Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1505: Joint Action (Part 1)

The door opened silently in Lyle's senses, and he didn't even hear any footsteps while standing by. This situation is commonplace in Lyle’s cognition. He himself has also practiced the basic skills of assassins and agents in the Hill family, knowing that as an outstanding member of the Hill family, each of them can be in daily life. To do this.

He walked out with a smile, and when he nodded to Lyle, he entered the corridor, and the sound of footsteps gradually recovered.

"This steward has a high proportion of power in the disciplinary department. He has not yet known the traces of several missing members of the family we hired. It's just my personal guess, maybe those members were caught by the family after they returned to Manoma. The people who spread out discovered that McDonald had something wrong, so they came here on purpose to make a preliminary investigation." On the way to the living room, Lyle took his own words and tried to get everything he knew. speak out.

He didn't reply, and nodded that he had been listening. In the absence of sufficient information, hackers usually do not allow themselves to draw conclusions, because no one knows whether the result is good or bad.

The not-so-long corridor came to an end after a few breaths, and the two turned left from the end, and a corner of the living room appeared in sight. A young man is standing in the middle of the living room at the moment, looking close to the age of forty years old, and his skin is slightly bleak compared to that of horror. The face is slightly fat, with golden eyes and hair. I don’t know if being full of gentleman temperament is the unified characteristic of Hill family members, or as one of the twenty-three major family members, the Hill family has always been adhering to the basics of being a nobleman-always appear polite and make people feel every one of them Not like bad guys.

"Master Hae, I am very glad to see you at this time." Seeing Hae entering the living room from the corridor, he and Ha took off their top hats and bent over each other to follow standard etiquette. "Elsie, Master Hae, you can Call me like this."

"Mr. Elsie, welcome your arrival. I didn't meet you. Please forgive me." He walked over and invited Elsie to sit down. Lyle took out the wine and the glass from the cupboard, poured two glasses on the table in front of them, and left quietly.

Elsie, who waved his hand, seemed to be numb to this set of rhetoric, especially that the other party was still a member of the same family: "Master Hae, go directly to the purpose of my coming this time." After getting a horrified nod, Ah Ershey continued, and paused, "The opinions of several adults in the family are between and also because of the nature of the Hill family. They will not ask any details about the McDonald incident that happened not long ago. I will not express my opinion on this."

He has been paying attention to the expression of horror, but as one of the heirs of the current family, Elsie knows what method He has used to clean up all the competitors in the same period. He did not observe anything from his face. It was expected before.

"But," as a turning word, Elsie still gave some accents, "You know, young master, there are members of the Hill family who disappear suddenly every year, it seems that there is no reason, and there is no trace. Among them, there are some It's because of hard reasons, some are caused by one's own personality and interests, and some are necessary for the long-term development of the family. We all know these three general points."

"As a ghostly existence in the empire, hiring them to do things is the choice of many people. But as the Hill family itself, when hiring them, you need to abide by certain rules. I think this is something you don’t understand. . So this time, in addition to coming to greet on behalf of a few adults, you also need to explain these rules to you. Because in some people or things, the reasons for the disappearance of the hired person need to be distinguished."

I understand that one of Elsie's main purpose is to remind himself. The family does not want to actively participate in various events in the empire.

The rules don't seem to be many, but even if Elsie tried to make it as concise and clear as possible, it would take dozens of minutes. It's like a ritual or an official permission from the family.

"This is the complete content, I hope you will write it down, Young Master Hae." Elsie said, "In addition, before coming here this time, your mother asked me to take her to convey some news to you." Only at this moment did he reveal a more gentle With a smile, Elsie's last words are more like expressing his identity and position.

"Let the young master pay more attention to the changes in the family, because after going to the prosperous area along the coast of the empire, she said that you rarely go back to Manoma. Also," said Elsie from his clothes pocket. Draw out a slap-sized piece of metal, which is a storage card, "It contains some information, which you may be very interested in. Some of the members are classified so that the next time the family rules are not violated. use."

"Thank you, Mr. Elsie." He who picked up the storage card was polite.

Elsie waved his hand: "It's all about horrifying your mother. And the family has a lot of ideas for nurturing you. I think many people know this."

"Finally, Young Master Hae, before leaving, your mother wants me to convey her original words to you."

"It has been almost four years since Li We are very sad about his death. But as your mother, I hope to keep this sadness in my heart. Four years is not too short. , In the future, you need to put more energy on yourself, not for a woman who has been expelled from the family and whose life and death are not important. In addition, as one of the vortexes of the current imperial situation, I I don’t want you to get involved. You will definitely not follow my advice, but there is one thing you have to remember-don’t be controlled by yourself. By the way, since you are back in Manoma, if you have time, come back and see me , I will still be very happy."

After talking, Elsie got up and patted his sleeve: "Young Master Horror, it's just my personal opinion. The exit of a knight attendant is enough. If more similar situations arise, once the Imperial Council is determined to investigate, Even if I believe in the basic skills of the assassins within the family, as the Imperial Council, they have the ability to request the assistance of the major forces. At that time, I believe that some forces that have not much contact with the Hill family will be happy to help the Council."


The train still needs three hours to be replenished. In the empty space of the train again, Cassia and Isha went around the station together, and then began a short period of free movement.

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