Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1419: Slaughter and being slaughtered (middle)

After a few breaths, his eyes widened, and the surrounding scenes appeared from near to far, showing the original colors. Even more than noon, you can line up the ancient branches of the tree to block it, and it is not a problem to see the scenery 100 meters away. The depth of field of view is still increasing rapidly with time, and the influence of the darkness in the forest on the line of sight has completely disappeared, which is only a matter of time.

At this moment, it seems that everyone has an illusion. Not only can everyone hear their own heart beating more and more violently, but they can also clearly hear the sounds of other people. No one knows whether this is due to the quiet surroundings, but everyone pressed their mouths tightly, breathing deeply in the cold and humid air of the morning as their chests undulated.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded like breaking a mirror and suddenly swept from a distance, instantly dispelling the silence here. More than three hundred people here turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound at the same time—that's the direction where the people on the bird hunting shot out with heavy machine guns not long ago.

The continuous roar has not stopped, and there is a tendency to get closer to here. The ground under my feet vibrated, and it became more obvious as the explosion sound increased. The people on the old tree climbed up again, almost to the top. The oldest trees have already broken through the limitations imposed on them by factors such as gravity, and have accumulated two to three hundred meters in height over time. The wide field of vision allows people on top of the trees to better see the general view of the surroundings.

The dense smoke had broken through the obstacles of the branches and leaves, and began to think of the sky rising. Although not much, it is enough to provide the approximate location of the bombed site.

"Three kilometers away on the left!"

"About four kilometers ahead on the left!"

"There are about thirty hunting birds on the right four kilometers away!" The sound of the explosion was like a cohesive agent, and without other factors, the people here gathered together in an instant. The people on the tree report everything they see in real time, allowing information to enter everyone's ears.

At this time, the team members dispersed again, preparing for the next enemy bombing. But within a minute, the explosion formed a huge arc, surrounding them. The number of observed game birds easily exceeded one hundred and is still increasing.

The "burst" of the heavy machine gun was heard not long after, and the plural sounds mixed like a giant bee flying, "buzzing" in the ears.

"Come on, less than two kilometers! The speed is very fast, everyone pays attention!" Yisha and the others never thought that they would be forgotten by the enemy, the arrival of the bombing was only a matter of time. The air that had not circulated became dignified and almost frozen.


But it was a sudden burst of air sounding above everyone's heads. A large number of bullets flew from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, there was a "crack" sound between the ancient branches and leaves, and the leaves and branches instantly scattered, and fell heavily. The dense layer of leaves immediately melted into countless fragments, and a large bullet pierced a dozen holes in the body of an observation member, unable to grasp the trunk anymore and fell down.

At this moment, the faint sunlight on one side was full of mottled smell, shining in from there. The leaf fragments were flying like dead leaf moths. Together they watched the member fall from the top of the two- to three-hundred-meter-high tree trunk all the way against the branches of the ancient tree, and finally hit the ground, becoming an indistinguishable fragment.

"Five hundred meters! Forty hunting birds!" During the period, other observers on the trunk yelled, and they evacuated downwards, but the fragments of bullets formed a dense net, directly pounced from a distance. There is no time for them to leave. The large thick branch and leaf layer was instantly blown into shards by bullet clusters, and the broken branches were hit by bullets from subsequent lasing before they could land. The surrounding light intensity suddenly increased, and after a few breaths, more than a dozen corpses of observers fell down in the dappled faint light.

"Disperse all! Disperse!" The person who heard the wind roared, and in the next moment, the sound was replaced by a film of sharp birdsong. The wind suddenly became sharp. Isha and several captains already knew what was going on, but there was no time to remind them. In the sky above this area, large leaves have begun to sway, just like every leaf, each branch is hung with heavy objects, all hanging downward. A fluffy and shattered branches and leaves began to accelerate. Under the faint sunlight in the early morning, the transparent air was like an extremely thin silk cloth, and suddenly there were ripple-like lines.

Forty hunting birds sent out high-frequency sound waves together. Without giving anyone time to react, the invisible pressure progressed through the air, fluctuating layer by layer, and suddenly came pressure on everyone's body and head. . Except for a small number of more than 30 people who have certain resistance, the remaining members are all affected to varying degrees.

Subconsciously he covered his head, and the multiple beeps took root directly in their heads. Almost all the blood vessels on the forehead were swollen, and at the same time the sweat was secreted, the skin quickly turned flush. The balance of most people has been disrupted, and they have exhausted their strength while standing. Moving their bodies is already a luxury.

The sound of birds became more piercing, and the gust of hunting birds flapped from the sky at this moment. In the dead leaves flying, several bombs three or four times the thickness of an adult’s waist were drawn across an arc, like simple paper folded by a child. The plane slid down into the crowd where only a few people noticed.


The light and shadow changed, and the white flame produced by the explosion turned into a huge sphere with a diameter of more than ten meters, which instantly swallowed several people. The shock wave and the heat wave formed two transparent air walls one after the other, which spread to dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye. A few huge fireballs turned into violent smoke in the blink of an eye, and the staggered impact could not tolerate any reaction time. One could only watch the bodies of the people around them become distorted in the impact, and then they were knocked out.

"Attack! Attack!" The captain yelled while running, and shooting towards the sound source. The enemy knows how to hide his position by relying on his vision, and he also knows his own advantages. Bird hunting flocks will never enter the sky over areas struck by heavy machine guns, and will only throw bombs around them by inertia. More than 30 people who can move can not form any firepower net at all. There are too few targets, and their range of activities is too wide. The long distance and the obstruction of ancient trees make their perception and vision completely useless. Random shooting is just a waste of bullets. But the enemy does not have such restrictions, only need to know the approximate location, the spread of the firepower net can achieve the desired effect.

The sound of birds continued to suppress the people in the forest, and forty hunting birds jointly attacked. Even if the impact of high-frequency sound waves is not additive, the superimposed power is enough to make most people incapacitated. Their balance was affected by the impact and knocked down. The sliding bombs began to explode one after another, one by one, devouring the scattered team below at a considerable speed.

At this moment, Yisha and the others can only drag the nearby people as far as possible to evacuate, and there is no way to deal with the target hundreds of meters away in the sky.

At the same time, over the forest, the captain of this team looked around him, and the hunting bird flock was hovering in a roughly circular arc area. He originally wanted to divide the mounted bombs into four batches, but after the first batch of tentative throws, unpredictable bullets began to fly out from below. With precise shots, one after another passed through the manipulators of the hunting bird. Chest and head.

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