Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1491: Trip trivia (middle)

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"But you never told anyone who your friend is."

Kingsley smiled, the mechanical arm seemed to have a sensation, and made a "creaking" sound: "I thought of telling you all the information of my friend. But later as my understanding of you deepened, I thought Keeping an unknown here is the greatest help for us. Emilia, you are used to taking everything into consideration. But no one can perfectly control the overall situation. There will always be accidents at some point. When necessary, I will I will give you information, but it is not the time at all."

"Because he is your friend?" Emilia couldn't understand Kingsleyin's friend, because according to Kingsleyin, his arm was cut off by this friend.

Kingsley turned off the engine, leaving only the air circulation system to maintain basic operation: "For example, after entering the military school, I met on the training ground. I was selected from the mercenary and after a year or two in that family After entering the military school after the basic training, I never knew what "friends" meant. During the mercenary period, guns and steel bombs were my friends. I had to hold them in my arms when I slept, otherwise I couldn’t sleep at all. Go down. At that time, my heart was a barren land. Before I was selected, I didn't know a word. Apart from a good marksmanship, steel bombs were thrown more accurately, and no other specialties. Many things were taught by this friend. Mine. Of course, in return, I also taught him a lot of things, but it was all about **** enemies efficiently."

"In the past, I remember you said that your eyesight and sense of smell are very sharp, and the long journey has helped you a lot." Hongmang recalled what Kingsley had said before.

As if recalling, Kingsley thought for a while before he was sure that he had indeed said this before.

"There is no way. My family died shortly after I was born. It was not an old man among the mercenaries who felt pitiful because of my age. I picked me up, and now I will not talk with you. The mercenaries were stationed at the foot of a mountain. , I am a little child, less than one year old, they can only go up the mountain to catch the wolves and goats and feed me with their milk. By the way, there are cows. In short, there are many animals. Later, they said, that hill All of the animals have been caught by them, so they won’t starve me to death. The senses are sharp, which is more or less because of the inheritance of these "mothers"." After talking and laughing, these are not Kingsley’s own memories, but Later, I followed the mercenary team and listened to what those people said from time to time. Although everyone in that mercenary army has died for various reasons, he will never forget all his life imprints before the age of fifteen. It's neither good nor bad. Kingsley always thought that he was at least the one who was favored by luck. Walking on the land where the war was spreading, he had seen corpses with many children, but there was no one among them.

"Then I can only approve of your reservation, but there are still prerequisites. You believe in your friends, but I only believe in you." Without the intention of continuing to question, Emilia knew that at the right time, Kingsley Will tell her this. Of course, it is not that she has not explored relevant information. It's just that the name Kingsley exists in the empire, but they are all ordinary people. As for the materials of the students in each period of the military school, Emilia also found a way to get a copy. It's just that this information is destined to be incomplete. Kingsley is now one of the several senior leaders of the organization, and his friend's identity will only be more terrifying than him.

There is no record of the data. It must have been completely deleted from the super analysis machine of the military school some time ago.

But this does not prevent Emilia from getting and guessing something-Kingsley's friend is a member of the empire and military, and is in a high position. Kingsley was unwilling to give out information at this time, and his friend's identity played a big part.

Not surprised by Emilia's answer, Kingsley knew that he and Hongmang were close, not all because of his respect for the lighting plan. In their childhood experiences, the two have a lot of overlap.


"The reaction is different from what we imagined. This is a serious problem." The smile is a mixture of helplessness and thinking. Sheila Ruili sent the information after reading it. When she wanted to pour a glass of wine, Chilman pushed Open the door.

So Hilary Li took three bottles of wine and three glasses, and Chilman took two large plates of grilled food and went to the roof of this four-story building. It was arranged as a small garden, planted with many vines, just to block the hot afternoon sun.

Nonoska set up a table and chairs on the roof. After the two of them came up, she sat down and chose a comfortable posture to lean on the chair: "When you are tired, you need to relax your body so that you can use all your energy later. Focus on the task."

"It seems that the other party will not leave the station in a short time. The other party is not a fool, and there is no more detailed information to release. I think the plan to target Ye Jielin will become difficult for every subsequent step." To understand the meaning of Nonoska’s words, Hilary Li only regards this as a more comfortable working place. “It can only make the partners be more proactive and create more opportunities for us.”

"The only knight attendant in the family, there is a problem with his identity, but the family will still give some help behind him, so that he will not make a joke." Chilman ate the food, his words seemed to hesitate, "I remember her side There is a woman named Gabriel, who used to be the chief secretary. With her, her level of grasp of information and intelligence will not be bad. Plus there is a fat man from an unlimited communications company who is attracted only by information. It's not a realistic way."

"Those who want to cooperate will open the gap as soon as Ye Jielin's allies in the military school, her factories, and those who have been found scattered around. Start from these places and accumulate. The anger of the target. When we reach a threshold, it will naturally be our opportunity." With a very clear process, Chilman, who is in the black market, often does these things to elicit his own goals.

"By the way, what's going on with Cassia?" As they spoke, Chilman and Hilarylee both looked at Noroska.

Noroska, who was lying down, didn't seem to hear it. He leaned back on the chair and looked at the vines above his head. Mottled spots of light fell and hit him. For a while, when Chilman and Hilary Riley were waiting for an answer, they had already worked together to eat a large plate of food and drank a bottle of wine before Noroska yawned, as if just waking up.

"The venue is being set up, and the time is tentatively set to act in three days. At this point, Cassia should also gather a small group of people. I asked the students to buy a lot of cameras, which are available in all directions, and the photos taken later Can provide you with the necessary attractive resources."

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