Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1531: Reconnect and new threats from afar (part 2)

The suffocation-like chain reaction appeared in the kinetic armor team, and it only took a few breaths to spread to the surgeon team. The intercontinental train was still burning, and the crackling noise seemed to rapidly increase afterwards. When it became the only ambient sound, some people realized that the battle had suddenly stopped as if the discussion had stopped.

Cassia noticed this. The enemy did not retreat, but consciously gathered into several groups, and the encircling circle naturally broke through the gaps. Picking up the heavy sniper rifle that was thrown out, Cassia hurriedly ran to where Isha and the others were. It is still unclear whether that sentence can dispel the enemy's desire to attack again, but just now on the train, when his body once again generated an uncontrollable danger signal due to the induction phenomenon of the distant experimenter, he thought he could try this way again.

The enemy's goal has been achieved, and now the captain of the team has died, and there is something that can produce deterrence. Even if the enemy cannot be allowed to evacuate by himself, he can still buy some time for the remaining members of the organization.

Looking into the distance under the night sky, a dark blue and black air seemed quiet. Cassia's eyes seemed to see a special experimental body covered with red scales.

The experimental body is always a problem that must be solved, and Cassia put him on the established schedule very early. Suffering from no way, this kind of sensing range that exceeds the detection range of the sonic pulse pole will become more and more powerful in the future. Cassia thought this time after returning to the Empire, if he had a suitable time and opportunity, he would quietly go back to the military school and try to find a solution from the mouths of those old professors.

The members of the organization shrank into two teams, and on both sides of the intercontinental train, Cassia quietly followed behind. He organized the team to confront the enemy for more than a minute. After the two sides evacuated tacitly, he went to Yisha and the others, and immediately joined the nearby team.

"Retreat..." Nighthawk breathed a sigh of relief, and stared at the retreating enemy, "Did you do it?" She took the sniper rifle handed over by Cassia and asked with curiosity.

"I don't know, if you're lucky, even so." Throwing another sniper rifle to Isha, Cassia replied indifferently. This is not a big deal for him. Enemies equipped with kinetic energy auxiliary armor will be difficult for Isha and the others to deal with, but here in Cassia, it is only a little bit difficult. Machinery is always just an aid, without huge body size or superiority in super-strength materials, so its improvement to a person is often limited. The most important thing is yourself. If the kinetic energy auxiliary armor is used on some elite characters, the improvement will not be addition, but multiplication.

Cassia looked around in a circle and pointed to the front, which was the direction in which the intercontinental train line extended. “You still have to follow it. You can only start again after you have finished rest in the nearest city.”

It took a few minutes to clean up the battlefield, and the organization team that was originally worth more than two hundred people now only had a few dozen people left. No one is sad, because the normal state of organization members is that they don’t know each other. Some are just a kind of sadness of the nature of self, because no one knows who will be next, and in this case, oneself is often the next person in everyone's head.

Dissatisfied with this result, Cassia still has concerns after all. If he had a heavy sniper rifle in each of his left and right hands from the beginning, and Isha and Nighthawk as the auxiliary loader, the kinetic armored units at both ends of the intercontinental train would not have the opportunity to approach the train. The shooting results of various firearms have been very good. With this size, Cassia is very confident to reach a huge target of about three meters.

"There will be another quiet time. I hope this time can last longer." Nighthawk lit a cigarette and said as he walked. They walked along the railway, and the whole team was shrouded in a low atmosphere. Blood was falling all the way on the foundation of the railway. After a dozen wounded were simply bandaged and treated, they could only prevent the situation from getting worse.

At the same time, there is a wasteland more than ten kilometers away from the burning intercontinental train.

General Pullman was taking back the dagger he had cherished, and it was a bit of a feeling when he recalled that it was decades ago when he last used it. The weeds were still burning, and thick smoke came out. Surrounded by dozens of huge pits that were instantly burnt into glass by extremely high temperatures, some molten matter formed a black crust, but dark red could still be seen under the cracked cracks.

Tear off the torn clothes on his left arm, white bones can be seen under a cut wound. Most of the flesh and blood around the wound has been turned into black coke by the high temperature, and it takes an hour or two to fully heal.

The body's biological clock reminded General Pullman that it was almost time. He glanced at the enemy's escape direction for the last time and turned back to the intercontinental train. Not very worried, because Owl had already contacted him not long ago to tell him the situation there.


The eternal darkness in the deep sea is illuminated by a ball of light, but it is only a small area. With the blackness of the tide and the compression of the pressure under the ocean, any light becomes a ration and cannot escape the fate of being swallowed.

The pressure-gathering water underneath appears to be very quiet, and most of the flow only exists on the surface of the endless ocean. The speed of the light is very fast, but it hasn't brought any obvious seawater surge when swimming, as if it is just a group of invisible directly penetrated.

After a while, low voices rang everywhere. The second-class creatures lurking under the deep sea felt something, and awakened one after another, avoiding the way for the light. A downward **** began to appear on the bottom of the sea, and the edge of the **** was only a little apart from the bottom of the slope, but the darkness also seemed to give birth to a clear sense of hierarchy. A thick snake figure slowly descended, disappeared on the **** with that group of light, and escaped into the deeper black.

I don't know how long it was. At the end of the downward **** at the bottom of the deep ocean, there was a lava lake on the bottom of the sea. A giant snake with a body length of more than one thousand meters coiled in a circle. Deep gaze appeared in the eyes whose eyesight should have degenerated long ago. Along with the explosion of the sea above the lava lake, a huge dragon head poked out and looked at the giant snake.

"Littia, it will take you a few months to get here from the Natural Association League, right?" The dragon's voice was directly reflected in the head of the woman in the giant snake's stomach.

"The girl named Eleanor on the Post-Phase Continent has gone to the depths of the endless sea. It is only a matter of time before meeting with the giant whale to reach an agreement." The woman did not answer the question, and directly brought out the topic she wanted to talk about.

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