Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1534: Approaching Eve (Part 2)

There are still three days away from the empire. It is estimated that all of us will get off in the middle and go to the nearest supply warehouse at the border for the final rest. This is also a supplement to weapons and equipment. As for how to get inside the empire, it should not be a train, but a means of transportation such as a limo. The small country and the empire are not all separated by a barren mountain range, some places are directly bordered, and the two sides have also established something similar to a formal trading area. "The first person who spoke was Owl. The position in the team has been determined to be the deputy commander. During this peaceful period, he learned a lot of useful information by contacting correspondents in various regions.

"It is very likely to be mainly on foot, supplemented by some vehicles, divided into roughly parallel teams to go to the border area of ​​the empire, and pass smoothly. The enemy will definitely set up checkpoints in some easy-to-pass places, and in the regular trading area, There are a large number of imperial troops stationed. As a large country's army, there will be a huge increase in number, strength and equipment configuration, compared to smaller countries."

"The other is something that Nighthawk and I care about very much." As we spoke, Isha caught up with the three of them from the station and followed them quietly. Owl didn’t care, and continued his own words, “In Larsa, the first mission instruction we got was to **** you to the interior of the empire. It seems to be just a long-distance mission, but what happened in the middle made us realize. Some bad things."

"So we want to confirm a few things from you, Mr. Soriatu, which is also your original promise."

A few people quickly moved away from the station and went to the surrounding streets that were not very lively. Most people are dragging their luggage, because they are close to the empire, and the surrounding environment and architectural style already have a part of the interior of the empire. Cassia took a deep breath at this time, feeling familiar.

"I know what you want to be sure." Pointing to a two-story restaurant on the side of the road, when Cassia and the others spoke again, they were already sitting in the private room on the second floor of the restaurant, with some wine and food on the table in front of them. .

After listening to the owls and their questions very carefully, Cassia drank half a glass of juice, and had already arranged what she wanted to say in her head.

"The first question, after entering the empire, the mission is not over. You definitely think of this in your heart, don't give too much explanation. It will be much better to understand the long journey as a warm-up exercise. Or this The ten-day experience is just the beginning. After three days, if there are no accidents, the organization of the real mission will be considered to be the beginning. If you don’t have to enter the empire, someone will contact you to inform you that the mission is over, and then you can return freely. It is possible. I hope everyone is absolutely conscious about this matter."

"The second question is that the teams of small countries and common countries in the distant seas may be blocked outside the borders of the empire, and they will never be seen again in the future." Speaking of this, Cassia showed a thoughtful look, "The probability is less than 100 Ten percent, and the remaining ninety percent are within the empire. People from small countries can’t see it, but the teams from the Far Sea Common Nations still have a great chance of encountering them. And in terms of personal strength, equipment, etc. Compared with the contacts during this journey, it is greatly enhanced."

"Originally difficult to deal with, if the enemy's kinetic energy armored forces are still strengthened, how should the future tasks be carried out? Relying on the number?" Cassia has found that Nighthawks smoke regularly, often in a bad mood or falling into Only when you can't sort out the thinking for a short time will you come up with one.

"Probably there is such a meaning." Cassia replied bluntly, "It's just that there won't be many teams in the Far Sea Common Country. On the enemy's side, the main force is the elite figures of some families in the empire, and several knight attendants. That's right, Perhaps there is something called an experimental subject within the empire."

"If you can give them a few degrees of danger, the kinetic armor team will be at the bottom, followed by the elites of those families. I wonder if you have encountered some unusually powerful people in your previous missions?"

Faced with this problem, Nighthawk and Isha both thought about it, and it seemed that they did not find a suitable target person to describe. But the owl's beak moved, probably because of a measure in his heart, but he did not say anything.

"Miss Issa's words may have some experience. At the beginning, within the border of the forest line of the Flame Alliance, it was this kind of people who encircled us, but the intensity of the family elites was a little bit lower than that. The captain of the team can be regarded as a dangerous person in the knight attendant category."

From the beginning, Cassia never thought of explaining to Nighthawks in detail. From the changes in the expressions of the three of them, it can be known that they have not actually played against these characters in their previous missions. Perhaps only the owl can slightly understand the level of danger that Cassia said.

"In short, even if you encounter a kinetic armored team, if you are just you, just consider how to escape. After entering the empire, every enemy team will arrange some powerful surgeons in. Without the help of others, I I don’t think any one of you has a chance to win the battle."

"In other words, as the kinetic armored team with the lowest level of danger, we have to think about how to escape after seeing it. Then, for the next few levels, does it even have no chance to escape?" The owl seemed to see Cassia Want to express the meaning euphemistically.

Nodding solemnly, UU reading Cassia looked at the faces of the three people one by one: "The next words may be very ugly, but I think most of them are facts. The empire is one of the three giant countries. , Its internal operator ecological circle is completely different from that of a small country. As elites in a large family, they have strength and rich experience, but they also have exceptionally smart brains. In terms of staffing and information interpretation analysis There is a gap between empires and small countries that cannot be crossed. If you can find a reasonable position in the empire, I think you are probably in the transitional period between the majority and the minority."

"Are those family elites a minority?" Nighthawk continued Cassia's words.

"No, they are a very small minority. Later knight attendants only have thirty-six places in the empire, although some of them are not strong enough to support such a title. And the experimental body mentioned in the end, , ”

Cassia thinks about how to describe it, so that Nighthawk and the others can know the huge changes in the surrounding environment after entering the empire: "Perhaps you will never have the opportunity to see the experimental body. The enemy will not use that kind of thing to deal with. You guys are too wasteful after all."

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