Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1400: Tasks and seeking clues (part one)

   The structure of the sniper rifle is not much different. Cassia focuses on figuring out each part and the characteristics of the optical scope. This sniper rifle has been used for a while, and there are some marks on it. After checking the bullets, the seller exaggerated their basic treatments, but in fact they only did surface treatments on the bullets, which can reduce friction and eliminate a small part of the ballistic line effect.

   After half an hour, Cassia looked at the information and information he bought. Most of them are about the distribution of forces in Wilvis City. I originally wanted to buy information from all the larger forces in Larsa at one time. The middleman gave a price of close to 7 million yuan, and the volume of paper that verbally described that a villa could not be filled, let Cassia dismissed it. idea.

   So only Wilvis’s top 50 power information, and it’s still a short version. This is less than one-tenth of the number, and Cassia started to know how many hands are hidden in Larsa as a country of trading. This is just a dark world, and business on the bright side will be more frequent, but in terms of transaction methods and paths, the companies on the bright side will appear to be slow due to various formalities.

   After reading the information, the sniper rifle was disassembled again, and the time went to four in the morning. The communicator finally sounded at this time, and the sound did not consider whether the people in the house were resting.

   "Soriyatu?" The question pattern is Isha's voice. Cassia subconsciously remembered Isha, who was standing outside the tavern in a gray dress not long ago, and wondered if he came to communicate at this time, whether it was related to the man today.

   "Are you not resting?" There was a dim smell of not waking up in the voice, "What's the matter, Miss Isha, Deputy Chief."

"Nothing big." I didn't care about the tone of the problem at all, but Cassia heard the prompt sound from other communicators over there, "Just change the time you need to arrive at the company tomorrow, and it will be on time at 8:30. In front of the company, there will be a gift car waiting for you. There is no problem, right?"

   "No." Cassia finished answering, and Isha cut off contact. Cassia wanted to ask if he had to make some preparations in the future. After thinking about it, Cassia decided to pass tomorrow as usual.

   At 8:30 the next day, Cassia got in a man's limousine on time. Just a full-time driver, after sending Cassia to the designated location on the edge of Wilvis City, he asked Cassia for the fare and left without a word. After waiting for ten minutes, Isha sent a communication to guide Cassia to a warehouse.

   was standing at the door, who was Isha talking to when Cassia arrived at the warehouse. Very happy, because the smile on his face is not pretended.

"An urgent task, you need to go to the frontier position of the Flame Alliance immediately." After coming over to say hello, Isha explained the current basic situation, "It has been about half a month from the past to the return. Soriatu, you only came here. Many things are not clear. I wanted you to stay in the company, but after thinking about it, I rarely encountered this kind of thing and took you over."

   said the two entered through the small door beside the warehouse gate, which was filled with containers and large and small wooden boxes. They were all stuffed with clothes and fabrics. Under the leadership of Isha, until the corner of the warehouse, a stairway extending underground appeared in the eyes of the two after pushing away the container.

   There are already close to twenty people waiting in the spacious basement. Surprisingly, no one spoke. Isha, who was the adjutant, only nodded hello after entering. Cassia was taken to a corner, and several people around seemed to know him, with smiles expressing "Hello" on their faces.

  The purpose of coming to the warehouse was to hold a secret meeting. From Isha's explanation, it became clear that Cassia had recently received reliable information. A certain tribe set up a new stronghold and sold some goods somewhere in the border of the Flame Alliance. Isha didn't explain exactly what it was, but said that these goods are very important, and in many cases no seller can be found. In the past, the main point was to negotiate a deal with it, and the other thing was to go to the Flame Alliance to buy other things.

   Except for lieutenants like Cassia and Isha in the basement, everyone else is the captain of the organization and assisting the executive department, and they have teams of varying numbers. Cassia understood them as professional combat or protection personnel.

   The meeting lasted until noon. After the captains left with their respective tasks, there were four people left in the basement, including Cassia and Isha.

"Muriel and Toynby, like you, are the adjutants of Lord Servina. The other two have already set off first last night. You will probably be able to see them in a few days." Isha motioned to the man in front of him. A woman said, "Muriel is an expert in communications. She went to a school in Yuanhai Common Country to study. Toynby is very good at investigating. He used to be the leader of a mercenary group. You need to learn a lot from them. , Remember to ask more if there is nothing on the way."

   Cassia looked at Muriel and Toynby with friendly smiles, nodded in response. At the same time, Isha put away the map on the desktop, and walked to an alloy door at the end of the basement train at 4pm was a direct train. I'll give you two hours of preparation time, but remember, we are going to talk and bring something for self-defense. Especially Toinby you, do you know how long the liaison staff of the organization complained to me last time in order to deal with luggage matters? "

   Toynbeegan smiled and said that there would be no next time. It's just that Yisha's helpless expression shows that this kind of thing is not the first time.

   Cassia followed to the alloy door, and the sonic pulse had already shown that there was a fully stocked weapons arsenal. After entering, the four people were scattered among the shelves full of various weapons. Cassia pretended to be unaware, and it took a long time to find the shelves with sniper rifles. The types and types of bullets are extremely rich, and Cassia wanted to know that, so there was no need to go out specially last night.

   took a handful, Cassia went to get a few steel bombs and flash bombs, and returned to the alloy door, where Isha and the others were already waiting.

"It's not a weapon suitable for mission situations." Seeing the sniper rifle parts box that Cassia was carrying, Isha closed the alloy door and commented, "But I don't expect you to become a combatant. When encountering an enemy, remember to listen. I, or Muriel and Toynby’s command. The mission is very dangerous for you."

   Cassia said "Um", and wanted to say "My marksmanship is still more accurate, and should be able to help", but when I saw Isha thinking, he remained silent.

   At four o'clock in the afternoon, the four of them completed all the formal procedures. After boarding the train, they entered the four-day train journey. And Isha's training for Cassia also began at this time.



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