Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1440: Undercurrent and Perkins Kiris (Part 2)

   Cassia felt that she could see more clearly. This status may not only bring pure danger, it may also bring unexpected benefits and opportunities to oneself. Entering the organization is a manifestation of the benefits of this identity. Now, and for a long time in the future, the superiors see themselves as a hidden threat. But this kind of threat always has the premise of "hidden". In their thinking, there are too many threats, and the extra one will not have a big impact, perhaps.

   can be used as the core of many plans. Will it be more correct?

   Cassia, who is gradually considering these, is destined to change when he looks at many things. She has absolute self-consciousness, but over time, Cassia knows that she is also subtly adapting to the environment and trend of the current era, so that she can move forward along the steel wheels, and maybe she can climb up and go faster.

   On the night of returning to Lalsa, after Adolf and Terry Weikang inquired and explained something, Cassia went to the weapon storehouse that came with the house and chose the weapon at hand.

Leaving the house near ten o'clock in the evening, relying on the money in a dozen bearer bank cards, Cassia found and obtained all the things he needed in the black market-information about Tasley, and a professional treatment The team that saved the body. The advanced communication machine was also contacted, and after the deposit was paid, the seller said that the goods were already in transit. There are only so many relevant preparations.

The border forest and his party had a great impact on Larsa. Cassia followed the information to go to the riverside area of ​​the city again. The pedestrians around had been reduced by half, and it was unintentional or intentional. The information of the forest has been operated on here. Spread among the crowd. What changes this will bring to the future, Cassia has no idea. He thinks that after Isha comes back, he has the opportunity to learn how to analyze and capture these changes.

   Listening to the conversation among the surrounding people, Cassia unfolded a sonic pulse and locked the tavern where Tassley was located. It is already clear to these intelligence merchants that they earn double rewards each time, and it is also expected that Tasley will increase the number of protection personnel in the tavern.

   But, what use is this? Diagonally across from the tavern, Cassia put both hands in the pockets of the windbreaker, the evening breeze flapped his serious face, facing the shimmering river, waiting for the dawn time. The scene in my eyes changed color with the night, all black and white. While locking on Tasli at any time, Cassia walked back and forth about four to five hundred meters in front of the tavern. On the way, I went to sit down in a restaurant because of the smell, and filled my stomach bag that had not been eaten for a few days.

   By two o'clock in the morning, the number of people in the pub and the surrounding area decreased. In the shadow of the trees and buildings, Cassia who blended into it entered the tavern without any hindrance, breathing as simple and smooth as possible. The small-caliber pistol is equipped with a powerful silencer and a tactical knife. There are nearly twenty dead bodies that died silently. Cassia estimated that they would not be discovered until morning.

   As for Tasley, Cassia hired a small boat ahead of time and waited at the appointed time and place. By eight o'clock in the morning, in a rented room somewhere, he had been made into a specimen that could be kept intact for decades.

   Looking at Tasley, whose skin color and expression remained in the jar just before his death, Cassia remembered what the coach Biao said to him when he entered the military school. There was very little contact between himself and Tasley. From the words before Tasley's death, he learned that he was also threatened, although he also took corresponding benefits. But it doesn't matter anymore, Cassia muttered to herself.


   "Mr. Adolf, should I explain something to me?" On the way back, General Pullman and Adolf shared a salute.

"It seems we want to go together." said Adolf who drove. "I don't know what's going on. After I came to Larsa, I haven't received any notice or order from the upper level. I have no plan this time. Any information. Mr. Terry Weikang, is it the same situation on your side?"

"It's been a long time." With a helpless tone, Pullman fell into short thoughts, "It seems that there is another person responsible for this aspect, and we don't need to be involved. It's just a simple reminder that you should have it, if this is the case. The situation has occurred several times, and it is inevitable that one of them will not cause problems.

   "I think it's the best." Adolf agrees, "But I don't want to ask."

   "You dare not." Pullman said in his heart, not forgetting to add, "Me too."

"The people who suddenly jumped out should be another group of people who have made certain plans around Soriatu. Do you want to put all the credit for these things on Soriatu's head and help him speed up and improve in the organization? The identity of China? This is a good choice. With Soriatu's strength, he wants to wait until he has such strength. I don't know how many years will come. It may not be impossible to never reach it."

"Starting from this point, we still have a lot of troubles in the future." General Pullman sighed. "The purpose of coming to Larsa is for this, but the other group of people's methods of doing things are a little too cautious. After doing the core things, ensuring the safety of Soriatu, let some other members survive. With their strength, it is certainly not difficult."

"I don't know, maybe it is to do things with money. What about the temporary staff hired?" Adolf chuckled a few times, and then said as if compromised, "For the smooth progress of our mission, I will still ask something tentatively when I return. Right."


   The light blue fluorescence provides weak light, and the dull air carries the smell that has settled in this silence for a long time, drying and quickly taking away the moisture from the skin.

I don’t know how these fluorescent mosses in the underground spiral cavity have survived to this day. They have very little water on their bodies. They live like dead leaves in the ground under the sun, but they still have extremely tenacious and vigorous vitality~ the impact of the uranium bomb continue to this day and create such a scene? "While talking to himself, Ilix squinted his eyes slightly, perceiving, he moved the appearance of these fluorescent mosses completely into his head, and then he continued to walk forward.

   Soon, about a kilometer away, Ilix stopped and stood beside a flat rock wall. The bright light of the bright flashlight suddenly reflected the entire surrounding space, and the colorless picture excavated on the stone wall appeared in his eyes completely. Just a glance, the general picture has become his firm memory. When he was about to record the details and the strange words used for explanation, in the corner of the stone wall, a mark left by a latecomer attracted all Ilix’s attention. force.

   It is a symbolic portrait of an eye. It is very simple, but it has the same artistic conception as the stone painting.

   "Kiris." The voice suddenly coming from behind made Ilix shake his whole body. Although it was only a moment, the horrible feeling eased a person of his kind for such a short time. He turned his head and looked at the woman who was approaching him silently and standing behind him, an icy voice came out, with an inexplicable meaning, like a warning, "Miss Lisuman, have you seen these things?"

   "I have seen it. Isn't it very common to have this in the books I have read before?" Li Suman's words are full of provocation, "Perkins Kiris' book, "Strange Creatures" is written by him."


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