Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1463: Undercurrent, contact and paleontology (part 2)

   Gowen, who had finished speaking, found that there was nothing else to remind. Once the action is discovered, you must be prepared to escape with all your strength. For the subordinate members around him, Gowin knew that several of them might have already sensed the danger of the situation. It's just the exact degree, Gowin thinks they still don't know it, because at that moment, death is only a very short moment for them.

   At 2 o'clock in the morning, Gowen, who was lying on the bed, had not closed his eyes to rest. His nerves were tense for several days. On the one hand, Gowen hopes that the subject will have the same reaction phenomenon as in the document. On the other hand, he also hopes that nothing will happen during the target detection mission this time. He just sits in the lily car along the way. After half a month of stop and go, he can report the real-time situation to the Tundra Research Base.

   The next morning, Gowin finally closed his eyes, but only rested for only two or three hours. When it was close to ten o'clock in the morning, he was awakened by an explosion from a corner of this small city. The poor simple steel bed support that collapsed directly under the reaction of the bouncing body.

   Following the sound, a piece of black smoke has risen diagonally across the window, and the flames are faintly visible. The alarm was sounded a minute or two later. Gowen knew that such things could be classified as everyday in a small country, but the sound of the explosion did almost double his heartbeat, and it subsided after dozens of breaths.

   After taking a few deep breaths, Gowen checked the time and looked at the place where the black smoke rose again, "It's a torture to myself." After thinking about it, Gowen left the room helplessly.

   Soon after, the three limousine cars started from the open-air parking lot next to the hotel, scattered around the city for a few laps, and finally went to the highway leading to Wilvis City one after another to implement the plan in advance.

   I don't want to stay in this small city anymore, and Gowin knew that the explosion was just a daily event, not worthy of his own attention. But the mood was completely destroyed by that explosion, and the already huge pressure was at the critical point of expansion, and it was about to burst out completely. I have had similar experiences before, but all of them are related to my own life. This time, Gowen also followed his instincts and first thoughts, thinking that arriving at Velvis City before the evening and leaving quickly after the exploration was the safest choice so far.

  On the way, I only stopped at a location on the side of the highway for a short repair. During the period, Gowenji didn't know how many times he reminded his subordinates and where he needed special attention. Never been so tired, the tension of nerves made it difficult for Gowen to concentrate anymore. The disadvantage of not having a good rest for a few days finally appeared at this time.

   Around three o'clock in the afternoon, Gowen had to close his eyes in the saloon to rest. Approaching the evening, the set biological time clock woke him up on time. Open your eyes, there is considerable traffic on the roads entering and leaving the city. Outside the car window glass, under the golden afterglow, a city building draws three-color shadows of black and white and golden. The shadow lines that set against each other are like a boundary line that swallows each other. The warmth brought by the sun throughout the day is quickly dissipating and is replaced by the coldness of the night.

   This large city in this area, Velvis City cannot be called the true center, but the number of forces gathered here does rank first.

   Gowen’s fatigue dissipated as soon as he saw Wilvis City, and his mental and physical tension made him sit upright in the back seat of the car. Slowly and regularly breathed in several times, Gwen directly expanded his perception to the maximum range. He picked up the communicator and, with the absolute high-level task standard, began preparations for determining all aspects before planning.

   For twenty minutes, three limousines entered the city of Wilvis. Each of them opened a distance of 100 meters, and stopped on a wide road in the central area of ​​Velvis.

   "Wake up." In the communicator, said Gowen sitting in the salute car in the middle. At the same time, in the first ceremonial car, the test subject manager took out the reagent from the alloy box and carefully injected it into the test subject firmly tied to the seat of the car. The modified model with the outer skin of an ordinary limousine car is strong enough to collide with a large truck head-on without disintegrating. It has an exceptionally excellent sound insulation ability, which is also an important point mentioned in the document that came with the subject-a reaction phenomenon of the subject. It will emit a huge roar.

   The communicator was not disconnected, and the management personnel of the experimental subject kept in touch with Gowen. In the passenger seat, a member puts the camera in place, ready to record key images at any time for data analysis in the research base.

   It takes several minutes for the potion to restore this special subject to a complete state. Gowen and all of them are waiting. As time passed slowly, the communication in the communicator became faster.

   "My lord, the heartbeat is abnormal. Under normal circumstances, this time should not exceed one hundred and fifty times per minute. It is now close to two hundred..."

   "The body temperature is approaching eighty degrees.,,, may cause harm to the experimental subject..."

   "Sir! The subject seems to be forming black scales, ,, adults, and there are dim red lines on its body!"


   "It's the phenomenon of secondary scales fusion,,, my lord!" This sentence was just said, and all the voices were replaced by a low growl.

"Inject the tranquilizer dose! Get out of here immediately according to the planned route!" There was a low roar, and Gowen had already shouted out, and the tri-linked limo quickly merged and drove directly to the nearest highway entrance. . The volume of the low growl continued to increase, but in the end it did not break through a clear upper limit, and then fell into depression.

   When the low growl disappeared, the three limousine cars had already driven a kilometer away. Gowen exhaled at this time, but his mind and body dared not relax at all, on the contrary, he was so nervous that he instantly stiffened. Never extended his perception to the range of this moment, Gowen paid attention to all the surrounding movement and immediately asked the correspondent to connect to the Tundra Research Base.

   I don’t know what will happen in the future. Once there is a result, I will report it immediately. This is also clearly stated in the order.


   "The beluga that has completely disappeared in ancient history, if I have the opportunity, I really want to see its unicorn and take some back as a souvenir."

"That's not a good memory, Hilary Li. It's me, choosing to forget this memory forever is what I expected." Taking the wine that Hilary Li handed over, Noroska said thank you politely. "One of the most severe incidents of the ocean-going exploration fleet was related to the beluga whale information. That time a total of seven supply ships sank to the bottom of the sea forever, and the ocean-going giant ship itself was also damaged. It took a year for the It was difficult to repair it completely at sea. At that time, even we had become workers handling various materials."


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