Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1444: Beluga and the Explorer Kiris (Part 1)

   At the next moment, the white light was shaped like a transparent spherical film, expanding around at a visible speed. The icy darkness immediately melted away without a trace. The film that could be discerned by the eyes instantly swept past Li Suman and the twelve people, and the skeletal fossils layered under the spine path finally revealed them completely. status.

The blazing white light has completely wrapped the center of the space, and the cone-shaped bone mountain seems to be covered with a layer of hoarfrost, which is also like a silent avalanche, spreading downward from its top, rolling away, gradually revealing its huge accumulation The base of various bones.

   The base is a round table that has been excavated, shaped like a table top made of glass on a dining table. The base steadily held up countless skeletal fossils into a cone, and the white light continued to spread, and the ground beside the base was illuminated by light.

   It was a flat, circular ground. At this moment, Li Suman and others were alerting the surroundings, while slightly squinting their eyes to observe below. The ring is full of excavated lines, which are ravines matching the area of ​​the ring, winding and staggering to form mysterious images, just like artistic portraits.

At each node in these patterns, there is a low stone column with a diameter of several tens of meters, and a dragon skeletal fossil curled up in a circle, like the guardian of these nodes, sleeps quietly on it. . Rather than being a guardian, Li Suman thinks that the dragon bone fossils are like sacrifices to this cemetery. Because every sentence of bone fossils can still be observed in the chain remains nearly corroded by time.

  In the many gullies that make up the image, most of the various substances originally used as fillers have dried up and evaporated, but there are still some leftovers. Many gullies reflect off-white light at this moment. Under the stimulation of the white light, something that had been condensed began to melt away, turning into a mercury-like liquid metal form, and beginning to flow in the gully.

   There are dots of light on the flat circular ground, like the inverted night sky, forming a circle around the bone mountain, reflecting in the pupils of everyone.

   After a few breaths, the flat circular ground finally came to an end. Those interlaced and meandering images also have borders here. Soon after, a complete hexagram image with intermittent light appeared in everyone's eyes. At this time, this underground space finally seemed to be completely illuminated by the white light in the center. In the surrounding field of vision, the complete huge shell of the rock mountain and the conch was suspended in the air behind everyone, and besides, there were six branches of the six-pointed star. With a sharp angle as the starting point, a road composed of six spine connections is shaped like a suspension bridge on a cliff, supported by the huge bones of unknown creatures, and connected to the apex of the bone mountain.

  In the blazing white light, a translucent wave of air spread down from the top of the bone mountain. The wind flickered among the piled bone fossils, a sighing sound of "Woo Wu Wu" rose, and the cold air began to heat up.

   The danger signs increase, Li Suman and others are ready to resist the shock. But the air waves are not without power, but they carry very little power, and they hit the face like a dull heat wave before a midsummer rainstorm. The only change is that the light spots on their fingers condensed by the bio-inductive stress field are like candles, erratic, and even the little light in the hands of a small number of people suddenly goes out after flashing.

"Boom!" I don't know who is taking the step. Under the sound of an air explosion, the twelve people increased their speed one after another, and one after another hit the air. The explosion sounded all the way. Twelve air passages rushed to the end of the spine road. The whining sound is even worse at this moment, and the air is the biggest obstacle to Li Suman and the others at this moment.

   It's just that the twelve people's ears only have a "whooping" wind with an increasing frequency, but the explosion that smashed through the air was completely left behind. Standing on the empire, and even the top group of people on the Three-Phase Continent, as humanoids and steel machines that retain biological forms and characteristics, the speed of any one of them exceeds the speed of sound at this moment. One breath ran for one or two kilometers away, and the blazing white light at the top of the bone mountain moved closer and closer.

   Approaching the top position, the temperature rises more violently. After traveling thousands of meters, the temperature of minus two hundred thirty or forty has now reached zero degrees. The blazing white light in front of him was gradually analyzed by Li Suman and others, and the more and more things could be seen through the endless light.

   After a few breaths, everyone rushed for more than ten kilometers, and finally reached a place not far from the top, which is also the end of the spine road. The temperature contrasted with that not long ago, reaching 70 to 80 degrees. The expanding air forms heat waves, which continue to spread around. Not only the surrounding objects, but also their bodies at this moment are also coated with a bright white. The light fell, and it felt like an illusion of pain.

   squinted his eyes slightly, everyone wanted to see clearly what was in the white light a kilometer away. It's just that the light is shaped like a physical object, directly submerging everything in it. Someone jumped forward, delusional to enter the true core of the light, but only after they walked tens of meters away, the pale blue thin film on their body shook violently and might break at any time.

   immediately returned, and the rest of the people did not dare to move forward at the moment. They glanced at each other as if they wanted to cooperate to explore the interior of the light. But at this moment, the white light began to weaken gradually. The speed is very fast, the substantial light shrinks to tens of meters after one or two breaths, and then, until the strong light shrinks to a point that no longer interferes with the line of sight, it returns to the tip of a twisted spear. Dao's vague figure condensed after the light.

"You better stand there honestly." The cold voice is out of touch with the surrounding temperature, but it has a deterrent effect. It comes from the front, "Don't forget your original purpose in the cemetery, the mithril in the six-pointed star below. You distribute the metal by yourself, as long as you don't forget to leave a reasonable share for the Chila Andi family. As for this, I think you can just watch it. If it enters the alert range, we don't know what will happen later~www. To be honest, we don’t know the situation of the group leader now, and we will keep this state for a while."

   "Hilda, I didn't expect you to be here long ago." Some of the twelve said.

   But the woman called Hilda did not answer. She no longer looked at the crowd, but instead projected her gaze to her side and went up.

   Not far from her is a huge single horn, covered with tree-ring-like rings, stacked one after another. The unicorn is not huge, compared with some bone fossils in the bone mountain below. The length is less than 100 meters, the whole body is gray-white, the texture is very rough, and many pits have been eroded over a long time.

   This unicorn is owned by a huge creature, and the end of the unicorn is connected to a hemispherical bone, like the skull of a creature. The unicorn obliquely made an angle and pointed to the hemispherical dome of this underground space. At the top of the gray-white unicorn, a girl about sixteen or seventeen was completely frozen by the cold ice crystals. But the girl still has strong vitality, stronger than any one here. The girl is holding a long sword with a silver-white blade in one hand and inserting it on the unicorn, while the other hand is placed on the top of the unicorn on a dark blue crystal that is not the size of a fist. It seems to be sensing something .

   When everyone saw the girl in the ice crystal, they fell silent for a while. Li Suman looked at the unicorn at this time, not knowing whether she was instinct, she moved aside, went behind the others, and hid her figure.


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