Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1404: The wolf pack, the wolf king and the lone wolf in the pack (middle)

"Clear." Toynby, who turned to look at the three captains behind him, began to select people, looked at Cassia's face, and finally looked away, and took away the two captains and two people familiar with the situation of the Flame Alliance. "Hope to bring good news."

Cassia and the others turned back to the team. There was not much light left at this time. The hour Isha just said was almost the limit time for the darkness to turn into darkness in the forest.

A silent wait, after a while, the people around him far away can no longer be seen by sight alone. Cassia sat down against an old tree, buried her head between her knees, resting. The sonic pulse shows that there is no abnormality within the limit detection radius of six kilometers. Of course, things hidden in ancient branches and leaves and underground are not excluded. But the possibility is too low, Cassia thought.

What would that claw mark be? Like Isha and others, Cassia thought about this again. I sincerely hope that it will not be a mark, but apart from that, there seems to be no other suitable explanation. Try to continue in-depth analysis in the direction of the mark. In Cassia's habit, they often plan for the worst. Thinking of many possibilities, the simulation results are not very good, at least half of these people around will die.

It was an hour and a half after Toynby came back, his face under the bright flashlight was very bad, "It is a continuous trace. We ran for about ten kilometers, and there were such traces throughout the journey. And on the way, I saw ten. Several corpses were eroded by microorganisms to the point that only pitted bones remained. After tonight, the bones will disappear and become nourishment. According to the speed at which these microorganisms corroded the corpses, the time was determined to be two days ago."

"From the fragments of clothes, it seems that it was the person from Larsa who had come here. There were traces of fighting around. I checked those marks carefully. From the bones of the head, it was a squad of seventeen people. There were dozens of guns no matter what, but only found There are less than two hundred cartridge cases. The number is too small, one cartridge takes less than ten seconds, and the person who fired the gun could not even finish one cartridge."

"And it is very likely that they didn't hit the attackers at all. The craters were all on the old trees. It was very messy. It looked like it couldn't find the target. After being dominated by fear, it randomly shot towards the surroundings." The two captains added one after another. "The time is two days. I don't know if it is related to the coincidence of the time when the inspection team walked here in the past few days. If this can explain it, it is the best case. But there is still no answer on the claw marks. It is estimated that this trace will follow. Going so far along the border, it is almost impossible to go around it."

At this time, all eyes fell on Yisha, waiting for her judgment and order.

"Muriel, where are the other teams currently?" Isha asked at this time, and she took out the map and spread her hands. Muriel walked over and pointed out the locations of several teams one by one on the map, "The fastest one is already nearly two hundred kilometers deep."

"Let them stay where they are and withdraw the border immediately after dawn. If it is convenient at night, they can act immediately." As Isha said, she looked around and raised her volume. "I will rest in the middle of the night today. It’s very slow, but since we can’t get around it, we can only stay away from it as much as possible. We bypass some known dangerous areas and drive at night. We will go to the depths of the border in the evening the day after tomorrow at the latest. , Whether to move on or go directly from the fastest route to several known safe areas."

The team immediately took action, and the beams of more than a dozen bright flashlights pierced the darkness and illuminated the surroundings. The good thing is that insects can still be heard around. At this time, Cassia intended to move closer to Toynby. Knowing what it was, Toynby gave the answer directly, "A thing that was born out of trading along the border route is said to be a safe zone, but it is actually inside the Flame Alliance. A place jointly created by more than a dozen forces to charge high protection fees. However, you can really get security when you enter it, although it is not absolute."

"Can the inspection team be protected?"

"Yes, but this is already a special situation." Toynby said, "I haven't been in. I heard that I flee there after encountering various dangers in normal times. The charges are nearly 700,000 to 800,000 per person. If it is an inspection team, the price will increase several times. In short, if all of our people enter the safe area, we may have to pay close to 100 million."

Cassia seemed to understand. After nearly half a minute, he said in confusion, “Since there is such a risk, why not just choose to evacuate? Let’s not talk about this forest. When the seller is there, can the transaction be negotiated? Still a problem. Since there are other sources of goods, it would be safer to spend time on them?"

Toynbee laughed, like a mockery of Cassia’s ignorance, and also a kind of helplessness, but more like a sympathy-like feeling, "If we can find a way in other sources, we should be separate Lying on the big bed of the residence, doing their own things, not in this forest, Soriatu. You just came to encounter this kind of task, I don’t know that many things are normal. But one thing is to mention , You need to take some time to understand our deputy chief Miss Isha. She is very attentive to her own,,, and work, and has a strong sense of responsibility. Otherwise, Lord Servina will not appoint her as deputy chief. She left most of the tasks to dispatch personnel to complete."

"I don't know how to describe it. In the eyes of Miss Issa, if this transaction can be concluded, the goods purchased will soon become actual equipment and materials, which will go to the hands of some members of the organization and become the strength and combat effectiveness. A member. Just like piles of wood, Miss Issa thinks that she is one of the lowest level. Her own efforts can influence and help other members of the organization that she has never seen before. This is what she sees in her eyes, and I may always I can't see it. This is probably the gap, mentally."

Toynbee sighed a little. "You have said too much. Don't worry about danger. No one in the team will leave anyone in danger. I can guarantee that. Miss Isha privately said that I will take care of you. When you encounter an enemy, you can just run to me. In terms of strength and experience, I am somewhat better than you."

Cassia smacked her lips, and sighed in her heart that she went to the middle of the team.

In the middle of the night o'clock in the morning, the team stopped in the dark and rested against the old tree. It was Isha and several captains who were on guard. Cassia was excluded because the strength in the late stage of the second stage was useless, and according to Adolf's information, Cassia did not have any abilities and specialties related to investigation.

Only the night greatly limits the speed of travel, and on the other hand, it has to avoid known danger zones, although Cassia does not know where the dangers in these danger zones come from. The depth of travel is only 30 kilometers, but it is some distance away. During the rest, Toynbi and the others used a bright flashlight to observe the surrounding ancient trees, and it was good news that they did not find those claw marks anymore.

Early the next morning, the sky was light, and the team set out again in a thin layer of mist.


"Is there any news from Larsa?" A man stood in front of the wolves, looked at a group of huge gray wolves that were honestly, and asked the person next to him. The gray wolf's gasping sound resembled the lift device of an airship, gathering in pieces and rumbling.

"It is said that detailed data will be given at noon, and it is probably still being sorted out, my lord."

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