Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1418: Slaughter and Slaughter (Part 1)

"The first radio signal captured in the No. 5 security zone was intercepted from there. In terms of time analysis, information about the action plan was spread out until the death of our members in each security zone. After the No. 5 security zone."

"I'll make sure of one thing first." A steady voice came from the correspondent, "Are we near the No. 7 safety zone? That is to say, if you want to go and see, you have to change direction and go through the No. 7 safety zone. After the area, you can walk a little longer."

"That's it, sir. At our speed, it will be about four hours after arriving there, noon. However, affected by the encirclement, those smuggling teams will passively and slowly be squeezed into a place, which is the final stage of the action plan. So with this factor in mind, it takes about three hours for people to encounter safety zone No. 5."

"Add in the time for the two teams to clear the No. 7 security zone."

"It will only be less than ten minutes longer, my lord."

The man hummed a few times in the dark, and seemed to be considering some influencing factors, "Notify my guards. By the way, I will also send this news to the ears of the beast cavalry, so that they have time or If you have a chance, rush to see the situation in advance. As for us, after the main resistance members in the No. 7 security zone are basically dead, we will start to walk towards the No. 5 area. There is no problem, right? Remember to remind me of this."

"Understood, my lord."

The voice of the correspondent fell, and the dense leaves on their heads rushed, and the strong wind pierced through the obstacles of the branches and leaves, and fell down vertically, blasting the large pieces of dead leaves on the ground. The air was quickly mixed with a strong smell of decay, and the gust of wind moved all the way forward, quickly surpassing them, and moved quickly toward the front.

In addition to the sound of ancient branches and leaves being blown, there is also the sound of countless winds intertwining and crashing over the forest. Through the thick branches and leaves, the personnel below seemed to be able to see with their eyes the flock of hunting birds passing above them in the air. It was a hunting bird formation. Each hunting bird was an adult with a wingspan of more than twenty to thirty meters. The flapping of its wings could produce a large atmosphere.

In mid-air, the undissipated night color coated each hunting bird with a dark color. In battle formations, every bird hunting will be equipped with bulletproof panels on some deadly parts to prevent bullets and some explosive fragments from losing the necessary combat effectiveness. It is a synthetic material. Because of the size and strength of the hunting bird itself, the thickness of these bulletproof plates is all more than ten centimeters. If the caliber of the firearms on the market is not satisfactory, or the angle deviation when attacking is too large, they cannot be penetrated.

Each hunting bird will be equipped with a person to control and control. Even if the hunting bird throws all mounted high-explosive bombs in the target area, the two specially designed triple barrel machine guns equipped on both sides of its body can still cause extreme damage. Great lethality and suppression ability. Although there are only 10,000 rounds of ammunition for each machine gun, this design can often achieve considerable destructiveness in conjunction with the sound wave positioning and influence of the hunting bird and the attack ability.

And there is another factor that cannot be ignored. At this moment, looking from the sky above this forest, there are over a hundred hunting bird formations. Regardless of any cooperation, just simply add up the number of weapons and ammunition on each hunting bird, and the final figure is amazing enough.

In the night sky without any clouds, at the junction of the end of the sky and the dark gray earth, a thin white line is like a wave running across the endless sea, slowly expanding. A piece of gray-white light has illuminated the small piece of sky there, and the light that serves as an offensive signal is not far from everyone.

At the same time, under the forest, all the gray wolves have been dispatched, shrinking the huge encirclement net at a uniform speed. It is also mixed with other second-class creatures. The training they have received and the degree of cooperation they can show has already surpassed the blood wolves on the frontier of the three giant countries. This is a regular and fully equipped biological soldier of the second category. While not lacking wildness, he also possesses considerable reason and self-judgment.

For a time, in all the border forests that were cleared, at this time, the elite personnel sent by the tribes began to issue their own orders to promote their own clearing plan. This is the resource the tribe has won for them, and it is an honor that can be easily held as long as it reaches out. For this reason, no one wants uncontrollable variables in the cleanup plan. For them, this is a simple task, but they will still be treated with care.


"It's almost dawn." This sentence came from the team next to it, with a certain kind of magical power, which stopped everyone's footsteps and looked up at the sky together, even though they knew they couldn't see it, only in their vision. There are lush foliage.

The short pause is like everyone's change of their own mood and state, just a few seconds, they all have an invisible aura exuding. But what can this change? Probably no one will think about it, because the result is almost destined and many people know it.

The darkness in the forest eased, and the captains looked around. In just a few minutes, the remaining more than 400 people have unknowingly reduced to 300 at this moment. The four teams merged into two and continued to move in one direction. But like lost children, the two teams lost their direction in their hearts, and no one knew where they should go now.

So not long after, as a team suddenly stopped, the rest of the team also stopped naturally. Looking at each other, then looking around, there is a feeling of loneliness. The distance between the teams opened up a little again. They each chose a defensive position, but they were all within the range of mutual support.

The beam of the bright flashlight swayed around Isa let the team spread out, the little half went to the ancient tree, and the rest all used the ancient tree as their center of activity, making a defensive formation .

You have to survive the enemy's first wave of attacks before you can consider breaking through. It's just that the number of people at the moment makes them feel no hope of success. They are all veterans of the Flame Alliance many, many times. In these years, it is not that they have not fought with certain teams of the Flame Alliance.

When the number of people is equal, the second-class creatures around the opponent are often considered. Compared with humans, it is more difficult to deal with the second type of creatures. Like ordinary humans and some fierce beasts, even if they have guns in their hands, the physical foundations of the second-class creatures are greatly strengthened. These creatures will carry out various weapons like soldiers, and most of the time they will bring more threats than equivalent soldiers.

The movement quickly disappeared in this place, and there was no wind and silence fell. Soon after, Cassia glanced at the mechanical watch, then looked up. The surrounding darkness, like smoke, suddenly changed from dense to thin, and then merged into the invisible space.

Its daybreak.

At this moment, probably everyone is chanting this sentence silently.

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