Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1461: Undercurrent, contact and paleontology (part 1)

   The wanton laughter made Ye Jielin take a deep breath after putting on her bathrobe, before she put her mood in a calm place. Without saying a word, Ye Jielin left the bathroom and went to the third floor.

Gabriel watched Ye Jielin leave. After the crisp metal door crashing, she sighed, raised her hand, and symbolically grasped the glass skylight, "I hope you can always remember these words, so that it will be It goes well a lot. Otherwise..." The result would not be worse in Gabriel's mind. She knew very well that among the 36 knight attendants, Ye Jielin, who had only two stages of her own strength, would get weaker on the road afterwards. Only one's own safety will be involved in a piece of energy, if a potential enemy has a plan against Ye Jielin, this will definitely be a point of use.

   Thinking of Cassia, Gabriel himself didn’t believe that he was dead either. But her starting point was not like Ye Jielin's father, she relied entirely on her instincts. This was the case when I saw the name of Cassia Tussos on the death list a year and a half ago. Because no matter from which aspect, Gabriel felt that there must be a plan running through the whole thing.

  In Gabriel’s heart, Cassia still maintains a sense of mystery that does not belong to his age. As the secretary general, she knew everything about Cassia that she should know. For the current state, she always thinks this is the best choice for Cassia.

"But the time can't be too long. Even if you haven't achieved the goal you want to achieve in the time you get, you should show up at an appropriate time. Some things will be forgotten, and there is no territory. After the lord for too long, when the lord returns again, what is in front of us will be the instigation of the entire territory." If you talk to yourself, no one will understand the importance of Cassia to Yejielin’s alliance than Gabriel. Because from the beginning of the number of knight attendants, it was all made by Cassia, and he must be responsible for the result and the future.

   "Maybe you didn't consider the impact of more aspects at the time." After the voice fell, only the faint sound of artificial hot spring water remained in the entire bathroom.


  Larsa, Wilvis City has completely changed its appearance in the past ten days. Many shops are closed, and the bustling city river at night is also much deserted.

  Lei Wolf Tribe has invested a lot of manpower here to collect all kinds of information. The situation is slightly better during the day, but whenever night falls, the sound of explosions will be heard from afar from time to time. Wilvis City ushered in a purge, but outsiders came in to purge the various forces that had stayed here for a long time.

  In the border forest incident, some survivors still walked out of the forest alive. It's just that some of them finally returned to Lalsa, before they had time to evacuate, or those who were dispatched here from other places, all became the targets of the Thunder Wolf tribe to vent their anger.

  Lalsa has already sent applications and requests for assistance to the League of Small Nations, but the recent situation can show that the results of the negotiations between the two sides are not satisfactory. Rather than having a certain effect, it is better to say that in the past ten days or so, the forces related to the border forest have been visited by the Thunder Wolf tribe, resulting in no such tools for venting anger, which led to the situation. Get better.

   A similar incident happened in the community where Cassia is located yesterday evening. The top floor of a residential building was blasted at a "fixed point". Extremely superb and precise explosion technology, except that the top floor became ruins, the rest of the floors were not affected much. Cassia, who was reading at the time, had actually noticed it, but she could only watch the explosion happen far away, and then the impact of the explosion shattered the glass in the main living room.

   A little helpless, Cassia re-ordered a glass on the next day and replaced it herself.

   But since then, the agitation around Wilvis City has indeed decreased a lot. It was just that the level of alertness did not decrease. The chariots carrying heavy machine guns on the streets came and went very frequently, and members of the Larsa National Army dressed in cyan costumes also patrolled in batches for more than ten days.

   Cassia really knew who it was related to, so he didn't need to remind Isha, and stayed in the house consciously without taking a step away. After reading the book four times, Cassia’s exercise went from the bedroom to the living room. The second-generation holy sword was taken out by him a few days later and used as a weight to practice some swordsmanship that had long been recorded in the body.

   After entering the third stage, Cassia has never re-used the second-generation holy sword. I don't know when the senses have changed dramatically. In the past, the second-generation holy sword was just a forged steel longsword with the top tenacity, strength and sharpness in Cassia’s feelings. It can also be coupled with its own weight advantage. When the enemy is not clear, Often the first blow can cause serious injuries.

   A few days ago, Cassia took out the second-generation holy sword from the suitcase, and soon after practicing, he clearly felt an inexplicable meaning. The icy feeling in the past was replaced by the seemingly non-existent warmth. After the perception spreads and wraps it, it is obvious that there are many things in the slender blade that you can't understand.

   At least high-frequency sound waves can't penetrate the sword body of the second-generation holy sword at all, eroding a little bit of the skin. This is the result of Cassia's experiment in a few days.

   "Does this have something to do with the liberation of the sacred costume?" As Cassia's thinking ~ ~ After the three stages, the holy sword gave him a faint feeling that this is definitely good news. The second and first generation holy swords are imitations of the holy sword itself, and each one is manufactured by Avalon. Even if the liberation effect and one percent of the holy sword's body cannot be achieved, compared with other cold weapons, this one percent may be what most advanced surgeons are looking for.

   lacks important guiding conditions, Cassia thinks it is so. If the second-generation holy sword is regarded as a living object, the prerequisite and guiding condition is the language that communicates with this life.

   "Bio-inductive stress field." After thinking a while ago and summing up various information, Cassia easily grasped this important point. However, due to his current situation, similar to a situation of isolation and helplessness, Cassia can only increase his use of the second generation of holy swords when practicing swordsmanship every day, in order to accumulate the amount of change required. I thought about looking for an opportunity to ask Adolf and Terry Weikang, but I would be spotted anyway, so I can only think about it myself.

  The malpractice of Wilvis City is now manifested, a plain area, there are no uninhabited mountains. Almost nested in the house, Cassia did not have the conditions to use the second-generation holy sword with all his strength. Only in a few days, with Cassia's power and control, the holy sword weighing half a ton was completely indistinguishable from ordinary forged steel swords.

   Of course, this is also the result of Cassia deliberately.


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