Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1533: On the eve of approaching (middle)

Three days ago, he used the Holy Sword in a very ordinary way. At that time, Cassia didn't feel anything special. The second-generation holy sword is the same as the ordinary forged steel sword, except that there is a huge difference in weight and sharpness, while the other places are not much different.

"The only reason for this phenomenon is that if the long-term slow accumulation of oneself is ruled out, only the short-term state fluctuations caused by the subject's body when it is induced."

"Is it because the induction also has a connection with something in the second-generation holy sword that I didn't notice?" Cassia put the book on his lap and glanced at his suitcase, so hypothetical. He understands that it is useless to study the reasons, and in the end it is still an unanswered question. Focusing on the heat flow enhanced by solid red mercury is the current best direction.

Cassia believes that this is a conversion mechanism that has not been found in the body at work, and for some reason it has begun to evolve. It is definitely a good thing, which is closely related to the bio-inductive stress field that Cassia is very concerned about. Although the reason for the induction force field may be the mental body, the invisible film-like substance is produced by the body under certain driving, and this can be determined 100%.

Probably the last time I let myself fall asleep after maintaining the state for less than a second or two, it will get better after that. "Five or six seconds?" Cassia was curious. With the bio-inductive stress field and the second-generation holy sword, within a few seconds, Cassia thought that he could have a chance to kill the four-stage surgeon by acting. The extension of time can make oneself more calm.

Starting from other directions, your patience will become stronger due to the increased heat flow. The length of time to keep moving at a super high speed should break the upper limit of previous tests.

Just thinking for a few moments, Cassia did not allocate too much time on solid red mercury, which is more like something that will inevitably happen with the progress of time. Thinking of Ye Jielin and their bodies each having a solid red mercury, Cassia hoped that this was just a very common phenomenon. In this way, Ye Jielin and the others can also get some accelerated growth in strength from the solid red mercury.

Reopening the book, Cassia continued with the unfinished part. It is a history book that tells the short history of a small country less than 34 years. Perhaps the author dislikes that this period of history is very short and short, so here the predecessor of the small country, the predecessor of the predecessor, etc., are also included. Anyway, a considerable amount of content and quantity are collected to make this book in hand The book seems quite thick.

Among the small countries, the fate and direction of most countries are not much different from those described in the book. If the country wants to continue, it is only to see whether the relationship established between the ruling class and the external forces is stable. Excluding the seven coordinating countries, the chance of a small country developing steadily during the peace period between red stars is very small.

"Every time a red star comes, it is the demise of a group of small countries, and the rebirth of a group of small countries." The description in the book is like the weeds that have withered and renewed every year. No one casts any eyes at all. No concern.

On the fifth day, the stop-and-go intercontinental train once again passed through a small country, and it was about ten days away from the empire. Whenever the intercontinental train stops for fuel supply, Cassia and the others will take advantage of those two or three hours to walk on the street next to the station, sitting rigidly moving. The atmosphere on the train always has an inexplicable taste. The more time passes, the more dignified the atmosphere becomes with the experience of the previous period. hacker

But there is nothing to worry about, what Nighthawk said one day. She did not forget to pat the suitcase she bought, which contained unused sniper rifle bullets. Last time, the effect that Cassia had said was not achieved, but as the intercontinental train moved closer to the empire, the pressure on the Nighthawks decreased. Perhaps only General Cassia and Pullman, and Adolf walking in front of them, are under increasing pressure.

Cassia has thought about it these days. The organization sent Nighthawks and others as protection. From the beginning, they just regarded them as chess pieces that can be discarded at any time and can be added from the cities around the intercontinental train line at any time. There is no need to worry about the number. Consumables.

There is no plan to tell Nighthawk and others the truth at all. Perhaps in the eyes of the senior management of the organization, speaking the actual situation will make the situation uncontrollable. In short, these people entered the empire and fought with elite figures from certain families in the Quartet, as well as knight attendants, without considering their survival rate.

Simple, convenient, flexible, a firepower pouring machine with a certain degree of thinking, this is the positioning of Nighthawk and others. Bullets and firearms are the most common and least valuable things on the mainland. The nature of Nighthawks is roughly the same.

Immediately after the sixth day, seventh day, eighth day...

Calm is the same, no one expected it. Nighthawks and their spirits are tense, and their daily vigilance has become something that almost every member of the organization is doing. On the ninth day, this calm became the anxiety of everyone, and the atmosphere became more depressing. By the tenth day, I don't know if it was a rebound after suppression, and everyone walked out of this atmosphere. It's not that I really think that the enemy's attack ended ten days, but I am also affected by this calmness, becoming a little..., a little calmer. Perhaps it was about to reach the border of the empire, and according to the information given by the mission, when it was there, many members of the organization believed that the mission ended.

Cassia didn't know how to interpret this phenomenon. It is definitely good news that the enemy did not take the initiative to attack. "The limitation of the number of times the special experimental body itself exists?" Only one reason can be thought of. Otherwise, with the enemy's cautious degree, they should not appear so quiet as they do not take into account the number of members and ammunition.

"There are about five days left." When the others began to calm down, it was Cassia who became nervous. During the entire journey, every time the intercontinental train passes through three or four cities, a group of organization members will get on the train. At this moment, the number has exceeded eight hundred people, and the interior of the carriage appears lively. In Adolf's team, there may be more.

On the twelfth day, the distance from the empire seemed to become visible. Premonition, perhaps instinct, that day when the train stopped at the station during the break, Cassia dragged his suitcase out of the station, and at a glance saw the nighthawks and owls waiting at the intersection.

"Mr. Soriatu, time is almost up." Nighthawk walked over with a serious face. Cassia pointed to the front of the road, gestured as he walked and said.

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