Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1441: Spiral and Skeleton Mountain (Part 1)

"Thousands of years ago, a man dedicated to all kinds of wonderful things is also a strong man. In addition to "Wonderful Creatures", Perkins also dabbled in many aspects in ancient history and ancient ruins." Li Suman's At this time, her tone returned to her normal state. Ignoring Ilix’s gaze, she walked to the side of the stone wall and turned on the bright flashlight. A group of solid light beams hit the eye stone painting with white spots, and all the details were exposed, “It’s him. There is no error left."

   Talking about Li Suman illuminating the pictures on the stone wall one by one with a flashlight. After reading it, he stepped back a few steps, and the beam of light followed the stone wall towards the distant darkness until it was completely swallowed up by the dry air.

"There is a complete set of books by Perkins Kiris in the database of the Saint Royal Hall. There are dozens of manuscripts that are not circulated in the black market. It is not a confidential document. After you go back, you can take it out and read it carefully. Look. When I first came into contact, I thought they were all interesting stories, but I didn't expect them to become reality one by one later. Perhaps this is the most interesting place."

   Li Suman said, turning off the flashlight, and the light instantly cut a layer, making the surrounding area a lot darker. At this time, she really looked at Ilix and said as the captain: "Leaving the team rashly is very dangerous, Ilix. It is at least a few kilometers away from the camp. If there is an accident, we will notice that we are here. It also takes time. Anything can happen during this period. Once you have an accident and die here, I have to write a lot of reports."

   "Don't make it difficult for me, Mr. Ilix." The impatient tone made Ilix's forehead slightly jump, and the content of the words were just ordinary complaints, but the sound in the ears was unexpectedly harsh. Ilix belongs to a deputy captain guarding the saint fathers. This time he was sent to participate in the investigation mission of the cemetery. Anyone else who has a head knows the meaning of his identity a little deeper.

   But it doesn't work very well with Li Suman. She completely regarded Ilix as a potential trouble, not only for the present but also for the future. And playing stupid on simple things and disapproving others is the best way that Li Suman thinks is the most irritating way for people to get angry for no reason. From this, you can observe the changes of other people, and the other party can’t let you feel how you feel. Interesting-at least Li Suman thinks this is a simple way to get happiness.

   Looking directly at Ilix, Li Suman's expression was completely that the captain cared about the team members' sudden disappearance in the camp, and then ran out to find the peace of mind of the disappeared member.

"It's been too long since I came in in the spiral cavity. I just want to come out alone and don't worry about me, Captain Li Suman." Ilix squinted his eyes, and the voice changed from the beginning to the softer at the end, "I'll wait a moment. Go back by yourself."

Li Suman immediately shook his head and directly denied Ilix's words: "You are too dangerous to be alone. It is inevitable that some people will have other ideas if you don't know how many forces have gathered. I just want to come out and walk. Let’s go together.” Speaking of Li Suman’s “pop”, he pressed the flashlight and stepped forward, “It is surprising that the unique symbol of Perkins Kiris will appear here. Since he has been here, it is common sense that there should be corresponding stories in the books. Well,,, there seems to be such a long story that corresponds to each other here. Those texts are also said to be deep in the ground in one place. In the spiral space, in a manuscript obtained by accident."

   is close to the voice whispering to himself, but in the silent space, it still appears very clear. What I said deliberately to Ilix was not only Li Suman's intention, but Ilix knew it in his heart.

   can only follow silently, Ilix put away the cold breath that was gradually emanating from him, and walked behind Li Suman. After accepting this mission from the holy fathers, he read the detailed information of all members of the team. The initial understanding of Li Suman was only limited to many things and uncontrollable factors. The Holy Royal Hall chose to use the form of exile and kept it on the tundra of the endless sea for decades. If it hadn't been for the red star to be observed, the Holy Fathers would not have plans to call it back again.

But in Elix’s mind, all he knows is that Li Suman herself is troublesome walking, because in the five stages of the operation, a small amount of action may cause irreparable damage to many plans, so the holy fathers will be exiled. Countermeasures. But in the past few months of contact, he can completely understand why the Yuanjiang sacrificial position that has been rotated for several years to Lisuman will become a lifelong task.

  It is difficult to deal with. It is a trivial matter that there are too many strange and unusual ideas in his head. The important and unbearable thing is that Li Suman will actually put these ideas into practice gradually. Many things should exist in the imagination, and even if they are not, they will be thought and analyzed through the brains of many people, and finally a stable and safe plan will be formed. Li Suman is different. When she thinks of it, she will find the right opportunity to do it, and many of the ideas come from her personal interests. The result is not clear to her, or she has never cared about the result, but the various tastes in the process itself.

   At this moment, Li Suman's strength also made him feel dangerous instinctively. Just being able to approach him silently, and standing behind him, has explained that as long as Li Suman is willing, it is impossible for him to become a corpse at that time.

   Like being affected by light Ilix's eyes narrowed more and more, and finally turned into a gap. He didn't say anything along the way, and a lot of his energy was used to reanalyze the information about Li Suman. There are too many inconsistencies with reality.

"Stay in the tundra all the year round has caused the Saint Royal Hall to gradually lose touch with its understanding and control." Thinking of this in his heart, Ilix had to re-evaluate the graceful woman in front of him, "As long as he has experienced war. Will it always be like this, or has something happened that was completely unknown to outsiders in the decades on the tundra?"

   Ilix couldn't figure it out, and Li Suman before him didn't think about it at all. Because after being recalled from the tundra, through cooperation with the holy emperor and various information obtained from her only old friend McGerry shortly afterwards, she learned a very simple fact.

   After decades of boring life in the tundra, she returned to the empire again is very powerful. I don't know why this happened. During the tundra, she couldn't find anything to compare with and returned to the empire. This result surprised her. But precisely, with this premise, the thoughts and desires accumulated in the tundra for decades can be well vented, but many people have no way to do it. Li Suman has always felt that she is simple, just like this idea. Perhaps being so scared of crazy girls is also derived from his own thoughts, Li Suman sometimes thinks, but also considers this. Because she knew that she had no way to take a crazy girl, just as many people could not help herself.


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