Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1446: Beluga and the explorer Kiris (part 2)

Before putting it in the suitcase, she took a closer look. As if she saw the blue crystal for the last time, the girl closed the suitcase and told the member to go to Hilda first, "Hilda, you evacuate first and wait for me at the exit. ."

   "I see, leader." Hilda replied immediately, but immediately turned around to look at the twelve people not far away, which seemed to be a warning, and then turned and left with the four members. After a few breaths, I saw the beam of light representing Hilda go far away. The girl pulled out the silver long sword inserted on the horn, and the moment she raised it, countless white rays of light inspired.

Li Suman and others only maintained a low limit of the biological inductive stress field as protection. At this moment, under the attack of the real holy sword, the induction force field on their bodies is no different from a layer of paper, and they are excited by contact with the holy sword. The white light was completely torn apart in an instant.

   The twelve people had no time to react. Not only were they sensing the force field, their eyes were also hit by the white light, causing them to lose their sight completely within a second or two. All cut off the connection between themselves and their vision without any hesitation. At the same time, relying on the memory of the surrounding terrain, the twelve standing together separated instantly. After going everywhere on the Bone Mountain, they were wary of the **** the horn while being crazy. Fleeing towards the bottom of the bone mountain.

   After a few breaths, the vision recovered, and the ambient light has dimmed a lot. The twelve people stopped one after another, and each of them could easily see other people by relying on the contours of the induction force field that could be observed in the underground space.

   spread out in a fan shape and ran a small distance. Looking back again, there was no girl's shadow on the horn for a long time, and the huge induction field in the perception disappeared without a trace, and there was no trace of it.

   "Gone?" I didn't understand the girl's purpose for a short time. Test or deterrence? Everyone feels that neither is. Seeing the absolute difference in power, they wouldn't be tired of relying on their numerical superiority to threaten the mad girl holding the holy sword. However, the mad girl brought the holy sword and the holy spear with her, and this piece of information has important value.

   curiosity drove the twelve people back to the top of the bone mountain. During the period, the tree-ring-shaped ring of the whole single-horned upper ring cascaded up in circles, blooming with pale light.

   The pale light is like the light of an indicator light. Although the range of spreading in the black underground space is extremely limited, the temperature of the place it passes by begins to drop sharply. From the original high temperature of 70 or 80 degrees to minus two hundred and thirty or forty degrees, the whole process only took a few breaths.

   The huge temperature difference in a short period of time caused most of the skeletal fossils at the top of the bone mountain to crack open. With the bottom of the unicorn as the center, a thin layer of ice crystals began to spread. When Li Suman and others went to the huge ellipsoidal skull under the unicorn, the ice crystals had covered all the bone fossils at the top of the bone mountain, shaped like mold, and it multiplied unhindered in large areas with sufficient nutrients.

   A gap was cut where the unicorn was connected to the skull, and the cone-shaped cavity in the center of the unicorn was visible, where some unknown tissue was once protected. Everyone did not go directly to the top of the unicorn, but looked at this ellipsoidal skull arched at the top by countless bones.

   Only at this moment did I realize that what was buried in this cemetery was probably a creature with a unicorn at its feet. In ancient history, the second type of creatures were far more than the current giant whales and dragons, and dozens of different types of second creatures appeared in limited data.

   The unicorn is like a tombstone, and a lot of strange characters are carved in the gaps of the circles that emit pale white light. At the place where these words rest, as expected, Li Suman saw the familiar eye image—the mark left by an explorer Pekinz Kiris thousands of years ago.

"This person who has been left in history and has many identities does not seem to be as simple as the recorded four-stage surgeon. Did he rely on his own strong strength at the time to make some changes to the record?" Li Suman was in the spiral passage After seeing these symbols on the stone paintings, the long-standing doubts in my heart began to surface, "What is the purpose of the bottom, Perkins Kiris. Coming here is just to witness this ancient history, leaving behind I left after my own symbol?"

   Thoughts are running fast, Li Suman finished reading all of "Strange Creatures" decades ago. Later, due to the continuous expansion of information and insights, some scenes and records in the book are constantly overlapping with reality. And some places in the book have never been safe for a four-stage surgeon to return safely after entering. Moreover, several locations, as well as the current herself, need to use the power of the Saint Royal Hall to go.

   Except for the eye symbol, there is also a reduced version of the giant whale next to the text. On the top of its head, there is a logo similar to a unicorn.

   "The master of the deep sea in ancient history."

"The skeletal fossil of the beluga whale, the master of the deep sea, appeared on the land, and a cemetery was built for it. If there are related explanations in the strange text, after the analysis of archaeology and historians, there will be wonderful Message appears."

"This place is called a cemetery, so why can't people think of it as being used to confine beluga whales. This cemetery is indeed huge, but the meaning of the cemetery is not necessarily good. Is it possible that there are a huge number of bone fossils in the Bone Mountain? In ancient history, for some reason, those who hunted this white whale and died?"

"Melville, you seem to know something else." The twelve people stood up, forming a non-standard circle, "The blue crystal was taken away by the crazy will not talk about it here. In a short while, other people from all forces will come here, don’t you object to this?"

   "No objection." The man named Melville answered first. He is the strongest man among the twelve, and he looks like an ordinary person who has worked hard for more than ten years and has exercised his body. It's just that the knowledge-filled face under the pale light is incompatible with his body. When speaking, Melville did not forget to cross his rough fingers and observe the reactions of others. His face is like a simple disguise of a highly dangerous creature in nature, "As you mean, everyone unites, and before the rest of the various forces come here, as many valuable information and things as possible, Then either destroy it or distribute it fairly among us?"

   "I agree." Melville continued, and the others immediately accepted the proposal.

"That starts with me." Melville smiled after confirming the joint relationship, "I recognize some strange words, and I have not studied them deeply. The point just now is based on the interpretation of these strange words. Just a single angle. There are two things to say about the strange characters and some carved images."

"First, the body of the beluga whale was originally locked by a chain penetrating the body. If there is a residue in time, it is at least a material equivalent to the ultimate metal. Second, the last record of the strange text, the beluga's unicorn is A unique transforming organ. I think that blue crystal may be part of the historical remnants of the transforming organ mentioned in the text."


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