Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1378: Start, arrive (below)

Chilman sat back on the sofa again: "Not long ago, the Pope personally issued an order. We don’t need to discuss what this event represents. In addition, the internal news of the church, the extreme sea vortex has indeed happened again. It just happens to be enough to contact us with the Pope. So what I want to say is that the importance of the goal in the hearts of the Pope and the Holy See may have increased a bit. For such an important goal, is the Pope really relieved to let us? , There is another plan we don’t know about?"

"We only need to find the clues to the target. Will the Pope send another person to complete the final hunt?" Nonoska thought for a while, then continued, "It's very possible. In that case, we will face it later. The danger will be much less."

"This is the psychological comfort I thought of. After all, hunting is a real battle, but at present, to force the target to actively reveal the trace, what is needed is a secret means." Chilman said seriously, "Yejielin It is the only opportunity we can see at the moment, but as a knight attendant and a member of the Webley family, she must be favored by the family. The resource tilt is good, and the second-stage surgery will give her a count Years can never threaten us. What is worried about is the protective wording around her."

Chilman rubbed his hands at this time, "I have screened out a lot of information, you can check it out later. As for the information network of the Kirish family, the ten knight attendants they noticed are all dispatched by the family. The high-level surgeon secretly protects it. A protective measure that only involves the lives of the knight attendants, so you will know which one it is."

"Then the specific plan is to rely on ourselves to contact some knight attendants and let them deal with Yejielin?" Hilary Li walked between Noroska and Chilman and said, "I want to know the specific process. , That is, how far the plan needs to be? You understand that competition exists no matter where you are. In other words, in addition to contacting a few knight attendants, we have to do some things to let others know about this competition We got involved. However, this is not in line with our purpose. It is equivalent to letting the target know that we will force him to show up again."

Chilman shook his head, "No, in the eyes of others, it is a normal phenomenon of competition. We should not do anything to let others know that we are involved. However, in the plan for Ye Jielin , You need to overdo things a little bit. For example, Ye Jielin has formed more than half of the forces that have been destroyed this year, and the core members have also suffered heavy losses. It is best that Ye Jielin herself has suffered serious injuries. But the most It’s good not to die, otherwise the family will be tracked down later, and we will hardly not show some traces. In short, we must let the target know about this, because he single-handedly pushed Ye Jielin into the position of knight attendant. I think, if so Without so many things, the target himself should be a knight attendant, or he might be by Ye Jielin's side. But now,,, Hilary Li, you should understand the meaning?"

   "Very clear." Hilary Li replied, and she looked at Nonoska, "Since there is no better way at this time, follow this plan."

  Nornoska obviously has other concerns. After thinking about it for a while, he looked at Chilman and the others, "Let's do it, there is really no other feasible plan at present."

After hearing this, Chilman stood up and walked toward the door, "Take advantage of this time, we can go and look at the selected materials together. I heard that there is an alliance in the knight attendant, so I think this aspect may be used. There are also information on the six knight attendants, and I have selected a few specially, who may be in conflict with Ye Jielin or with the goal. In short, it takes a lot of time to decide the specific candidates. In it, whether it is contradictions, interests, or remaining issues between families, we must fully grasp it in order to work out a perfect plan. Because in my heart, I am still worried that these young people have not taken the initiative. The guts to break the balance. In this regard, we have to find ways to help them."


   After spending one night, Cassia and Brod took the train to the territory of San Vichu. But I checked into the hotel at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I was worried about luggage and various inspection procedures all morning. As one of the coordinating countries, San Vichy is indeed much better than other countries in some aspects.

   Next, after Cassia and the others took a rest at the drop-off point for one night, they had to continue their journey the next morning to a prosperous city in St. Vicchu. There are many more jobs to go there, including the purchase of a large area of ​​residence, the choice of vehicles and so on. It can be regarded as establishing an initial base of operations here. Cassia found a suitable location through the map and some information very early, and only needs to check it again after the past.

   In the evening, Cassia contacted to get news that they still have a day away.

   "You have to continue on your way after you arrive. It should be three days after meeting you." Hesley said, hearing the rumbling of the train. Compared with the high-speed trains in the empire, the transportation equipment in small countries is one or two levels behind. "In the Daya League, the association should have also issued a notice?"

"I know about this. I thought they would not take any action." Cassia exhaled, "The work in San Vichu has to add another item, but I still want to see the follow-up, if it doesn't affect our No need to waste time by screening."

"I think it will definitely be, team leader." Hesley said directly, confidently, "Since the announcement has been issued, the next step for the association is to find the people they like and carry out recruitment in advance. Even if these people are not recruited in advance. , Will certainly send corresponding people to talk to them, first stabilize them, reduce the chance of joining us. Or, there may be some people who have been explained in advance, deliberately joined in, after obtaining enough information, Close the net to us all at once."

   "I don't know how likely this route is?" Hessley asked.

   "Half, as I thought." Cassia hesitated before repliing, "I will think about how to deal with it. When you come to meet, I will visit the headquarters of the association."

   Hessley did not answer, but cut off the connection with a hum after a few seconds. Cassia knew what Hesley wanted to say. He knew very well in his own mind, but it took a while and the actions of the association to catalyze Cassia to make actual moves.

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