Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1471: Danger and Intuition (Part 2)

"This may be our only chance!" Hilary Li, who immediately emphasized, stood up, went to the cupboard in the room, and took out the best wine in it-packed in a simple wooden box, with aroma, that is A fragrant wood, produced in the territory of the country.

Without telling what excites herself immediately, Hilary Lili filled Noroska and Chilman one by one, then went to the table, looked at the two of them, raised the glass, "Don’t forget to return There is a message from the Kiris family!"

  Nornoska and Chilman immediately reacted, and all expressions of joy appeared on their faces, "The contemporary king of the knights of the Empire obtained the fossils of the Beluga whale bones in the cemetery."

"That's the news." Hilary Li sighed. "Some forces in the empire may know it, but when it comes to beluga whales, I think there should not be much information that can surpass us. What the contemporary knight king of the empire has obtained It is almost certainly a crystal of a beluga whale, but this crystal has no effect on most surgeons on the three-phase continent. Even in the Flame Alliance and within the Nature Association Alliance, some people rely on the giant whale to become their mouth The so-called singular ones can't react to them."

"Giant whales are the new guardians of order after ancient history. Probably. They will not rely on their own strength to create potential enemies, and their spiritual will will help ordinary people evolve into surgeons, nor will they produce a constitution that can absorb crystals. "Nornoska added some basis for Hilary Li's words, "Only the giant whale itself can."

"Therefore, the contemporary knight king obtained that crystal to start a certain transaction with the giant whales. This will take time. The giant whales will not approach the waters adjacent to the mainland. They abnormally abide by a set of rules that we have not yet figured out. In the endless sea, it takes a while for the Knight King to reach an agreement with them. What we have to do is to make the plan go smoothly during this time when the Knight King is away, and make the plan complete in the meantime!"

Hilary Rilly said and looked at Chilman, "And Chilman, you need to get in touch with the strong guy who provided us with the location information of Cassia for a long time. One-way communication is possible to ensure that both parties Exchange information at key nodes."

"In other words, the time period during which the contemporary Empire Knight King goes to the Endless Sea to reach an agreement with the Giant Whale is the key point." Chilman replied, "During this time, due to the departure of the Knight King, the opposing forces will give us as much as possible. Provide all the help they can provide?"

   "I believe they absolutely have this tacit understanding, otherwise they will not be swallowed by the Alliance of the Church and Nature Agreement for thousands of years, just because of the existence of some restricted weapons, this reason is really disappointing."

"Understand, I will find a way to achieve this in a week. But in a week, a complete and feasible plan must be made. Otherwise, I don't really believe that I can move the other party." Chilman added, "Once the plan is implemented, the meaning behind it is not just as simple as killing Cassia. To the forces within the empire, it is tantamount to an event that forces them to state their positions again. Maintaining neutrality and doing nothing is always the best. Simple and the safest way. We cannot provide them with benefits that satisfy them. Only a satisfactory plan is our biggest bargaining chip. In addition, Noroska, the State Education Office, I think it was The group of people who went with the Venetes to the Common Country of Far Seas, it is time for them to go out. They do not lack education and theory, what they lack is experience and practice in complex environments."

   "You are not a person who cares about these students." Noroska's eyes were full of playfulness, as if they could penetrate Chilman's body and reach his heart.

"Of course not, never, nor in the future." Chilman raised his cup. "We need someone to help us distract. These elite students from the country will be the best choice. They should thank me for teaching. In the country, the convenience brought by the status, status, and power background will all disappear in the empire and the small countries. Only strength and their own brains can keep them alive."

"I remember that in the top educational institutions of the empire, there are practical tasks with extremely high mortality rates every year." Hilary Li did not forget her former status as a teacher, "throwing people who are only rationed with some basic weapons to the edge of the target. , Give a certain amount of time, and leave the rest to the students to solve by themselves. Information, money, logistical support, etc., all without. It seems that a group of students with insufficient levels are allowed to handle things beyond their ability. The facts are also true. If so, it’s normal for the team to be wiped out, or if the death rate exceeds half. But..."

"Is it an imperial military school?" Nonoska said, "but the last person who can survive time and time again must be a true elite, with experience, ability and head, and importantly, fighting and dangerous Intuition. If our goal, Cassia, has not disappeared in the knight attendant assessment, he will be the first among his students in that period."

   "But he's gone." Chilman shrugged, and put the quilt down again, as if it would take longer to drink this rare glass of wine brought from the church.

"Yes, Cassia left. So," Nonoska emphasized, "So, his ally Yejielin, came down to help him catch this number one." After hearing the second half of the sentence, strange Herman was visibly startled.

"Don't be underestimated because of the other party's age. The rules of survival and fierce competition within the empire are absolutely higher than those within the religious country. For people like Yejielin and Cassia, high-quality education plus practical mission experience, The combination of the two will definitely make them grow extremely fast. This is one of the foundations for the empire to stand tall!"

"But," Nonoska raised the cup, "we are the same people, here, I hope that the Venetus will set sail again soon to transport the corpse bags The three of us can be on deck. While basking in the sun, while drinking the same wine as today."

   "It will, I promise." Chilman drank the wine in one sip, Hilary Li smiled, and Noroska pressed her mouth, solemnly replaced his face.


   The job of analyzing personnel information is much easier than Cassia imagined. The intelligence information collected is relatively complete, and Cassia, who has extensive experience, can quickly simulate the actual performance of these personnel in each incident in his mind based on these data, thereby giving a relatively fair evaluation.

   Several piles of information took Cassia nearly a week before it was completely resolved. When the work was completed, in addition to pretending to be a normal commute, Cassia, after careful thinking during the period, still used a disguised identity to ask a formal intermediary to help him buy a small place in the remote industrial park in Wilvis City. Set aside the factory area and use it as your usual exercise venue.

   There is no reason. In the night without sleep, Cassia's body has been active for such a short time with the correct danger signals for years. For the next day or two, Cassia spent a lot of worry. Because at that time he was completely unaware of what caused this phenomenon, and subsequent investigations did not bring any usable clues.

   For this reason, Cassia can only choose the safest way to respond to his instincts. He thinks that he needs a venue for advanced exercise.


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