Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1528: Connection and new cognition (part 2)

Both of them were no more than two hundred catties, and were thrown out dozens of meters away under the strength of Cassia's one arm. When he jumped off the roof, Cassia kicked his luggage away. After landing a few steps, I went to 20 or 30 meters away. When Isha and Nighthawk stood up, Cassia just came to them and reminded them to stay away from the carriage.

Running a hundred meters away, the fireflies turned into a dozen small artillery with the thickness of arms, which penetrated the steel plate on the train frame without hindrance. The explosive fireball instantly engulfed five or six carriages, tearing them to pieces. Qi Lang brought the hot wind to catch up with Cassia. After they were already 100 meters away, they were no longer within the killing range, but brought some rubble and hit the three of them.

As if there was no warning, the sound of the explosion became a signal for the two parties to attack. After the fortifications, several phalanxes opened fire instantly, and the tongue of a heavy machine gun formed two lines parallel to the intercontinental train. The sound of the explosion suddenly rang out all around, which was several times higher than the noise of the construction machinery used to repair the railway. In the surplus of the red flare in the distance, a little fireflies light up at this time, and the kinetic armor team fired miniature artillery at the same time, officially closing the encirclement.

"Go back?" Seeing Cassia who turned around, Nighthawk couldn't help asking.

Cassia turned her head: "Don't speed up the time. When the enemy pulls in the distance, no one can resist the impact of kinetic armor." Nighthawk wanted to refute, but this method was indeed effective. In the end, she could only helplessly follow Cassia. After Cassia retrieved the suitcase, he and Isha jumped into the carriage again.

With the heavy sniper rifle set up, Cassia was about to speak, but Nighthawk said first: "Next time you can remind us to jump off the train, a distance of tens of meters, if not for our good physical coordination, maybe we will Injured. Don’t forget that we are a woman as an operator.”

Cassia lowered his head and glanced at Nighthawk, feeling helplessly: "The next time I might just kick you off, the time for the information transmission between us is enough for bullets to penetrate your body. But I will try to be as light as possible. I'm still very confident in the control of this."

Isha laughed from the side, and before Nighthawk could answer, Cassia reported the position of the kinetic armor closest to the organization's fortifications. At the same time, he also raised the revolver himself, the sound of the heavy machine gun can already cover the sound of the revolver. Cassia knew that he had to join in, otherwise Isha and the others would not be fast enough.

Each round of shooting is like a small explosion. Whether it is the flame of the muzzle or the sound, the revolver is no different from the weapon that attracts the enemy the most. The shooting and the description of the enemy's position began to alternate. During the time that Cassia was loading the drum, it seemed that there was only a crisp sound of the bullet shell dropping off the car roof. Kilometers away, the sparks of sniper bullets and platinum bullets hitting the kinetic armor are tending to a stable pattern.

"Enough." Nighthawk, who had already liked this feeling, was suddenly interrupted by Cassia's voice. Before she raised her head, her extremely bad instincts had already arisen in her heart. Thinking of what happened, Nighthawk was about to roar out, and his body was out of control, and he flew out with Yisha.

"Hide around, pay attention to the enemies in the carriage!" In sight, the intercontinental train was more than ten meters away from you. Several dark red ballistic lines were the same as Cassia said, attacking directly from a distance, exploding a piece of the car roof. The orange tails pulled out by the artillery lit up in the dark, and attacked from the head and tail of the train respectively. In the blink of an eye, the explosion enveloped the place where they were just staying.

Looking further away, at some point, thirteen jet-black kinetic armors were added to the headlights of the train, and they were rushing towards the explosion area. In the distant sky, a series of bright red dots lined up, and the enemy's long-range firepower coverage finally arrived at this moment.

Ignoring the kick kicked by Cassia in the abdomen, Nighthawk and Isha immediately twisted their bodies to find their balance. When they landed smoothly on the ground, the four kinetic armors escaped from the team and chased them. A series of mud fountains followed with extremely fast speed. Follow in their footsteps. The members of the fortifications on the side had several shifted muzzle cover at the moment. The heavy machine gun has always been used to suppress firepower, and it does not pose a threat to the kinetic armor after the speed is increased.

These thirteen kinetic armors were obviously the stronger group among the enemies. By judging the muzzle, they always turned sideways to the attacking organization member during the rush, and all the bullets that fell on the body were ejected away.

Nighthawk and Isha separated very tacitly, only to see that Cassia still did not appear in the middle of the train wrapped in smoke and flames. This tacit understanding was again well inherited. The two of them drew out their pistols for cover shooting, and turned around to check the situation.

"Boom!" Several artillery fired in front of the two men, blocking the way forward. The four kinetic armors have deployed an arc-shaped formation, completely ignoring the offensives of other members of the surrounding organization, and approaching Yisha and others.

"Boom!" A tremolo sounded loudly with sparks. Before the other three kinetic armors responded, within a very short time, the bullets hidden in the light penetrated their bodies.

Two mud fountains immediately rose in front of Isha and Nighthawk, and the two of them woke up in shock, and immediately turned away from the intercontinental train.

Cassia, who was hiding under the car, "watched" the two people leaving and sighed. Before the explosion, he stepped through the roof of the car, then cut a hole with the second-generation holy sword, got under the train, and waited for the explosion to end. Although I am a little happy at the return of the two, it is more of a kind of inexplicable helplessness.

Withdrawing from the bottom of the car and returning to the compartment, Cassia rushed out of the flame-wrapped area in a few steps, and the revolver exploded. At the same time, there were several carriages in front of them, and the six enemies pretending to be passengers immediately blossomed with blood. The enemy seemed to realize that he was not dead. At the height of his waist, several horizontal bullets swept across the car body from a short distance, cutting the car from the middle like a sharp blade.

Cassia smashed his body abruptly When evading the blast, he lay down in the carriage and immediately turned over, dragging the heavy sniper rifle on his back to his arms, and the smoke scattered all over his body at the same time as the vibration dispersed. The kinetic armor rushing here has a big hole in the chest.

"Know that I'm still alive?" Cassia murmured as he "looked" at the remaining eight kinetic armors that kept getting closer to him, turning the direction of the muzzle.


"Congri! Have you found it?" Arik ran at the forefront, almost leaving the team behind him. I have been asking about the situation around the intercontinental train, but Kangri's silence and gasping made him feel inexplicably panic.

"Still approaching." A different caution seemed to be heard in the voice. But despite the presence of the other captains, watching the passively armored members suddenly penetrated through their bodies one by one, without the slightest call, I must take seriously this enemy who has not yet discovered the specific location of the opponent.

Kangri had already had an intuition in his mind that he might be facing the so-called mysterious target person in their mission.

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