Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1462: Undercurrent, contact and paleontology (middle)

   The perception of the second-generation holy sword is unique, similar to the strong temperament of some people, and it will naturally attract people's attention. Surgeons are always accompanied by cold weapons and firearms. These are their own safety guarantees, and they must be familiar with them. In the ordinary people's world, many people can judge the quality of the ceremonial car by listening to the sound of the steam engine of the ceremonial car, and can also tell its model. This ability is all basic ability in the world of surgeons.

  The quality, sharpness, and toughness of weapons are often the first step in close combat. The uniqueness of the second-generation holy sword is the type that makes the enemy aware of it at first sight. Cassia had long thought about buying high-grade paint and changing the appearance to make it into a more advanced black-gray coating for the forged steel sword. But the weight of the second-generation holy sword will also become a big problem.

   The atmosphere of use, the sound of cutting through the air, or the vibrato triggered by collisions with other weapons will reveal its uniqueness. What Cassia can do at present is to use the power that is not equivalent to his own operation stage, as well as the high-precision and fine-grained control ability, to rationalize the camouflage when using it.

   Because of the wonderful feeling that the second-generation holy sword brought to him, Cassia wanted to find an empty and deserted place to practice his swordsmanship. This may be the direction in which one's assimilation and fusion can go forward again after entering the third stage.

   But even if I am very free, there are still many things to worry about. He who stayed in Wilvis City does not currently have such an opportunity.

   didn't care too much about the environment in the house. Cassia regarded it as a restraint to himself during exercise, and maximized the results of his training in a limited space.

   In the past five days, Lalsa finally emerged from the pressure of the Thunder Wolf tribe. In Wilvis City, normal order will be restored one day later. After the patrol team and the tank disappeared from the sight of everyone, it seemed as if it had not been significantly affected, and it returned to its original state in just one night.

   At this time, Cassia, who followed the principle of caution, made a special contact with Corqueva to inquire about his situation, focusing on the news about the Thunder Wolf tribe. Finally, not forgetting to remind the trade cooperation, Cassia cryptically explained that in the future transactions, his identity is more like a middleman.

   However, Kolkova is probably not the dominant player in such matters, and most of them are handled by his own subordinates. Still a day later, Corqueva understood the meaning of Cassia's phrase "I'm just a middleman", and a share agreement that Cassia was satisfied with came to him late.

   Cassia does not know what difficulties the organization is facing now, even if he knows, he will not have a solution. But Cassia knew that the organization would never lack the money it had traded with Corqueva.

   After a successful transaction, the share will not be much. However, among the dozen or so bank cards collected from the safe area, the former money was invested in both Waters and Delya, and the network of strongholds currently in charge of Hesley, which can be used by Cassia. No more.

   "Right to be the reward for the unknown things you did for the organization in these few tasks." For a reasonable and reassuring reason, Cassia later believed that these divisions were actually taken for granted.

   General Transportation Company opened its doors again. Ten days later, Cassia was able to meet Isha and four other new lieutenants at the company. There is only one daily job, try to disguise yourself as a hardworking person in the ordinary world. It is still waiting for the impact of the border forest incident to diminish, but some tasks within Larsa have already begun. That is a lot of trivia that has been squeezed for more than a month.

   Cassia is the new deputy commander, but he is also under the command of Isha on the surface. Get an errand that collects information in Wilvis City and analyzes the comprehensive strength of some personnel based on intelligence. Three days later, including Isha, the other four new lieutenants all went to the cities around Wilvis City to start sorting out the chaos within a month.

   The next day, Cassia watched piles of documents as high as himself, and suddenly missed the days of running around with a gun.


   "My lord, all locations have stayed at the prescribed time without any response." In the extended limousine, Gowen sat in the back seat. As soon as he finished speaking, the adjutant next to him has leaned forward and marked out the city with a red pen.

   "Continue on the planned route." Gowen said, closing his eyes, and the limo started again. On the map in front of him, along a thick and curved line from the Flame Alliance, most of the surrounding cities along the way have been crossed out.

   As the person in charge of this work, Gowen felt dangerous from the beginning. All are derived from a piece of information revealed to him by Mr. Doyle of the Thunder Wolf tribe-after the border forest incident, they sent two high-level combat forces to pursue the enemy, but they only captured what the enemy left behind. The trace has never been behind the enemy. The speed and endurance can be described as abnormal, and when going out of the border forest to the edge of the city in the nearest small country, these two high-level battles encountered obstacles at the same stage, and finally had to stop pursuing.

   According to Doyle, the enemy has layers of protection around them, they haven't even peeled off one course there will be heavy protection, and they don't look at who the opponent is. "Gowen, who hadn't fully figured out the matter at the time, just listened to it, but now recalls that combined with the information from the empire, the pressure quietly fell on him without knowing it.

   Who might be the other party, Gowin had a fluke before. But when the special experimental body in the car behind him was transported from the Tundra Research Base to his own hands, the result of the guess was finally concluded. But even if he knew the danger, as Gowen himself, he himself had to act according to the orders he gave him.

   Thinking of getting closer and closer to the target city, Gowen sighed several times in the salute. The adjutant next to him was very nervous because of the expression on Gowen's face at the moment, he had no impression of him who had followed him for several years.

   At night, a small convoy of three limo cars stopped in a small city. While letting the special experimental body conduct the induction test, while taking the necessary rest. This is already the geographical area radiated by the target city of Wilvis City, and the distance between the two is only half a day's journey.

"Take a good rest tonight and tomorrow. Tomorrow evening, we will start from here and let the convoy stop at the scheduled place in Velves City." In a hotel like a hotel, Gowen read the map and confronted the person next to him. Several members said, "If the subject has the reaction described in the document, the sedative should be injected immediately. Remember, the sedative is 15 times the dose and injected together! This must not be forgotten!"


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