Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1527: Connection and new cognition (in)

In other words, in order not to find the long-range team quickly and to ensure maximum safety, they will definitely get stuck in the range limit of the long-range weapon to attack us. According to the last time an aerial bomb was discovered, it was enough to add some reasonable margin to the time when the bomb fell and exploded. "I explained completely, Cassia turned on the sonic pulse and controlled the range to about two kilometers, "Remember the rules I explained to you during this period of time?" It should have been printed in the head, right? "

Only Cassia knows the images depicted by the sonic impulse. In order for these images to be conveyed to Isha and Nighthawk in real time, Cassia has spent some time thinking about it in the recent period. The so-called rules are a set of more convenient coordinate determination methods obtained by Cassia after his own experiments, which converts what he sees into real-time data that Nighthawks can understand. The actual test will be carried out soon, and Cassia thinks that four bullets to solve an enemy will be a good result. There must be a small deviation. After the simulation in his brain, Cassia believes that the ammunition reserve of sniper firearms is sufficient to deal with the kinetic armor team.

Separate part of the mind to pay attention to the maintenance of the vehicle, and the small group of passengers remaining on the intercontinental train at this moment. Cassia looked into the distance, and the yellow flare had been raised for a few seconds, indicating that the enemy was only four kilometers away from the intercontinental train.

After dozens of breaths, the purple signal marbles bloomed in the dark night sky, bringing up a large circle of purple halo, like a precursor to a festive firework show. Before the fortifications, members of the organization had been waiting for the time to press the trigger.

Five hundred meters is not a long distance to the enemy. In order to maintain basic physical fitness, the opponent still maintains a reasonable uniform speed, allowing the encircling circle to slowly gather in a uniform ellipse. At this moment, only more than two hundred kinetic armors are accelerating, and the speed is indeed much faster than before. Some long-range offensive weapons, such as the mounted artillery attack module on the body, are activated at this time, and the two launch tubes fixed on the back are deployed. Put it on your shoulders. I still have the impression of this weapon. The weight and volume of the artillery used by this attack module are much smaller than those of ordinary artillery ammunition, but because of the difference in gunpowder, the explosive power is increased by three or four times.

After a few breaths, the kinetic armor broke through a distance of two kilometers. Cassia squeezed the revolver, and the thoughts in his head began to circulate rapidly, converting the sonic pulse image into coordinates that Nighthawk and Isha could understand.

There are many things to consider in this process, the time difference between the transmission and reflection of the sound wave pulse, and the speed and direction of the enemy's advance. These data need to be processed in real time, and finally need to adjust the direction of the sniper rifle with Isa and Nighthawk, and the time to press the trigger is merged with each other. It is necessary to have excellent anticipation to get a few bullets and confirm the shot. The result of hitting an enemy.

His gaze became deep, he looked through the night, and looked at the kinetic armored team closest to the rear of the car. Did not choose to make it the primary goal, Cassia believes that the most important thing is to help other organization members to reduce pressure. As for this team, when necessary, the one in the rear of the car can go to deal with them.

"Concentrate, it's starting." Cassia's voice became a little cold. Both Isha and Nighthawk raised their heads for this sound and looked at Cassia who was standing in the middle, only to see a statue-like one. Things, full of concentration.

"Boom!" Two seconds later, an invisible wave of air spread around the three of them, like ripples in the lake. The sound was dull and full of great power, and some of the falling dust on the top of the train was raised at this moment. The flame suppressor on the muzzle suppressed most of the flames, so that at the moment the heavy sniper rifle moved, both sides of Cassia were just two bright spots like cigarette butts. The coated bullets made the ballistic line extremely dim, and the ballistic line rubbed by them was almost imperceptible under the background of the night.

But within a second, the two bullets had crossed a distance of less than two kilometers, and blasted two mud fountains less than one meter apart in the wilderness.

"The first failure, there is a deviation of more than ten meters." These data immediately entered the calculation of Cassia, and the information given next time was corrected extremely quickly. Accompanied by the sound of "dong dong" almost overlapping, in the next second, only the spark that Cassia and Isha barely observed was blooming a kilometer away. Two bullets exploded the alloy plate of the kinetic energy armor, and the fragments they brought up destroyed the entire body of the enemy inside, although this actual scene was only seen by Cassia.

"The first one, not bad." With a smile in the words, with the first success, Cassia also experienced a sense of satisfaction, "Those sparks are the signal to hit. But we have to speed up the time, I hope you will be in the near future. Time to practice loading bullets can keep up with the later speed."

The voice fell, and the second set of data had reached the ears of Isha and Nighthawk. Both are women, and the running-in between the two exceeded Cassia's expectations. When the third shot was fired, the dull sound tended to be synchronized, and even the crisp knocking sound of the cartridge case dropped on the car roof was also here. Time becomes one.

The hit rate has increased at a very fast rate. Both have a good foundation. In addition, the recoil of the heavy sniper rifle can be completely ignored by the two. With the invisible "eyes" of Cassia sonic pulse, the red flare jumps from the dark ground. In the night sky, nearly thirty gleaming sparks were unfolded in the The speed of each kinetic armor team began to weaken, and the formation of surgeons afterwards also reduced their speed at this moment. Perhaps it was because of the rise of the red flare that made them understand that if they hit it directly after the distance, the flying bullets might be able to penetrate a blood hole in someone's body.

But this does not affect Cassia's successive reports of coordinate positions. The perceived enemy began to try to evade, and the uniform and straight forward path was changing. The amount of calculation increased suddenly, but Cassia often experienced the detection of acoustic pulses close to the limit of six kilometers, and the impact of the amount of information on the spirit when he entered the third stage, the current demand for the intensity of the spirit made him feel unexpectedly familiar .

After a few breaths, it was Isha and Nighthawk who noticed that Cassia suddenly stopped explaining the location information. When they raised their heads, Cassia was looking solemnly in the direction where the tail of the intercontinental train was facing-in the darkness, fireflies-like red dots suddenly flickered thousands of meters away, rushing toward them in clusters.

"Come here." Cassia said, squatting down suddenly, pinching the back necks of Isha and Nighthawk with both hands, and directly lifted them up and threw them out.

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