirements, please raise them together."

Seeing Brod nodding, Cassia called Xivi and returned the sniper rifle and the extra bullets, "Be sure to think carefully, there is almost no room for regret afterwards." After that, Cassia turned and left. On the way to the hotel, he contacted the other two.

   In the Daya League, Cassia screened nearly 13 people. The mismatch between information and reality was the most time-consuming. In the end, only five people met the established standards. The other two were from another large area of ​​the Daya League. They were the first to be screened out and were placed there by Cassia.

   Informed them that they could leave and rush over. Two days later, regardless of whether Broad joined or not, Cassia had to rush to the confluence place with Hesreel-the kingdom of St. Vichu.

   The small countries in the cracks, in order to maintain the basic order, that is, not to perish themselves due to mutual wars between themselves, most of the countries unite and become an alliance on agreement. In the process, whether there is an organization to do corresponding docking and help in the middle, Cassia is not clear, but seven countries in this agreement alliance have been selected as the coordinating countries. Simply put, there are seven equal team captains, responsible for the coordination of affairs between some countries.

   The size and strength of the seven coordinating countries can be ranked in the top 15 among the small countries. Cassia guessed how organized help among them. In terms of technology and development, they are two or three layers more than ordinary small countries such as the Daya League.

   St. Vichu State was handed over with the Daya League, which is more than three times the size of the Daya League. Use it as a meeting point. In addition to being in San Vichu, it will establish a major stronghold in this large area. Cassia also plans to place some factories here. In addition, as one of the coordinating countries, a better development and environment will certainly attract many capable people, and surgeons are no exception. Most of the people who have not yet been screened are active in the San Vichu Junior High School.

   From Cassia's point of view, Saint Viciu is really good. Even if the infrastructure and construction are definitely not as good as the empire, and the places where electricity and steam are fully connected are limited to major major cities, in small countries, this is already much above the standard.

   After separating from the Principality of Inance and Hesreel, Cassia went to San Vichu Junior High to take a look because of the association, and then he arrived in the Asian League. I have some understanding of the basic situation. Combining with the environment there will give birth to a group of people, and Cassia has an estimate in mind.

In the hotel, Cassia did not rest immediately after coming back. After thinking about the three of Broad and the others, he unfolded several maps bought by the country of San Vicchi, and began to choose the location of the base and the factory. Analysis on traffic. Saint Viciu is not the end of this operation, but it will come back here in the end. In addition, as a coordinating country, the complexity of information materials and relationship networks destined Cassia to be careful.

   The prosperous region is comparable to Tussini. Not only associations, organizations, or some families in the three giant countries will choose such state secrets to establish their own operations bases. Therefore, I have to be careful, but the danger belongs to the danger, and the benefits of the national nature are also extremely large. The richer industry is the central country in this large area. The strong transportation capacity is what Cassia hopes that the location of the factory needs to have Hard conditions.

   At the same time, he is also considering the matter of Adolf and Terry Weikang. Cassia hopes that there is a chance that he can go to St. Vichy Junior High School through the identity of the organization. There are two people traveling together, and it is okay to watch oneself or protect oneself. With the two of them, at least it was dangerous, and Cassia thought he could relax.

   "It doesn't seem to be up to me to decide." Just thinking about it, Cassia is very clear.

   On the other side, Brod and Xiwei did not rest either. They were in the residence, exchanging information in their hands.

"The notice issued by the association is not limited to the Daya League. I have asked a few people. The association issued the same notice in other countries." Tretek said about this. Behind the boss, should you see it?"

"'I thought the association would not take any action', the boss said. In addition to the boss's understanding of the association in the usual conversation, there are some opinions, etc., the person who made the association notice should be the boss." Xiwei accepted In the last sentence, "It may be incorrect to say that the boss is the boss’s power alone, so it’s fine. I hope you can join in, Brod. The boss is very mysterious, and the only knowledge about him is that he is an arms dealer. We are recruited to further expand our business However, regardless of the identity of the arms dealer, the knowledge of the boss, the combat experience, and the information on the surgical development project that we value, the boss understands A lot."

"Broad, how difficult it is for us to get those materials and the corresponding potions, you can't be unclear. Even if a batch of them flows out from time to time in the dark world, they are not what we can get. There is no specific way to purchase the supported funds." Xiwei continued, "However, these things are owned by the boss. I don't know where the boss is. I followed him for a few days, and I can observe it. It’s definitely not wrong that the boss is a member of the three giant countries. Maybe he will be in a big family power. This strength is not like a small country.”

   Brod remained silent. He was thinking about what Xivi had said before they rushed to talk with Cassia.

"I will think about it again." Broad said afterwards, "The strength of the bosses of Sori, ..., and is really terrifying. I already know this. However, what I want to say is that for some reasons, we may We will be involved in danger because of the boss. These dangers are definitely something we cannot resist at the moment. I don’t worry about the others, whether the remuneration is good, or the content of the subsequent work is not a problem. The main concern is this. ."

After saying Broad, he stood up and said, "There are spare rooms, so let’s rest. Tomorrow night, I want to ask the boss again to be at ease. But you don’t have to persuade me more. No surprise, I will join. It’s just that there are some things that need to be known from the boss, which is a peace of mind."

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