Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1538: Start (on)

The ceremonial car accelerated forward, and other vehicles came to the rear, blocking part of the view. When the lights of the street lamp came into Cassia's eyes again, the man below was no longer visible. Cassia turned halfway and looked back carefully, but she couldn't find the person just now.

"What's the matter? There are enemies?" Isha keenly noticed the changes in Cassia, and asked after she noticed the abnormality. She was also very careful to observe her surroundings, but it was Cassia that caused her to be wary. The situation outside the car was destined to be nothing.

"Huh,,," exhaled for no reason, which made Isha more worried. Knowing that Cassia's perception far exceeds her in terms of range and sensitivity, Isha looked at Cassia's face with slight changes in expression, waiting for an answer.

Cassia just looked straight ahead, sinking into thinking alone. I can feel Isha's gaze next to him, but in a short time he still needs some time to judge something.

I have to admit that during the period of leaving the empire, Cassia has become unfamiliar with many things, especially his sensitivity to information. If you change to the past, when the subtle feeling just now appears, you will definitely not have any doubts or hesitation. It's just that the period of time left did give Cassia what belonged to the empire over time.

Even if I had done costumes, I didn’t wear a white dress, didn’t carry the white politeness, and I didn’t have a black or gray cane in my hand, but the look in the eyes and the unique smile on the face. These characteristics alone are enough to let Cassia know who the man is.

"Ha..." said the name in his heart, and a large memory in his head emerged, and a layer of things faded and became fresh. A person who is about to be forgotten does not seem to be very important. Only when he thinks of Shake can Cassia have this memory. But at this moment, the name has an impact, which makes thinking accelerate too much in an instant.

Cassia has always believed that there are all kinds of people in the circle of surgeons, but no matter how many types there are, they must be in a special category. There are a lot of twisted things in that head, and they have been hacked to achieve them in various ways. Compared with the dead Li, He is more stable and deep, which is tantamount to making his threat even more terrifying.

Since the end of the first mission and the beginning of the ball, Cassia has never underestimated Terror. In terms of strength, Cassia is confident, but he also knows very well, and he is very clear about the differences and advantages and disadvantages between himself and the ever-changing enemy. So that when he becomes an enemy, he can only find out at that time, no matter when, he seems to always use his disadvantages to collide with the enemy's advantages.

If you don't want to, and want to catch his trace, the time and price you need to pay will definitely not be proportional to the results. There are countless networks in that head. If the world is like a huge mechanical body linked together, the rotation of every piece of gear will have an impact. He knows these biting gears very well, and can use their transmission ratios to achieve their desired goals.

Isha made another worried question from the side, and Cassia, who was obviously distracted, returned to her eyes, glanced at Isha, and shook her head to signal that she didn't worry about herself.

"What happened? During the whole journey, including in Larsa, I have never seen your face now." Isha said, all the details of Cassia at the moment were remembered in her head. This is the other side of Cassia she has never seen or touched.

"It seems that I have seen people who are not very happy." Cassia replied in a low voice, "Will you tell the Owl later and let him tell the person in charge of the organization base. It is best to have all the staff from here in the near future. The small country evacuated."

"The organization has completed an evacuation, and there are only a small number of people remaining here." Isha replied, "See the enemy? People in the empire?"

Cassia was thinking and looked out the window. He didn't know how long Hae had come here, but it was definitely not accidental that he stood under the street lamp. The organization's stronghold has been exposed, at least with him. I don't know if this is luck, but Cassia knows that Hae's luck is always good.

"It's not an enemy." Cassia replied afterwards. The doubt on Isha's face was ignored by him. "At least I personally think that this time he is more likely to be on our side. But whether it is an enemy or not, some People are always accompanied by danger, and it will not change."

Cassia leaned on the car seat and closed her eyes: "Troublesome and difficult person."

The information in the head is interacting, constantly generating new conjectures. Cassia knew the reason why the hacker would appear here, and Ye Jielin took the initiative to cooperate with him. The Knight Servant Alliance that was originally reached by the tundra is no longer effective because of the power family. Under the premise that Ye Jielin could not take the initiative to come to the border of the empire, he was indeed the primary candidate for contact and command. The other is for personal purposes.

There is no definite result for Lee's death until now. For the two who have roughly the same personality, the hacker will investigate the matter on the one hand, and on the other hand, since the dance party, the hacker will also treat Cassia as his prey.

"Carla...I don't know what she is like now." She sighed in her heart.

The limo drilled out of the crowded roads in the city center, still going around a few circles, and went smoothly into the industrial zone at around 9pm. Various processing sounds filled my ears, and when Cassia got out of the car, there was a laid-out gift car around him.

In the warehouse of a vehicle assembly plant, it is customary to go to the basement. Soon after, in the spacious space, with rows of cool lights shining one after another, amid the smell of anti-rust oil, in this basement that seemed invisible for a while, various types of imperial firearms appeared in front of them. UU reading


The border between the empire and the small country is actually a belt-shaped area, mostly with rolling mountains and undulating hilly areas. Being in an unregulated area, like a gray area, is the best protection for members who smuggle goods from the empire.

At night, multiple buzzing sounds broke the tranquility here, and the bugs disappeared immediately. Several green lights came up in mid-air, and soon under the interactive mountain peaks below, the apron sent out a signal. A string of lights formed a guiding route to guide the airship to slowly fall into the darkness between the mountains.

The lights were turned on shortly afterwards, and near the foot of the mountain, a platform constructed by artificially flattening the rock appeared. Five medium-sized airships have already landed, and a large number of logistics personnel are still carrying the materials on them, and they are transported into several huge caves on the side of the platform in an orderly manner.

Next to the cave, I don’t know how long it has not been maintained. Perhaps this is a place that was abandoned a long time ago. There, the name and logo of the Imperial Minerals Company were covered with rust, and it looked like it was about to fall off.

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