Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1443: Spiral and Skeleton Mountain (Part 2)

   The head of the spiral corridor is a pure black mirror, and everyone has the illusion that it is reflecting light.

   Dozens of people were only a few meters away from each other, and they walked very carefully to the huge black cavity behind the end. The surrounding temperature went to minus two hundred thirty or forty degrees, and the air seemed to have turned into colorless and invisible ice crystals, which would take away a lot of water when inhaled into the lungs. Everyone maintained at least the light that was stimulated by the convergence of their own bio-inductive stress field, but whether it was light or the perception of everyone, after entering the end, they all fell into an inescapable abyss without any feedback.

   Everyone looked at their feet tacitly at this time, but it was still a piece of black hard rock, a rock that can make a crisp sound with a little collision. After a few breaths of silence in place, someone finally approached the end. The heat wave swept all around, and a broad gray-white road that existed below revealed a faint form, but the light still did not touch any boundary of the black void behind the end. Those frozen blacks seemed to have not been moisturized by any nutrients and energy for a long time. After the heat wave and light went out for a certain distance, they all disappeared.

   But everyone understands that the ultimate reason is just because this underground space is too huge, and the surrounding influences prevent them from letting light go to the boundary of this space.

"The rock mountain and conch in ancient history." The man at the end turned around, scanned the surrounding area with the light of his finger, and said, "We are probably in a certain position in the center of this underground space. Although there is a substantial rock underfoot, it is not unsuitable to look at it as a suspended state." With that, the intensity of the light in the man's hand rose again, and the gray-white road tens of meters below the spiral channel completely revealed its shadow.

   Li Suman heard the man's words, and the pictures of rock mountain conch drawn by historians appeared in his head. In ancient history, it lived in huge seas, a strange creature that lived by devouring rocks and underground volcanic magma. However, various follow-up data show that Yanshan Conch certainly does not really survive with magma and various rocks. It is huge in size and can be called a moving island under the sea. It has a complicated parasitic and symbiotic relationship in its body. Almost all its food sources come from these creatures. Rocks and magma are nothing but nutrients needed by parasitic and symbiotic organisms in its body.

   While thinking, the man in the front had already jumped from the end of the spiral tunnel, and after a breath, landed on the gray road. Seeing this, dozens of people around followed suit one by one, and when everyone was standing on the road, several points of light suddenly skyrocketed, trying to test the limits of this space.

   all failed, the skyrocketing light only let them see a corner of the sky-like shell left by the dead rock mountain conch above their heads. One or two unique round spirals can be observed, and the rest are all hidden in the darkness.

  The gray-white road extends to both ends, with an upward slope. Tacitly chose to go to a higher place together, and the sound of footsteps has now become a relatively "muffled" boom. Although everyone did not speak, the fact that the gray-white road underneath was actually the spine of a certain snake in ancient history was very clear. This place is called a cemetery in strange characters, and it is normal for the bones of some ancient historical creatures to appear. In addition, as a five-stage surgeon, the amount of knowledge in their heads will prevent them from being surprised.

   But at 12 o'clock, the white light spot that continuously stirred up heat waves around it lost its brilliance completely after entering this underground space. In Li Suman's eyes, including herself, at this moment there is a feeling like a candle that will go out in the wind at any time.

   The extreme low temperature has caused many things to change their normal state. The condensed air makes every step like walking in the cold liquid metal. It was quiet, the surrounding darkness not only swallowed light and heat, but also swallowed sound and perception, and everything that could be consumed.

   The speed of the twelve people gradually increased, and after a few breaths, it became a trot. The path of this spine formation seemed to have no end, Li Suman calculated that after walking close to seven or eight kilometers, he still did not see any changes. The spine, which was bitten in each section under the foot, maintained its general appearance, as did the emptiness around it. As if staying in place all the time, even the upward **** of the spine path did not change in the sense of everyone.

   But with the mind and willpower of twelve people, this labyrinth-like road structure and the erosion of the surrounding environment can't affect anyone in the slightest.

   moved forward only about two kilometers, and everyone stopped at the same time. Things other than black finally appeared on both sides of the bone road. They were all distorted gray bones in the extreme cold, stacked together like garbage. Huge, small, straight, curved, various forms of bones, presumably some collectors will like it.

The people who stopped at this moment looked around each other, and they all understood the thoughts in the hearts of other people-this road composed of spine probably leads to the true center of this space, combined with the boundary position of the space that the light cannot reach just now, and The upward **** of the road,,,

   They are now walking on a bone mountain made up of countless ancient historical creature bone The top of the bone mountain, which is also the center of this underground space, what is it? The strange text on the dragon skeleton fossil did not clearly explain all the information here. It was more like an epitaph copied a long time later, only recording the approximate location.

As a cemetery here, no matter from the size of the underground space or this almost endless spine road, the corpses of countless creatures that existed in ancient history piled up under the road, just imagine the number of them, it is enough Explain the splendor of this cemetery in ancient history. The same curiosity and interest were born in everyone's hearts for a while, and at the same time, vigilance also appeared in everyone.

   I don't know how other people think about this cemetery. Li Suman walked at the back, following the other people's footsteps, looking down at the fossilized bones piled up. The extremely low temperature around made her feel like she was back on the tundra at this moment. She had guessed in her heart what creatures this might be related to.

"It's just such a huge scale. Why was this place built?" There are many records about cemeteries in the database of Saint Emperor's Hall and other forces. It's not that there are no such scales, but those cemeteries. What's left is terrifying. Li Suman's inner doubts had not yet entered the post-thinking stage, and they were completely covered by the danger signals that suddenly rushed up in the body.

   A little white light suddenly bloomed at a high place far in front of everyone, where it seemed to be the end of this spine road.


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