Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1537: People in black and white who met by chance (part 2)

The mood is divided into two different groups, although there are differences, but the pressure on the body can not be relieved. After the train stops for supply and the train starts, the feelings seem to be completely different. The tranquility of more than ten days is remembered at this time. The quietness before a huge storm is usually like this. The sky is open, there is no atmosphere, and the air is not depressed. Only the moment that comes, the clouds will make it difficult to breathe. .

Isha and the others have become less, and they are not necessary announcements, and Owl is unwilling to open the communicator.

On the second day before the countdown to the border area of ​​the empire, Adolf contacted him. They have disembarked and are organizing a secret warehouse to replenish the equipment and ammunition needed next. He gathered a team of nearly 1,500 people, with a corresponding number of teams in standard combat configuration, logistics and medical care.

But they won’t join Cassia in the future. The Owl once said that going to the border of the empire will make the team more refined, becoming several, or even a dozen teams, marching in parallel, entering the border of the empire from some wild places . It is still unknown whether there will be a team going through a formal channel.

Adolf contacted him not only to tell him to arrive early, but also to bring some bad news. In the morning, they scattered from the station. A few hours after the gathering time, there were still nearly a hundred people who did not come. At first, it was judged that he had left the task on his own halfway. After all, the closer he was to the empire, the more members of the organization gathered from there would understand the situation of the empire. Because of fear or threats to life, the emergence of some of these people seems predictable.

However, the bodies of fresh organization members later found in garbage dumps and underground waterways broke this judgment. The atmosphere there is not very good, and the hundreds of people who lost contact are probably dead.

In addition, after a more basic investigation, in the small country bordering the empire, at least the country where Adolf and the others got off the train, there are people arranged by the enemy in advance. "The enemy is a bit ahead of us, which means that the other party has probably already prepared what should be prepared."

Corresponding to the bad news, the only information that can ease Cassia and the others' hearts is that the enemy does not know where they will enter the empire. They have arranged a large number of manpower in several large trade entrance and exit areas, and in other remote areas, the number may be much smaller.

In summary, the enemy's power is dispersed and not concentrated at one point. As a comfort, no one cares about these, the enemy's support speed is much faster than the speed of their own side.

On the last day of the countdown to the border of the empire, Cassia and the others got off the train at three stations in this small country. General Pullman and Cassia were walking together, and Isha and them were also there. Coming out of the station near noon, everyone dragged their luggage, disguised as rushing passengers. The members of the organization here have also prepared different limos long ago, and some are picked up like old friends who have not seen them for many years. Some were limo drivers, relying on mutual codes, and left one after another.

The surrounding area is completely like an empire, and the border area is not considered a prosperous area. Not far from the station, you can see a large industrial area that has emerged from the convenience of transportation. Two towering steam furnace towers are emitting light gray plumes of smoke, slowly rising into the sky, and explaining the magnitude and direction of the wind today.

It borders the empire, and has two formal trading areas and passages, making this small country busy and lively all the time. The ceremonial car also has the taste of empire, at least it is no longer a hybrid, it is a standard steam engine, and the sound gives Cassia a long-lost familiarity.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the limousine went around the city in unknown circles, and finally went to the secret stronghold of the organization here. Although it is not a coordinating country, there are still things similar to those companies in Lalsa, which are used to purchase some needed items from within the empire.

In the end, the teams did not join together, but went to different cities separately. At 5 pm, the sun was still hot. The so-called stronghold is the basement of a large-scale office building, accessed from the underground parking lot. While resting there, to relieve the fatigue of the long journey, while dressing up.

Owl received a contact midway, and what Cassia said three days ago was confirmed. On the other side is Adolf, which roughly means that the **** mission is over, but the new mission begins immediately. I was prepared, but the impact when I heard those words was still not small.

Cassia could only watch from the sidelines. The comforting words were no longer useful at the moment. He chose to leave them behind because it would only be more sad afterwards.

Dressed for nearly two hours, Cassia thought about how the organization would let himself enter the border of the empire, and how they would act afterwards. Without a reasonable point, lack of information has indeed become the biggest limiting factor now. The only thing that can be determined is that there is bound to be a scuffle in the border area. Now that the enemies within the empire are ready, Cassia also believes that Yejielin and the Kira Andi family have also arrived here. This sense of smell is impossible, even if Ye Jielin's side may not know the true or false of her identity at the moment.

It seems that the action will begin tonight. After finishing the costume, Cassia was told that the next stop is the storage warehouse, where there are a huge number of weapons, all from the empire, standard equipment.

Take a limo in the underground parking Cassia and Isha, Nighthawk and Owl, and General Pullman in another car. With the addition of the correspondent and the other two team captains, the three vehicles can be regarded as a small convoy. They set off one after another, separated by half a minute.

Cassia and Isha walked in the middle, and they had already gone to about seven o'clock when they set off, and the time period transitioned from dusk to night. The streets became more lively, and the limo turned from the exit of the parking lot to the main road. A subtle feeling made Cassia vigilant.

For Cassie, things and memories about the empire have been stuck more than a year ago, but there are always things carved in his head that will not be forgotten. Cassia shook his head and looked at the left and right through the window, there was nothing to pay attention to. When this feeling was strange, it seemed inadvertent, but there seemed to be traces to follow. Cassia looked in the rearview mirror.

The world in the mirror is a bit skewed, but it does not prevent Cassia from seeing the scene behind the limo through it-under the street where the cool street lights are turned on, a man who looks like a local is standing there. Destined to be mutually attractive, Cassia saw the man bend down deeply towards the main road, as if to give the most polite greeting. Immediately, the man turned his head, and the smile drawn by the corners of his mouth instantly refracted many angles and reflected in Cassia's pupils.

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