Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1536: People in black and white who met by chance (middle)

"Now, can I think so? The team that we set out from Larsa and joined together for **** reasons, including Mr. Adolf, was the bait used to attract from the beginning?" For some reason, Cassia felt Be very, very careful when talking to Isha. She didn't seem to be afraid of leaving behind what she wanted to express, but as much as possible to restrain certain thoughts in her heart so that they were not expressed in her own words.

"In addition, as a substitute for the so-called'Cassia', I wonder if Mr. Soriatu can provide us with some useful information? He should be regarded as a member of our side, does he have the same enemy? Now, where is he?"

Faced with Issa’s question, Cassia once again sorted out the language so that the information was as accurate as possible and could create the illusion he wanted in Issa and the others.

"It’s not so nice to say that it’s a bait, but the actual facts understand it, and it does mean that. What I can say is that if the organization is handled properly in this way, it can achieve a very good result in this huge vortex. Good effect. Because it not only attracts the eyes of the enemy, but also really attracts the enemy to alleviate the pressure of others. It is regarded as a plan that will be very cruel to a few people, so I don’t know if you can accept it.” Deep in your heart , Cassia didn't want Isha and the others to position themselves like this. Even if this is the case, if you look at it from a different perspective, you can at least comfort yourself psychologically.

"I was also used as a substitute for'Kasiya'. Originally, I thought that I wouldn't be able to use my face for a long time in the future. I could stay in small countries such as Larsa for several years. A relaxing day. Because I know that once the plan is activated, I will be in danger all the time, especially after entering the empire." The words are all serious and sincere. Cassia has been honest for a long time, after entering the military school In one or two years, this kind of things imprinted in the body and nature has changed. So when I want to use it, it’s not difficult for Cassia. After all, it’s the self for a long time. "Many things can only be accepted and not allowed to resist. This is a bit embarrassing to say. In most cases, you really don’t allow you to have irrational thoughts."

Cassia spread his hands, saying that this is probably normal. There are many things that can be achieved without hard work, and you have to rely on a head to think

"There is not a lot of useful information. I am just a substitute. As for the genuine "Kasia", what I know is limited to the things that can be obtained within the empire with some time and money." Started filtering all of my information, "From Let’s start answering the following questions. Now probably no one knows where Cassia is, because he disappeared more than a year ago, and the enemy’s actions this time were also to force him to appear. So the organization found that there was someone like me and thought it could be used , So we are here now."

"In addition, according to other people's descriptions, Cassia is a very calm and cruel man. Although he looks similar to me, he is definitely better than me. It is said that he is not a beautiful face, but he can still rely on his own temperament. Wait and wait to attract many female members." At this point, Cassia also looked at Isha and Nighthawk, as if they were suggesting something, but they could not get a response from the two.

"Killing a lot of people, he is like a whirlpool himself, and he will always let trouble find him. However, some people say that he is very sensible and decisive. He has always been very cruel to the enemy. In terms of strength, I think if it is possible. Copy a thousand copies of each of Miss Yisha and you three to form a team of three thousand people. There is a high probability that this number will not pose any threat to it."

"By the way, I heard that he has read many books. I bought books from time to time during the trip. It was also because I knew this information, so I bought it. I hope that through reading books, I can develop roughly the same breath in my body." Cassia’s expression didn’t even move. He was completely speaking these words from the perspective of a bystander. "Anyway, I haven’t seen the real "Cassia", but I want to see him. Real products, substitutes, I still want to see what the person I am replacing looks like."

The last sentence even had a little regret in it, and Cassia swung his head along with the trend, "These messages are just a matter of listening and are of little use to us. To be honest, I also have curiosity. The only possibility. , That is, we will try our best to live in the time to come, maybe one day we can see him. But I still hope you can suppress this curiosity, once you find a good opportunity, you will immediately leave the team."

"There is room for you in the empire, but it is not now or in the future. Many people will die. The enemies are all powerful families, and their own strength can match the level of a small country. It is not a team of surgeons that can compete. s things."

Afterwards, the problems became rare. At the end of the day, Cassia became a lonely teller, explaining to Isha and others the environment within the empire and the things that needed special attention. UU reading, but fortunately, Yisha Nighthawks also have a basic understanding of the empire, and the three previous mission centers were in the Flame Alliance. Cassia used some of the things there as a comparison, and it is still easy to let them Understand what things are life threatening enough.

More than half an hour before the train departed again, Cassia and the others left the restaurant one after another and went to the streets to stroll around. After buying the books she needed in a small bookstore, Cassia returned to the station. It was deeply invaded by the imperial culture. At least in terms of language, imperial language became the mainstream here, and most of the books were printed in imperial language.

Of course, General Pullman also felt the same. The time to leave the borders of the empire is counted in decades, but some memories will accompany him until he dies one day. Unconsciously sighed, General Pullman remembered his feelings when he left the empire for decades. This time looking in the direction of the Empire Manoma, he felt that he was in a circle all his life, and finally went back to the many people. The starting place-Manoma.

The intercontinental train started with a few whistles, heading for the small country bordering the border area of ​​the empire. Most of the people in the car are relaxed with the task of coming to an end, but a few are in deep thinking and helplessness.

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