Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1532: Approaching Eve (Part 1)

"Well, I already know about this. Some time ago, Novissas and Stent from the Church of the Kingdom came to me for this purpose." Half of the dragon's raised head sank into the lava lake at this time. With those shining eyes looking at the giant snake hovering on the side, "My answer at the time was, "From the era of the white whale to the age of the giant whale, until the time comes, the span of history is too far. I don’t know what’s going on inside the population, so I can’t provide you with any useful information. According to what you call the conversion crystal of beluga whales, it is inferred that if that kind of thing is obtained by giant whales, it can indeed give birth to some giant whales growing And evolution, it’s just that the time has been so long, and how much more it can play, can only be judged by the actual situation'."

"This is my answer. Although my mental range is extremely broad, the Extreme Sea Vortex was originally a cage designed to detain me." As the dragon raised its huge front paws, the sound of chain collision passed through the sea water and then passed through. It passed through the body of the giant snake to Letitia’s ears, "The power of these things still remains. I think everything has decayed into ashes in such a long time, but there is not a chain in time. Cut it off. It's impossible to know what's happening in the endless sea. You are destined to be disappointed when you come here. I don't have the answer you want here."

"But as a reward for not coming to me for such a long distance, you can tell you something else." Without any emotional fluctuations in the voice, the dragon continued, "That conversion crystal brings the best to the giant whale. The result is probably a beluga whale of this era. But compared with the beluga whales of the ancient history in your mouth, the gap is not as simple as a star and a half."

"Whether any of the giant whales become beluga whales does not matter to us. Even for a long time, some individuals in the giant whale population have escaped the confinement imprinted on their heads. I want to know that for Eleanor, What can she get from the giant whale now? What options are available for her to choose." Letitia asked. In the giant snake's stomach, she was sitting cross-legged. It was not completely dark inside, she was in a small room-like space built entirely of flesh and blood, and there was even a little lamp-like light illuminating the space, which seemed to be an absolutely safe area.

"Options?" Emotions appeared in the dragon's words, like a mockery of Letitia, "Elena of the Postphase Continent deserves you to be so serious?"

"As a post-phase continent remaining at the roots of part of the World Tree, I have to be vigilant." Letitia, who has not caught a cold for these words, replied very seriously, "In addition, the team of the Natural Association Alliance also set off. We will work with the people of the religious nation to bring back the whole body of the target'Kasia'."

It seemed that the last sentence was the point. After Letitia finished speaking, the dragon was thinking and did not respond for a short while. This is exactly the result that Letitia hopes to see.

"Yes, I only need a result. As for the process, and who will achieve it, I don't care." The dragon's words returned to the way they were before, "I hope there can be relative peace between you, and the result is the most important thing. Yes, don’t destroy what I want because of mutual disharmony."

"You can rest assured of this. After leaving here, I have to continue to visit the old and new popes of the church, Stant and Novissas. I haven't met Novissas for decades. I need to talk to him about some things."

"Is that Eleanor on the posterior continent?"

"This is just one of them." The giant snake has expanded its body and is about to leave, "There is still something to be discussed about the Common Ocean Country and the Flame Alliance. These two countries supported by both of us, you should know a little bit?"

The dragon did not answer directly: "Lost control is inevitable." After speaking, the dragon's head completely sank into the lava lake, but the voice was still transmitted through, "Littia, remember to bring me a word to Novissas. , This is also for you-immortality is not a difficult task for me, but you need to pay the corresponding remuneration. The whole body of Cassia with the head removed is a very large part of the remuneration. I hope that both of you will not it disappointed me."

"I will definitely bring your words to Novi Sad. Needless to say, Novi Sad will also be very concerned about asking me when I go inside the church." The giant snake moved upstream along the **** of the deep sea bottom. When its figure was about to disappear in the light of the lava lake, the voice of the dragon once again passed into Letitia’s head, “The trunk of the World Tree is indeed a good thing, not bad. Its collapse brought a lot of ancient history. The corpses of the creatures in the period have been preserved. But I want to remind you that not all things in the ancient history are good, and the various things you take out of the remains of the World Tree will bring you unexpected disasters."

"Times have changed, and we have found a corresponding solution." Letitia responded, and then disappeared completely into the darkness.

When the dragon's ferocious head was raised again later, the breath of Letitia and the giant snake had already disappeared completely. The dragon turned his head and glanced in that direction, then raised one of his front paws. More than a dozen chains of unknown material penetrated the claws and completely locked them.

As the dragon gently shakes its paws, under the red light of the lava lake, you can still find dozens of iron chains covered with deep-corroded red rust, but in addition, most of the iron chains still have a large number of difficult The fine cracks that were noticed were like cracked roads on the thirsty ground. There is no way to find out if the dragon does not raise its front paws.

"Time is running out, it's fast too." The voice echoed in his head, and the dragon sank his head, full of an uncontrollable excitement. It has forgotten how long it has spent waiting for such an opportunity. Memories even overlap in the long span of history, and these overlapping memories are like these iron chains. As time goes by, they begin to decay and become countless pieces of no value.

Soon after, the place fell into daily calm again, and the lava lake surges became much smaller afterwards. UU Reading


In the recent city break, local organization members completed all the formalities for them.

In the afternoon of the next day, Adolf brought another team to catch up with Cassia and them. It just didn't make any stop. The communication stated that he would continue to move toward the border of the empire after passing the city in the afternoon.

One day after we set off again, Cassia bought a new suitcase and a whole box of new books. The journey afterwards became as quiet as he imagined. Two days later, they went to the next small country, walked through the right-angle bend on the intercontinental train route, and began to narrow the distance with the empire border more quickly.

On the third day of the intercontinental train, at noon that day, the heat flow from the solid red mercury in the abdomen suddenly intensified, causing Cassia who was reading a book to raise her head. Closing the book, Cassia leaned on the car seat, recalling the memories of the past few days.

"The second generation holy sword seems to cause something in my body to grow faster?"

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