Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1399: Refurbishment and the way (below)

  The accommodation provided by the organization is not as bad as Cassia imagined, at least it is a standard house with a few rooms. The residential area is not too big, and most of the floors are in the ten or so floors. Although there is an underground parking lot, after opening the room, Cassia followed the instructions on the table in the living room and found a basement that was not too big or small.

  Everything is prepared, and the wardrobe is filled with clothes. The refrigerator is full of fresh food, and the alcohol in the cabinet has only been moved in in recent days. There are a total of four rooms, and the actual area is much smaller because the defensive reconstruction and reinforcement are carried out from the inside.

  The extra defensive measures on the walls are mostly steel plates and some composite bulletproof materials, which are sufficient to block heavy fire bombardment for a period of time. Except for the master bedroom and one guest room, one of the remaining two rooms contains a communication machine, and the other is a commonly used firearm. Pistols, light machine guns, grenades, flash bombs and bulletproof shields, as well as two triple-barreled heavy machine guns, equipped with six boxes of 80,000 rounds of ammunition.

  This is everything in the room, and the things in the basement become body armor and some auxiliary equipment. However, there are also a few alloy boxes, containing two artillery tubes, and a total of ten artillery. It is powerful enough to destroy the armor of domestic tanks. There is also a special box containing twenty masks made of composite materials.

  The things in the whole house are roughly these, nothing else. Cassia took out his luggage, except for the wrapped second-generation holy sword, everything else was not much different from the house. The only regret is that I didn't see the sniper firearms, and the bird hunting gave Cassia a deep impression. Today, because Isha was there, I couldn't do anything. But next time, Cassia doesn't think the same situation will happen again.

  It was about eleven o'clock in the evening after finishing the master bedroom. The passenger plane had enough rest, so Cassia took out the map he bought and briefly analyzed the division of the city of Velvis. Which places will be extremely lively at night and find suitable black market merchants? For Cassia, this has become an instinct, similar to the sense of smell that depends on survival.

   Bringing the key and basic equipment, Cassia turned off the light and went out. The goal is to be close to a big river in the Nancheng District, where the waterway is very convenient, and there are several large and small bridges, and the entrances of high roads are also the most places in Wilvis City. The main reason is that it is close to a big river, and everything can be put into a cloth bag, plus a few stones can sink into the bottom of the river.

  Go on foot and jog past. Half an hour later, Cassia, who was already in the Nancheng District, turned around on several streets, and the sound wave pulse guided him to the river bank road where various people gathered. Many outdoor cafes and taverns are built not far from the river bank, but they are blocked by a long and narrow landscape in the middle. At less than twelve o'clock, under the flashing lights were groups of people, speaking very quietly, and they did not affect each other.

  Cassia carefully observed several times with sound pulses. All the shops here have basements, and most of them are connected to the pipeline network of underground waterways. While thinking that I came to the right place, while following the road along the river bank, thinking about finding a merchant selling firearms and intelligence as soon as possible, an enthusiastic cry interrupted Cassia's thinking.

   "Hey! Friends, buy toys?"

   His voice was hoarse like a thin duck about to be slaughtered, but it sounded very loud. A smiling man who was close to forty years old was half a head shorter than Cassia, and his eyes were full of light.

   didn't look like a toy merchant, Cassia immediately realized what the toy was and nodded. The man’s smile made his face almost change shape, he walked over and hugged Cassia’s shoulder, "Hey! You don’t come here often, and it’s definitely your luck to meet me. Compared to other people, here we are. The varieties are more abundant, big and small, long and short, brand new, used, beautiful, etc. The price is also very cheap, and there is guaranteed to have what you want."

  As the man took Cassia, he walked to a shop behind the landscape to bake things at night, “I don’t know which one you want, I can choose for you.”

  "Toys that play far enough, powerful, and precise."

   "That's it." The man thought for a while, "There is an item transferred from another country. It is said that it was picked up. It may meet your requirements. However, the price is..."

  After half an hour, Cassia came out of that shop. Of course, it was not the time spent choosing. The man said that it is traditional to invite customers to eat for free. Cassia smelled the scent and it was really good, so he agreed.

When    came out, there was a large suitcase in his hand, including all the accessories, and fifty bullets with basic treatment. It looks like a product from the Far Sea Common Country, because the look has a fine style. By the way, I asked for some information about black market intelligence merchants, and Cassia got the names of several taverns.

   is not very far apart here, a distance of about one kilometer. Cassia walked forward carrying the box, looking around. I stopped after a few hundred meters, because I saw a familiar shadow, under the bright light in front of a tavern.

It was Yisha, still holding the small satchel, but it was different from the one I saw in the afternoon. The summer attire was changed to a light gray long skirt, and the short hair that I had just done matched her face, which attracted passersby too. Look more. Not alone, there is a handsome man beside him.

It seemed that they had just come out of the tavern, both of them had a faint smile on their faces, but Cassia, who subconsciously stepped in a few steps, could see that Isha's laughter mostly depended on the surrounding form, and the man's laughter was almost like Cooperate. However, the man's gaze makes people a little concerned, and constantly sweeping has a desire to conquer. Cassia didn't believe that Isha couldn't feel this, but didn't say anything. This made Cassia guess that this man should be a seller whom Isha said, or the more important one.

   "There are four, six, and six guards around him." Cassia, who followed unconsciously, said to herself at this time. Seeing that he had returned to the location of the shop just now, Cassia shook his head and turned to his destination. There must be curiosity in his heart, but he knows very well that Isha, who has lived here for several years, must know how to Besides, this may also be a certain advantage of Isha as a woman. Cassia only Can think about it this way. Although the starting point of this idea will not be correct.

  But only a few steps away, the voice of "Hey! Friends..." made Cassia suddenly withdraw from thinking.

  Seeing that it was the customer just now, the smile on the man’s face was slightly reduced. Cassia nodded as a greeting, then turned around and turned around. By the way, he took out several pieces of Larsa currency with a face value of 1,000 from his trouser pocket, and said, "The man who just walked by, you should pay attention. Are you here?"

The smile on the man's face suddenly disappeared. After looking around, he grabbed the money in Cassia's hand. "The people of the Flame Alliance are an arms dealer, but they also sell other things. I advise you to stay away from him, in private. , Everyone's evaluation is not very good."

  After speaking, the man turned and left, but the next moment he turned his head, "I didn't hear the last sentence." Cassia watched the man disappear into the shop and shook his head.

  It wasn't until two o'clock in the morning that Cassia returned to the residence with the information and materials he had bought.

  Open the door and hear the dripping sound from the room communication machine. Cassia then remembered that he did not bring the communicator when he left. Except for the communicator given by Isha, all communication devices are unilateral communication. Cassia sighed, and could only open the door of the room, while assembling the heavy sniper rifle, while waiting for the communication machine to hear the sound again.

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