Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1472: Induction force field, unique weight loss method (on)

   Combining with the various events that happened recently in Wilvis City, Cassia believes that the short-lived red flags are a reminder of the body. It was indeed dangerous to approach, but quickly retreated due to unknown reasons. The danger will not let it go, perhaps it has not yet reached the right time, or it is waiting for the most suitable opportunity.

   These red flags are completely different from those in the border forest. There is a slower growth process in the forest, and the source of danger lies in one's own perception, which is based on the judgment of one's own experience and perception. This time there was no reason at all. Only when I returned to my residence in the evening did I lie in bed, recalling the personnel data analyzed that day in my mind, and the sudden danger signal directly caused my body to jump forcibly.

   For a short time, Cassia could hardly suppress the boiling blood in his body.

   Inexplicable feeling, now recalling, Cassia can finally try to summarize something, just like something related to him suddenly appeared in this area, he can still connect with it at a long distance.

   "No. Zero?" It wasn't that I didn't guess afterwards. Because Cassia knew that even in the face of people like Trevikang and Adolf, he would not have such a reaction, so the strong at other stages would naturally not make himself have a similar situation. After eliminating various reasons, Cassia could only think of the experimental body.

   It was just that a more unilateral connection was established at that time. In this regard, Cassia continued to exclude most of the ordinary experimental subjects, and naturally thought of the zero number encountered in the knight attendant assessment.

   Maybe the only thing I can compare to is it. A few days later, a strange idea appeared in Cassia's head. Zero has an extremely excellent foundation, and even the growth stage can be modeled after the dragon. Only by providing the necessary energy and time, it can go to the fifth stage smoothly. Its maker Tovelest knows this absolutely, and the subsequent cultivation is simply the accumulation of education and experience.

   Cassia often feels invisible pressure. Entering the third stage, assimilation and fusion can only be done automatically by the body, and it becomes the accumulation of time that he least wants to see. There is no feasible way. For this reason, he specifically asked Isha, and the answer he got had no reference. At that time, Cassia really understood that he and Isha and others, whether it was surgery or other things, had already gone on two completely different roads.

  While waiting for Isha and the four new lieutenants to handle the matter, Cassia spent the rest of the time in the shelved plant in the remote industrial park, except for a walk around the company in the morning. Wilvis City is not an industrial city, it is more appropriate to regard it as a center of trade. The business in the surrounding factories is not very good, and the machines that should be produced around the clock are in a state of suspension for three or four days a week.

   But this is just enough to allow Cassia while practicing swordsmanship, while at the same time relying on sound pulses to describe the appearance of these machines more and more precisely, so as to distract attention and increase the difficulty of exercising.

   Within a week and a half, the second-generation holy sword could not see the weight of half a ton in Cassia’s hands. Fine manipulation allows Cassia to cut a hair on a weed without hurting the leaves of the weed. It's just that the use of this kind of manipulation is destined to not be many, and its consumption of mental and physical energy is almost dozens of times that of ordinary swinging the holy sword.

   On the twelfth day when the plant was shelved to continue training, Cassia parked the car in a corner of the plant and took down enough water and food. It is expected that Yisha and others will return one after another in four or five days. He plans not to leave here during this period and make good use of the rare free time.

   The silver-white sword body of the second-generation holy sword is painted gray-black with the mixed paint, losing its unique luster. As usual, Cassia tied as many bags full of lead to herself as possible, and after putting on two steel pillars that did not affect her flexibility, she started the day's practice.

  From swordsmanship to close combat, from rapid stop to emergency avoidance, when it comes to practice, the whole set of procedures in the military school is still applicable at this moment. After all, the practice courses of everyone in Samsung Academy are customized plans after individual analysis by professionals.

  In the afternoon, when the body finally felt fatigued, Cassia took a few deep breaths and then reduced her breathing to a gentle level. Looking at the lush weeds under the tattered corner of the iron hood of the factory building, he pulled out a few of his own hair and put them on gently, then stood aside and adjusted his breathing again.

   Continue such practice for several days, which has a huge effect on strengthening one's own skills. Cassia held the sword in one hand and held it high above his head. His eyes on the blade of the weeds were already focused at this moment, zooming in instantly. The lines on the grass blades become clear, and the hair is gently resting on the fine burrs of the grass blades, swaying slightly under the flow of the surrounding air.

   Attention and spirit are highly concentrated, where will the blade of the second-generation holy sword stop? The head has given the entire body several commands. Slowly exhaling the air from his lungs, Cassia had such a brief loss of consciousness, as if he was in a semi-sleep state, except for the thought of swinging a sword and cutting it down.

   The gray-black body of the holy sword fell, and the dark arc-shaped outline took shape immediately. But at the moment the arm moved, Cassia, who was focused, did not notice the abnormality caused by the uncontrolled body. The Sacred Sword fell at a right angle, and the exhausted spirit and physical strength had brought fatigue like a swamp quagmire.

   One hand can no longer bear the weight of half a ton of the second-generation holy sword. Cassia hurriedly drove the other hand, but found that his body had lost control.

   "Clang!" The roar of metal blast sounded in his head, causing Cassia to withdraw from a state of high concentration. But it can't stop this unknown activity in the body.

   The boiling blood drove the body temperature to over eighty degrees in a short time, and the heartbeat that broke the limit made Cassia feel the long-lost suffocation and nausea. He opened his mouth, but the passing of his physical strength prevented even the simple action of breathing. Immediately, Cassia clearly felt the warm sensation of the solid red mercury in the abdomen became the burning heat of ablation. The heat flow does not pass through the blood vessels, but takes another route, all over the body. When the high-energy fatty substance was ignited by the heat flow, and the body temperature rose again, Cassia suddenly felt that he did not know when ~ seemed to have an extra layer of extremely unstable film covering him.

  The idea appeared, and the heartbeat of "Boom Boom" spread through the factory. All the thoughts in his head were knocked into fragments by the heavy impact, and the brightness of the scene began to weaken in the eyes of the cross pupils at some unknown time.

   With the sound of "cracking", Cassia saw that the wall of the factory in front of him suddenly lost an oblate shape, and the original masonry and concrete structures were all turned into a molten state material that burst into flames. With him as the center, it is shaped like a soap bubble that suddenly bursts, and drops of intangible matter splash around, like a shattered spider web. The moment it touches any matter, the extreme high temperature melts it instantly.

   There seemed to be a burning crimson flower blooming all around. Cassia was the only core of this flower with a radius of twenty to thirty meters. It was crumbling, and then fell straight.

   The change of state in the blink of an eye emptied his physical strength and spirit, causing Cassia's consciousness to quickly go to the edge of coma. Feeling falling, the last sight before the light disappeared, let him know that there was a lava-like molten material in front of him. The weak consciousness gave orders to the body.

   After the sound of "boom", Cassia's clothes were ignited homeopathically, a flame with a little ash rose up, and soon became ashes, revealing the closely-fitting black scales below.

   "I shouldn't be burned to death." This was probably the last thought of Cassia, and he prayed.


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