Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1539: Start (in)

As the airship fell, it became busy. Several teams of surgeons came here with the supplies, and they were taken to the cave to rest.

"Empire Mining Company's former abandoned mining plant?" After entering the cave is a tunnel no more than one or two hundred meters long, reinforced with special concrete. After that, there is a vast space. Under the circular dome is a roughly hemispherical artificially excavated uterine cavity, which is connected by nearly 30 mines in different directions.

There are many small cavities of different sizes excavated on the hemispherical stone wall, which used to be temporary offices and warehouses for storing basic materials, and now most of them have become rest areas. The central air circulation system was brought back from the Empire with a new set, which was temporarily used after installation. Fortunately, as one of the seven giant companies, Imperial Mineral Resources is not a small company. Even though the mineral resources here have been mined, many facilities have gradually moved out in the later time, but the things left even if they are full of time. , It can still be used better.

"It was the people on their side who contacted Lord Mayvis and informed that there are abandoned mines in the area that can be used. There are three places in total, not far apart. This is one of them, and it is by our Astus family. Use it, and the rest are members of the five prince families who have passed by.” In front of the team, the leader said the answer, “We got the detailed blueprint and made the defense measures for the periphery. During this time, a few According to the order, the team divided the surrounding generations to conduct actual terrain detection and find the fastest route to move, transfer, and support others. Almost done."

"According to the order issued by Lord Mayvis afterwards, the mechanical sensors are also being laid out in an orderly manner. Because the signal from each sensor needs to be connected to the communication machine, the progress is very slow. Now it is only doing basics. , Organs such as firing signal flare after a switch is touched. To meet the requirements of Miss Mayvis, time and materials are definitely too late."

"No, the signal flare will do. There are sensors connected to the communication equipment, but most of them only exist in some important bases and fortresses. Besides, without professionals, it will not be possible to achieve it by you alone. Remember to choose a dozen or so people with excellent eyesight." After hearing the report, the female voice responded.

"I heard that Miss Mayvis will come?" the woman asked. She and a few people around were walking along the edge of the hemispherical space, with supplies on the side. Basic weapons and ammunition, such as firearms and bullets, are not here. Almost all artillery and miniature aerial bombs carried by the team are placed here.

"Master Mayvis sent a newsletter three days ago saying that she will come, and it is expected to arrive here at noon tomorrow, Master Violet." The man leading the way in front answered very seriously.

Violet said "um," as if thinking about something. While talking, a group of people walked along the edge into a hollow room inside a stone wall, where five people were sitting.

"Miss Violet, I thought it was you who came here first." The one who spoke was Oville, wearing a leather combat uniform, but also wearing a thin windbreaker outside, and the air circulation system was fully opened. Does not feel hot.

"Something happened midway. I found an airship that was not registered on the route. For safety, I chose to change its course in advance to avoid it. Later I learned that it seemed to be the person from the Saint Royal Hall." Violet shrugged her shoulders. A look of relief appeared on Te's face, "These three are..." looked at the side of Ovilia. One person she recognized was the administrator of the experiment, and the other three were all students. Faces, two males and one female. From the physical characteristics, it is easy to find that none of the three are like people from within the empire.

"The three captains of the kinetic armored team of Yuanhai Common Country." Ovilia said solemnly. "Because of some agreements, only the kinetic armored team is allowed to enter the empire. This time it is us and them. Form a team together to support and guard this area."

The three nodded politely, but they didn't speak, just waiting for Ovilia to introduce them one by one. Love Literature Network

Violet looked like I knew it. After saying hello to the people from the Common Ocean Country, she glanced at the map on the table and was about to say something before remembering another thing.

"Did you let the family transport the armor over?" Kinetic armor gave Violet some information, making her guess. Because when I left Manoma, I was separated from Oville and was not in a team, so the information about Oville is not very sufficient. "You are not mobilizing those things?" Lit refers to the subject.

"No." A simple answer, Ovilia said to pull the map on the desktop a little bit, "I received the news that someone from the small country came to take over, so I decided to use the armor in the middle. And this time it happened to have kinetic armor. Team, I think the mutual cooperation may achieve good results."

"Do not deny your idea, but the opponent is Ye Jielin, behind the Weber Arms Company, there are weapons designed to deal with the armor. I can only hope that the opponent did not think of this, otherwise the huge size will only attract firepower. Stuff."

Ovilia laughed and did not refute Violet's words, "Huge size does not necessarily mean heaviness."

After the chatty-style conversation was over, several people quickly entered into discussion. The current main task is to rationalize the allocation of a limited number of teams based on the terrain here, so as to achieve the goal of not revealing any gaps, and that actions and support are relatively timely.

"I don't know how long the other party will start to act, and where it will sneak into the empire."

"The border area is like a checkpoint. If the opponent breaks through and enters the empire, the difficulty of tracking and investigating determines that we can only put the opportunity on Ye Jielin. It is not a small country, the huge area of ​​the empire swallows such a small number of people~www won't stir up anything at all." In the early morning, after most of the team allocation problems were completed, a few people left the conference room-like room. Ovilia walked with Violet to the quiet tarmac.

The night sky was full of stars, and soon it was a standard summer.

"Oh, I remember he was in the same team with you." At the edge of the tarmac, the two looked at a shadow that blocked the view. "It has been determined that Mevis will come over. This is a great time for us. Good opportunity. MacDonald is sure to withdraw. Of the remaining four, Mevis and Isabel who remain in Manoma are the best solution."

"I don't know where he is." Violet replied, "But not long ago, he contacted me once and told me that everything was implemented as planned, and at several key points, he would tell us how to do it in advance. , Where do you need to guide Mevis."

"So..." Ovilia sighed for a while, so that the bright red cross pupils in her eyes seemed to be uncontrollable. This is one of the sequelae that she has been with since she came out of the culture tank.

"He should have seen Cassia, judging from that shrill voice."

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