Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1492: Trip trivia (part 2)

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"It can't be cleaned up. When you enter the empire, there will be a steady stream of teams rushing over. Just like our allies, they have long been reduced to a synonym for numbers. No matter how many deaths, they will get enough from various places and institutions. Supplements. What is needed is those key people who can determine the direction of the plan and can affect certain aspects of the plan. If it is only to stop the progress, many plans have been discussed not long ago, and good results can be achieved if they are implemented one by one."

Hilary Lily was not satisfied with the answer. The mysterious powerhouse told them that the detection results were very vague, and it was determined that there was a five-stage surgeon next to Cassia, and the other fuzzy induction phenomenon was not as good as the normal five-stage, but its condition was not much worse.

The Yuanhai Common Country has supported many people under the orders of the religious state. Apart from the relatively large number of teams, there is also a five-stage surgeon. In the plans of both parties, Hilary Li did not choose to take risks. Put the final stop location on the border of the empire, where you can dock with the help of many power families in the empire. During the journey to the empire, the purpose of each action was to reduce the power around Cassia as much as possible.

"There is always something to be done to keep the target tense, and only after reaching the empire can you discover more opportunities." Standing up to take the wine glass, Noroska looked at the food on the plate in front of him, but had no appetite. "Most of the vehicles in small countries rely on the ground. After going to the empire, they must be mainly airships. At that time, in the middle of the journey, we lost all the opportunities for action, and we can only wait for the target to go to Mano. The area around the horse."

"Our allies are ready in Manoma, and the same is true on the target side. If you don't want to see the target in good condition, continuous interference along the way will always result in a disguised reduction in spirit. "

"Then the opportunity is only placed in two places, one is for the opponent to enter the border of the empire, and the other is for Ye Jielin's plan?" Hilary Li continued, "Will these disturbances during the journey cause the other party? He was so alert that he did the same thing as us in the frontier of the empire, and accumulated a large number of people waiting there. We need to make Cassia feel that we have not been discovered, right?"

"It is possible, but this does not conflict with us. The focus is on Yejielin. It is now determined that Cassia is indeed on the way back to the empire. That means that our guess is correct and the main idea is not a problem. Border location At that point, if Cassia has gathered too much power, then we can choose to retreat. Not only do we have no loss, but we can also get the necessary information about the team it has gathered. In all aspects, we are not at a loss."

"Also..." This is what he said to Chilman. Norska has already set his sights on him. "The strong man also said that when necessary, they will provide necessary help according to the situation. Based on various aspects. In the past few days, according to the information database of the Kiris family, we have roughly locked that this strong man should be the subordinate of Tovelest, the former patriarch of Kira Andi. As Tovelest, this Let me have more confidence in this mission."

"Because not long after the investigation of Tovelest was launched, based on the internal information of the Church, what kind of speculations did you say?" In this small team, Chilman has always been a type with few words. But he can often grasp the key points and give the most direct insights.

Seeing Noroska’s smile on his face, Chilman did not ask any more questions, but turned to Hilary Li: “Tovillest himself has important plans for the red star, just like the religious country and the extreme sea vortex. Like that thing, almost everything was placed in the time period when the red star came. For his own purposes, Tovelest had a reason to get rid of Cassia. This is enough for us to believe in the words of that strong man, and I am confident that they will provide unexpected help at critical moments."

"It's just... to say something that has nothing to do with the plan. If this action is successful, it probably means that Tovelest killed his own future by himself?" With an ambivalent mood, Chilman's There is also a playful interest in his mouth, "Looking at it this way, Tovelest is also a poor man. If the action fails, maybe he has a chance."

"Destiny always exists inadvertently, and it quietly pushes everyone forward from where no one is aware. Many people think that everything is under their control, but before the final point in time, no one can say clearly. Who will stand at the end?” After extracting a piece of historical data, Nonoska said, “Many people regard the time when the six red stars are coming this time as their goal, then they should have it in their hearts. Prepare accordingly. Whether you fail or miss it, you must accept it. But I still admire Tovelest. The third generation of the knight king of the empire has a lot to do with him, and he created it by himself. With the support of Xianghe Youxiang Mainland, he can do this, which is enough to show his ability."

As Chilman and Noroska sighed, Hilary Li, who was listening to the conversation between the two, showed a strange expression on her face. It's as if something amazing suddenly occurred—these are two completely unrelated messages. At this moment, it seems that there is an inseparable connection.

Noting the changes in Hilary Lily, Chilman and Noroska cast inquiring eyes.

"I... just suddenly... how do you say it? Suddenly, I seem to have found the connection between the Kiris family and Tovelest. Although it is only a guess at the moment, if it can be verified later , Maybe we have discovered another interesting thing or an important secret again."

Hilary Lily’s words are intermittent She has not figured out what the weak connection she has grasped is, so she can only say as much as possible what she thinks of now: "I want to say who it was at the beginning Established the Kiris family in the empire? And the things Tovelest did have a taste of the Holy See. It’s not clear... Is there an unexpected connection between Perkins Kiris, the so-called adventurer, and Tovelest?"


At this moment, the six people are sitting on the chairs by the platform, in a row, looking forward to the low-rise buildings outside the station. A peaceful and warm picture, the six people are in the morning sun with their luggage under their feet, and they have calm eyes. Not far in front of them, there is a car full of staff who are doing careful inspection. train.

After arriving at the station, Cassia and all the passengers were told that there were controlled items on the train and they needed to complete a detailed inspection before they could set off again. So, on the second day after departure, they stopped at this station on the border before leaving the country of Larsa.

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