Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1377: Start, arrive (top)

"It's not that we don't want to be inactive, but the situation in front of us can't make us act." The female voice continued, "Norska, have you heard about the new cemetery?" The woman had no intention of coming to the Empire. The slightest interest, even if it is the order of the pope himself.

  Nonuoska turned her head and looked at the woman lying on the sofa looking towards the ceiling. Unlike the way they came here on the Venetus ocean-going ship, the woman is born with a strong ability to adapt to the surrounding environment. Not to mention the influence of clothing, only the skin color, Nonoska has Can't tell which country the woman belongs to.

"I heard, the news from the Kiris family." Nonoska replied, "Why, you are interested in the new cemetery? I think it is enough if we know it. That is not something we can care about. This past time Anyone who walks out is enough to eliminate us all easily, just understand it in my heart."

"I don't care about it. I mean that the new cemetery will probably attract a lot of people's attention for a while?" Hilaryrie sat up, and showed a "you guessed it wrong" smiling face at Nonoska. "I have always thought that this matter can be delayed as long as possible, but the pope also said that the time limit is only one year, and all the people who cooperate and the materials that can be called are provided by the Kirish family. You and I know that In fact, the Lux family does not want to participate in such laborious tasks too much, and in the end they have to rely on themselves to complete it."

"So taking advantage of the new cemetery to attract a lot of attention, we can also make some preparations under his influence." Hilary Li stood up and said, "At present, because the target character disappeared from the sight of many people through the knight attendant assessment , And it’s perfect without leaving any clues that can be searched. More than a year ago, there was suddenly no trace. Even if we knew that he was still alive, all subsequent actions would definitely be careful without revealing a trace of flaws. In fact. , What I worry most is not that there are no clues for us to follow, but..."

   When it was untimely, the door of the room was opened, and a strong man walked in with a wooden box and put it straight on the table, which was full of various types of wine.

"It's the target person who left the empire and went to other regions?" The man said while he was drinking and looking at Hilaryly, "Don't worry, why not take it as the root? We are not always planning for the worst. ?"

The man who came in offered himself a glass of wine, then went to sit down on the sofa, "Only by going outside the empire, can we not leave us any clues for more than a year. It’s me, and then I concealed myself. After that, he will definitely leave the empire immediately. After the fact that there is more than one country on the empire, it can provide things that other countries can provide. Moreover, there is no such danger outside the empire, so you can rest at ease, then Why not choose?"

Looking at Hilary Li and Norska, the man nodded to himself and drank half a glass of wine in one sip, "It's been more than a year since I have had a relaxing time, so I should do something, let the religious country take a look. Don't forget. The names they signed on the original contract. At this point, everyone has lived for decades, and many things actually need to be reminded, even if they know it in their hearts."

   "Killman, how long have you been standing outside the door?" Hilary Li did not answer, but asked about this.

"About half a minute." Chilman shrugged his shoulders, with a smile on his face, and wanted to leave the matter behind. "Don't talk about this. Seeing that you have not made a decision, I was very uncomfortable hanging by the side. The Holy See communicated, but this time the Pope personally contacted and issued the order. I don’t need to elaborate on the importance."

"Then next, I will say two points." Chilman finished drinking and put the quilt on his lap. "The first point, Noroska, you must have planned in your heart, but the danger is absolutely very high, and It is very likely to cause death among the three of us, so I haven't said it yet, right?"

  Hila Ruili looked at Chilman, then turned her gaze to Noroska, as if asking. But Chilman didn’t need Norska’s answer. He knew it early in his heart, “You know that our only breakthrough lies in the woman named Yejielin. She became a knight attendant in the second stage of surgery. If this doesn’t explain the problem, then I really don’t know what to say. The relationship between the two is definitely not ordinary. Only through Ye Jielin can we get the trace of the target, or let the target reveal the trace."

"Before being a knight attendant, Ye Jielin was still a member of the Webley family. The entire empire has only 36 places. Although the places are used to balance the contradictions between the forces, each of them has real power. Now I want to be right. Ye Jielin did it, and the cost was too great, and the journey was full of unknown uncertainties." Nonoska replied, "I have been looking for a feasible way, but there is no good idea yet."

"I have a proposal." Chilman said these words after he was prepared accordingly. "There is still danger, it is relatively safer." After talking with a smile, Chilman stood up and fell down. Two glasses of wine, "The intelligence collection work has been going on. It took time to read all the information during the Because Ye Jielin was the target, relevant information was also collected. It’s just that the process didn’t go smoothly, and relying on the information stored in the Kiris family’s information database, I finally found a little clue. After Ye Jielin became a knight attendant, she didn’t know what method she used and erased her own information, especially After the knight attendant's assessment, her whereabouts have been protected. It is difficult to find the trace, at least for us."

"The information collected is mainly about what happened during the assessment, and before the assessment, Ye Jielin was still a student in the military school. I have screened some from it and I think it can be used. Of course, having said so much, it actually comes down to it. Coming out is to use the contradictory relationship between the 36 knight attendants and use the hands of certain knight attendants to help us complete the action against Ye Jielin."

   "I'm doing this." Nonoska interjected, "I just don't know if it is the same as the one in your heart."

Chilman shook his head, "If the overlap is very small and it is only a single knight attendant, Ye Jielin will definitely not be able to eat. After thinking about it carefully, even if Ye Jielin is relying on the target person to become a knight attendant, but if she does not have the corresponding Ability, this year is enough time for her to reveal her prototype. But the fact is that Ye Jielin’s development is very, very good, so good that it makes other knight attendants jealous. So we have to add some other things as a fuse, and we , And our people have to participate in order to facilitate such a plan."

   "Speaking of this, I want to say the second point in advance, just as my own comfort."

  :. :

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