Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1460: The Watcher in the Dark (Part 2)

   Seeing that Ye Jielin didn't answer to herself, Gabriel stopped talking and looked at the glass skylight as she did. A thin layer of water vapor gradually accumulated in his sight. For a short while, perhaps because he hadn't seen each other for a long time, Gabriel sighed as if he had admitted defeat.

"Cassia definitely has his reasons for not contacting him. It has been a year and a half, and until now, there is no relevant news from the intelligence dealers in the dark world of the empire. Even in the gray area, or another giant country, or that The same is true for a small country. I know that you specifically let the fat man use a fixed amount of money to collect corresponding information on the entire post-phase continent."

"I just need a piece of news." Ye Jielin finally said, "Some things have to be determined, otherwise they will remain stuck in my heart. When the knight attendant was evaluated, the place where Cassia'dead' was "death" was taken by Toville, the former patriarch of Kira Andi. Stur’s experimental body was destroyed, the ice melted, and all traces were destroyed. If the various forces really confirm that he is not dead, the work I let the fat man do will be much easier."

"But," Ye Jielin emphasized, raising her head, "The intelligence network shows that those forces are doing the same thing as me. You know what this means. They also can't determine the details and true or false of the whole process, only It depends on time to prove."

   Gabriel’s exhalation sounded like a sigh, “Cassia must have planned for the whole process of the knight attendant assessment. If you can’t even get this time, then I think the whole plan is a complete failure.”

"Did you know?" Gabriel thought for a while, as if thinking of something. "When your father was still in the position of patriarch, he saw through the window Cassia entering the headquarters of the Webley family for the first time. , Said a sentence to myself. At the time, I didn't know if that sentence was said to me on purpose.

   Seeing a slight change from Ye Jielin, Gabriel snorted. As the patriarch of the Webley family, he often failed to take good care of his children. Gabriel knew that the father in Ye Jielin's eyes was simply the head of the family, and he rarely had other feelings. But in terms of basic respect, Ye Jielin must have. But this is just an identification of the father's ability.

   "I think your father's vision can be used as a horizontal reference. Without the ability and judgment of the situation, the elders will let him be the patriarch for decades."

"It's not a person who is suitable for staying in the light. Shadow and darkness can give him the freedom he deserves." Gabriel said in his own interest, in the tone of Ye Jielin's father, "This is also me. It is often said that he is the reason for a hidden sword. And he knows the importance of information, but this is not as good as the military school’s success in training soldiers and killing machines. The most important basic ideas in combat are very important. Ideally inherited from him."

"Since you believe that he is not dead, you should give absolute trust and wait honestly! Ye Jielin! This is very dangerous for you. Once you are taken advantage of, I absolutely don't believe you in this matter. There will be your usual self-control!" Gabriel, with an aggravated tone, repeated what he said just now, "You regard Cassia as a person who lives in the dark all the year round, and he lives in your shadow, watching in the dark It is the best case. Otherwise..."

   "Otherwise, what?" Ye Jielin's response was like self-questioning and self-answering among machines, with no mood swings and emotions injected into it.

   "In the knight attendant assessment, the alliance that Cassia established for you in advance has begun to loosen. A month ago, I asked the fat man to read the report to you?"

Hearing Ye Jielin's "Yeah", Gabriel stretched out his hands and put his hands behind his head: "The center of the alliance should have been Cassia, but he disappeared. After that, even if you have Weber Arms Company as a background and attraction Point, but while family gives you an advantage, it also brings inevitable bad news."

"The first point must be your father's cause. This is inevitable. The second point is that the six allies come from six different forces. This has nothing to do with luck, but there are families that are opposed to each other. There is a relationship between families. Relationships. It's so complicated that people don't have to sort out their desires. But for you, I took the time to look."

"Actually, the first thing I transferred to you was to focus on sorting out the relationship between these allies. I checked the information and thought, and I understood what you and the six other allies thought. At that time, he was sentenced to death. This is a very ridiculous concept-bypassing the opposition between family forces, and if various situations seem irrelevant to you and less important, continue to maintain your ally relationship and promote common benefits."

"It's impossible." With a laugh, Gabriel seemed to regain the position of secretary general at this moment. "Because you have received family resources and education since you were young, you don't even know the value of some things. If so, If you lose the family behind you, your defeat is in that instant. If you want to bypass the family, you must first dominate the family. But this is almost impossible. So you need to have a very high position in the family and have the right to speak. , The situation that you have in mind will appear."

"But you guys have good ideas, but they are too idealistic. It won't last long. If Cassia is always there, it may be possible. The whirlpool surrounding Cassia will make every family consider it. Make appropriate concessions. Now, even if Cassia comes back, you can only consolidate the alliance so that it will not break down for a while. The result will not change. In the end, there will always be some of you Go out and not be an enemy but you will not be a friend either."

   Gabriel who finished speaking then sighed, "Family is the trend for you. Only by following up can you have the ability to change or even reverse this direction later."

"The situation of the alliance is very unfavorable to you, Ye Jielin. If Cassia is a weakness for you, this news is detected with precision and accuracy and used. The danger involved is not only you, but also the people you formed. The team, Fatty Atuohuan and Selmer."

   "Huh,,," Ye Jielin let out a heavy breath. The feelings for Gabriel are very complicated. On the one hand, she has a natural rejection of her, but on the other hand, Yejielin has to admit that, for herself, Gabriel is a target person who needs to be and surpass. , Now and some time in the future.

   All words are heard in her head. Ye Jielin has always done a good job in this regard, and she understands that Gabriel’s analysis has considerable reference and thinking.

   "I see. I'm sorry to have you say so much as soon as you come back." Ye Jielin, who stood up, walked out of the hot spring and went to the side to get her bathrobe.

"If you still want to hear, there are actually many more. I don't mind, and I want to see your body more." His eyes suddenly became sharper and fell on Ye Jielin's graceful body, "It can make the same female I have a different kind of emotion towards you. There are not many situations like this. I will observe you carefully, Ye Jielin. After all, I have been doing this since I was a child... "Ahahaha..."


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