Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1447: Identity Guessing (Part 1)

"But what does it do? I don't know about it. The crazy girl values ​​it so much. From her point of view, we don't know it seems normal." Melville finished speaking, turned to the edge of the skull and looked along the outline. After looking at it, he made a sound to signal everyone to come to him.

   The skeletal fossil of the beluga whale is estimated to be about three to four kilometers away. Except for the ellipsoidal skull, the skeletal fossils in other parts are mixed with other creatures. Looking along the direction of the huge spine spreading, it is easy to see the body part trapped in the bone mountain. Tens of worn chains can be seen at the edge of the skull. With the erosion of time, many substances in the chains have disappeared. At this moment, all that is left is the sponge-like objects in the form of chains.

"Although the number is not large, it can be made into weapons after being alloyed with other metals, and the effect can be close to 70 or 80% of the ultimate metal. We are all restricted by the Avalon organization from obtaining high-purity materials and want to obtain The right weapon is very difficult, and these things can help us to a great extent."

   After speaking, Melville looked at the others and motioned for the next one to appear. There was a pause in the middle, but in the end it was picked up by someone else.

"One horn itself certainly does not have energy. The ancient history is very far away from now, and I don’t know how many different eras have been experienced in the middle. Starting from my professional knowledge, there must be a continuous output of energy in this bone mountain. installation."

   "Are you saying that there will be a reaction device left over from ancient history?"

The speaker nodded, "As for whether uranium and gold are used as energy source, I am not sure about this. Even if it is, what I want to leave is just a bunch of useless waste. I think at first, the light emitted by the unicorn should be able to shine. Brighten the entire underground space and provide extremely low temperature to keep all the corpses here from decay in time. Now the range of white light has said that there is not much energy left, but it is good to bring it back for research. Another point, The energy substance is not necessarily uranium gold, but a conversion device made by man is also very possible. After all, the second type of organism will synthesize uranium gold and other substances by itself, and everyone is very clear about it."

"The information I provided has no direct connection with this underground space, but its value is absolutely equivalent to what you said." Twelve people said one after another, "Remember that it was a certain mad girl in the endless sea more than a year ago. She was in contact with the giant whale at a location. After that, with the help of limited information, she began to appear in many ancient sites that have been proven. Is there a connection between the two that we don’t know? As the deep sea in ancient history The master, although it has completely disappeared for a long time, has been replaced by the current giant whale. However, it is also a cetacean, and this cemetery is on the land within the empire. The giant whale and the mad girl reached some kind of agreement to The blue crystal is used as a trading condition, and there are many reasons to explain it."

   "The dragons on the nodes of the six-pointed star are not the same type, I have seen actions,,,"


   Hilda and the others entered the underground space through another passage, not through the spiral passage. On the way, the local area network radio signal was used to let the auxiliary personnel clean up the traces and retreat first. At the exit, there were only five of them. The camp fire barrel was reignited, Hilda took the suitcase and locked it completely with a pass card. The sacred gun was also disassembled into three sections and returned to a black flexible bag.

   waited here for nearly two hours before the girl finally appeared in the firelight range. After the silver cross pupil disappeared, the eyes returned to black, but they did not have the equivalent color, and the black seemed to be even more dim.

   In addition to the silver long sword in the girl's hand, she also has a metal cuboid like a long ruler. The interlocking golden gears can be seen through the holes in the cuboid. On the side of the gear, there are more translucent rope-like substances, which have the smell of young roots of plants that have lost water and withered. They have not died, but have fallen into an indefinite dormant state.

Hilda took the cuboid metal strip that the girl suddenly threw over, and a tired voice rang in her ear: "Give it to Macquarie, he knows what to do next. Tell him that we saw an acquaintance in the cemetery. , You can ask this acquaintance for some information. Also, let him collect information about Perkins Kiris."

   "Kiris?" Hilda thoughtfully. Many people have read Qilishi's books, and she is one of them. She knows some of its information, although they are all rumor-like materials and not for reference.

"Many people are doing the same things as we do at different times, but they probably all failed." The girl said, "Only the Qilish symbol appeared at various key nodes, and it was never disconnected. This made me a little worried about the future. Whether the deal with the giant whale can go on smoothly. Those huge creatures are not as cute as the images in the textbooks. They have big heads, so they are very clever.,, Whether Perkins Kiris really died, after today, also No one can come to a definite answer..."

   did not answer the conversation, the girl thought for a while, and talked about other things, "Hilda, did you know all those people just now?"

"If the team leader needs information, I will ask you to prepare it The girl shook her head," You tell Macquarie their names and let him write them down for me. Talk to them about something..."


  The number of Flame Alliance personnel in Larsa increased three or four times later. During this period, Cassia did not choose to go out. According to the words of Adolf and Trevikang, he stayed quietly in his house.

   After the advanced communication machine returned, Cassia had the option of contacting Corqueva in addition to reading. Within the Flame Alliance, most of the people with the same status as him were forced to restrict their freedom, and they were all called back to the tribal headquarters within a few days, and they were not afraid of the big influence.

  Larsa is the main investigation point. Recently, there will be a large number of Thunder Wolf tribe personnel. This news was also learned by Cassia from Kolkova. For this reason, Cassia deliberately spent a lot of time sorting out what he did after returning to Larsa, cleaning up all traces, and artificially creating an information fault in the information.

   Some terms of trade cooperation and the list of commodities have been finalized in the contact, but limited to the current situation, Cassia estimates that the forest environment on the border is restored to the state before clearing, and the time required is not calculated in one or two months.

   After two weeks of reading and exercising in the house, on this day, the new unilateral communicator felt a shock. Cassia pressed the answer button, and Isha's voice came.


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