Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1504: The invitation of the hacker (part 2)

After listening to this passage, Ye Jielin exhaled fiercely, and at the same time made the next difficult choice in her heart.

Seeing this, Gabriel on the opposite side understood the final result, but the words did not stop. There are still some things she needs to explain, and Ye Jielin must also know clearly.

"The gift of the hack this time is absolutely beyond our expectation. But we can't take too much of the help provided after the hack. The first point is that the enemy has not appeared completely. Only the ones we know are compared, and MacDonald is among them. It’s not a core position. The second point is that it’s definitely not known what the hacker paid. I believe that the hacker still has the ability to pay the same reward and can also find assassins or mercenaries who get paid to do things. We. But the number of times will definitely not be too many. I expect that the same thing can be executed about two more times."

"In other words, if you have an idea, you can indeed use the same method to get the two core members of the enemy out of the current stage again."

Knowing that Gabriel had guessed her choice, Ye Jielin continued to explore along the lines of the words: "Two opportunities are already good. I don't think we should make extravagant demands on someone who is inherently dangerous. too much."

In other words, Gabriel’s shook his head: “Because of its danger, he must be used as a tool and thrown away after use. It can kill the best! But this idea is impossible. In addition, I have another I didn't finish at three points."

"Then the third point, the reason why MacDonald became a'gift' is the main reason why he is your enemy, but it is only one of them. Where we don't know, there will definitely be extra If the benefits are settled, he will definitely suffer."

Gabriel put down his glass at this time and knocked on the table. The crisp sound was like a bell ringing in the quiet conference room, which seemed to remind Ye Jielin to concentrate: "Hyper is very smart. It is indeed not a person in a giant company. He himself has the potential of a shrewd businessman. MacDonald is your enemy and the target of other people. The so-called "other people" must also have a trading relationship with the hacker. The focus now is what I call " Who else will be? Who are the most likely?"

"In my opinion, the'others' are members of the Astus family. In terms of possibility, the other four knight servants occupy the main position. There must be competition among the five knight servants in the allocation of resources, and now one is missing. , Which benefits them the most."

"Don't you think this kind of guessing is too simple and easy? You can think of this with a head." Ye Jielin's words have another meaning.

"Of course, so I haven't reached a conclusion yet." As I said, I picked up the glass again, Gabriel's eyes were filled with you and my look too small, "If this is also planned by the'others', then The role played by the hacker is to make MacDonald fall from the position of knight attendant, and the other four people will not be better due to the impact of the incident."

"The'others' are those whose resources have been partially deprived after the appearance of the five knight attendants."

"Maybe there are people you know in there." Gabriel laughed, "This is the hidden danger, because whether these people are also involved in the plan for you this time, no one can give the answer. To the horror As an intermediary role, he can leave at any time. I want to remind you that accepting the invitation of the hacking alliance must remember that it is only temporary. The hacking is a tool, dispensable, and can be discarded at any time. Otherwise, I am afraid that even his The target is not Cassia, nor you, and it will cause us huge trouble in the future."

At the same time, inside the Astus family, in a cozy room built among trees, Oville, Adelaide and Violet sat together, drinking high-quality black tea that scented the entire room. . The soothing and gentle music is just like their mood at the moment, and a touch of joy comes naturally.

"Mervis, Isabel, who to choose?" The black tea in the cup was almost drunk. Violet put down the cup and asked, "Determine the next goal as soon as possible to have more time to collect information and formulate corresponding strategies. This It is the original words of the horror. He said that his time has not been used enough, and he hopes to give a positive answer as soon as possible."

"Did you reveal the corresponding plan?"

"No." Violet shook her head slightly, sitting upright, since she came here, she hasn't changed her posture much, "This is something he doesn't want to disclose. We just need to see the results, other aspects Too much contact, once the family decides to investigate, the risks we face will increase exponentially. This is not a good point to be interested in."

"Isabel." Adelaide smacked his lips and looked at Oville.

"Isabel." Ovilia, who seemed to be immersed in the scent of black tea, slowly spoke. Violet smiled and nodded, repeating the name of "Isabel".

Later, Violet went on to say: "The horror has revealed the time, it will be about half a month later, or longer. In addition, as the remuneration for McDonald’s official exit, it is also the alliance agreement between our two sides. Heaven, I need a copy of the information. The information includes the following points."

"First, the list of the main members of the Astus family participating in the operation, and the distribution and number of their members. Second, in addition to the Astus family, the list of the main members of other families participating in the operation, It’s as complete as possible, and it’s enough to say what we currently know, including the strength and number of its members. Third, all the main members participating in the plan, each of whom can adjust the size of the resources. I had doubts about this at the time, so I added Inquiry. The horror said that the focus should be on the airship, battle armor, and some weapons against the base. The last point, the initiative is in our hands, we can give it or not."

"The original words of the horror-if it is possible, I hope to get a rough time chart of the plan. I know that the main plan is not what you are doing, but as you who obey orders and pay for action, you should always have yourself in your heart. An imaginary picture. Just tell me this imaginary picture."

"What does he want to do?" Adelaide seemed to be asking himself.

"No one can guess what is thinking in that A person like horror often seems to have a firm purpose, but in the end you will find out that his purpose may be for Make yourself happy. The result is not important to him, what is important is that he can experience the process well." Oville sneered on his face and said his opinion.

"I agree with Miss Ovilia's point of view. As long as our goal is achieved, as for other things, it will be best if we don't go to too much." Violet said with a smile.


"Young Master Horror, a steward from the family's internal discipline department is here and is waiting for you in the living room." Lyle knocked on the door four times according to the law, and then said softly, "It should be for employment. MacDonald's exit. It has been spread on the black market, and an emergency notice was also issued from the Imperial Council half an hour ago."

"I have prepared all the information. Before that, I think Young Master Hae had better meet this steward. He is a member of the Investigation Division of the Disciplinary Department. It is part of his job to track and count the disappearance of some members of the family. "

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