Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1403: The wolf pack, the wolf king and the lone wolf in the pack (part 1)

The journey became a lot boring before entering the border area, and Yisha and others had no vigilance at all. Cassia followed Toynby, listening to his explanation of the border from time to time.

This man-made virgin forest spreads almost on all borders of the Flame Alliance, connecting into a winding line. However, like the empire, large areas of border areas have always been uninhabited areas, and unless they are blocked by natural mountains, there will not be any crowded areas. In some places, the forest area is completely worth a small country, but the width of most forest defense lines is about five or six hundred kilometers, which also makes the cities of the Flame Alliance seem more crowded. But this is just a comparison between the empire and the common country in the distant sea. The three giant countries have never lacked land area and necessary resource reserves.

"The vinegar tree mentioned by the deputy chief just now is just one of the defense measures of this virgin forest. For example, there are many vines with poisonous spines on the plant traps, and there are also some mushrooms that grow under dead leaves all year round. Like plants, they multiply in pieces, and the spores that are emitted are all poisonous. The difference is only in strength. In addition, according to the characteristics of the Flame Alliance, they also specially housed a large number of second-class creatures in these primitives. In the forest, but not in the form of stocking. One such creature is enough to destroy the ecological balance of a large forest. It will choose a certain time, driven by professional animal trainers, to sweep the defense line."

"The time of the raid is unknown, at least we have never encountered it in these years." Toynby said with joy, "There are a few other forces who have encountered it with bad luck. According to their description, 90% It’s impossible for the people to survive the raid. At that time, they had no other idea besides running away desperately."

"Think about it, every time you enter the Flame Alliance from the border, there is an unknown risk."

"I hope not this time." Cassia added. Toynby shrugged, "Don't worry, we are all lucky people."

Three hours passed quickly, and the depth of the forest was thirty to forty kilometers, but the total width was only a small number. In another half an hour, Cassia and the others successfully merged with the assisting team. But there were only three teams with a total of 54 people waiting there. Isha explained that the team had been dispersed so as not to expose herself to the number. But in the end they will all meet at the seller's stronghold.

In Cassia's view, except for the necessary combatants, the assisting team was all mobile warehouses. Ammunition and spare weapons, necessary medicines and reagents, protective clothing, and many compressed high-energy foods. These things are fastened to the metal shelf in an orderly manner, and the metal shelf is designed by professionals, relying on the strength of the surgeon's body, while not interfering with basic mobility, it also maximizes the carrying capacity.

Training and running in many times, without Isha giving orders, after exchanging some information with the three captains, the team immediately dispersed into several small teams, separated from each other by a distance of tens of meters, and began to move towards the seller's stronghold. The four adjutants were also separated, but Cassia was placed near the middle, close to those who acted as mobile warehouses. Knowing that this is taking care of myself as a new member, it fits Cassia's idea. With the experience of crossing the southern forest in the empire, this kind of ordinary forest will not have any difficulty.

Soon after advancing, Cassia found that each member of the team's tail was carrying a small water bottle dripping slowly. Although you can't smell any taste, it should be an agent to mask the smell. Seeing that Isha and others didn't care much about the traces, Cassia could only treat it as such. Originally wanted to take out the blade, after thinking about it, Cassia decided to observe for more time before considering the next step.

The route forward is not a straight line. I learned from Toynby during the break that the route from the border to the inside of the Flame Alliance is never straight, a winding route, sometimes to avoid certain dangerous areas. It is also common to bypass a large circle. In the border line, there are not only teams that patrol back and forth on time, but there are also some permanent institutions, which Toynby calls them "forest rangers." Personnel similar to secret guards and early warning personnel are people who are good at hiding, usually a team of three to five people, living in the border all year round.

Encountering forest guards is also a hassle, because they can send out signals at any time to attract a lot of inspectors. When the situation is urgent, the border military base of the Flame Alliance will send troops to assist.

But the response method is roughly the same as that of the inspection team, and the money is right. There are such things everywhere, no one will have trouble with money. Cassia had been involved in the association not long ago, and because of the conditions of the chief of the association, he let him go. After all, many situations are slightly reconciled, and the final result is often satisfactory to both parties.

It was not until 3 o'clock in the afternoon that the mist formed by the vinegar tree dispersed. After taking off the mask, the team's speed increased significantly. But then came the evening, and the forest was plunged into darkness in advance. Isha ordered to choose a place with many old trees to prepare to rest, and wait until the next day to continue her action.

At this time, the captains who each took people to survey around the rest area returned. One of the captains found Isha, and after a brief conversation, Cassia, Toynby and others were called in, and three captains and several people familiar with the Flame League followed.

After about five or six hundred meters, a group of people stopped by an old tree. The rhizomes on the ground are tied together, full of explosive power. On these rhizomes, there are several traces left by sharp claws, about thirty centimeters long.

"I only stayed in the last one or two days, and found three places, there should be more than these." The leader of the discovery said.

"Marks of wolf claws." At this time, a team member said. He touched the claw marks with his hands, and sniffed, "It's a gray wolf, probably not wrong, the most common one. But. Whether it is a variant or not is unclear, there is no special smell, it can be confirmed that it is not poisonous, and it is not Will it be left by the inspection team in the intelligence." Another person asked. "Isn't that an inspection team just walked here recently?"

Isha didn't speak, she looked into the depths of the forest after looking at the traces, but she couldn't discern anything at all in the darkness in the evening. Her face was full of contemplation, and she looked very uncomfortable. Mulyl then continued, as if explaining, "No, the duty of the inspection team is only to search for intruders that already exist on the border, warn or eliminate them directly, leaving no trace, including the intruder's body. This trace Obviously it is a kind of information, it may be a road sign, it may be a guide, or it may be a circle of territory. But the trace is so obvious that the eyes can directly observe it. If it is not intentional, it is left in a hurry. Too late to use other methods."

"Either way, it is not good for us."

"Toynby, I would like to trouble you to take a few people and take some time to walk a distance along the traces. I will give you an hour. If the traces are continuous, we can only stay away from the continuous line of traces overnight tonight. Maybe avoid them."

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