Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1545: The dormant beast (middle)

Resources, environment and opponents, these things are very important in growth. After relying on a period of calm to gain her own stability, Cassia thought that perhaps she should also plan for the next step. For him, that small country is a quagmire-like comfort zone, which can only provide a peaceful environment. In addition, Cassia can get very little.

Due to the sudden body throbbing, Cassia, who opened her mouth slightly to breathe to calm her mood, noticed something. I don't know how other people call this feeling, but he always regards it as a sudden or unintentional intuition before a major event.

This time, danger may overwhelm yourself.

There is no reason, just like watching the night sky and knowing that there will be heavy rain in the next few days, it is natural to think that there will be a large number of ants submerged in the rain in a large area. This kind of inexplicable perception made Cassia a little irritable, because until now he has not been able to find out who the enemy is, and there is indeed anxiety in his heart.

On the border of the empire, the enemies gathered there are only the first batch. Although they cannot be regarded as cannon fodder, they tend to be prone to temptation in nature. It will take a lot of energy and time to investigate clearly the information of the first batch of enemies, and the results obtained will not have a deep impact on the enemy. Just see clearly the enemy's shell, what is hidden under the shell, I still don't know at all.

When the enemy behind comes out, the intertwined information will surely affect more energy and time. Only then, maybe time is the key factor that determines the direction of some events. Cassia didn't know if he still had so many thoughts and spirits to analyze it on the spot after that point in time.

Cassia has always had confidence in the judgment of the battlefield and the decisions made based on the immediate situation. But there is still an upper limit, just like the safety valves on various steam tanks, there will always be a starting pressure and threshold.

"What's the matter? There is still some time before departure. I can rest again." Pulled back in front of the eyes by this crisp voice, Cassia's almost lost pupils reappeared a little deep light. Isha stood in front of her, her face was already familiar, but like an illusion, for a moment, Cassia seemed to see that her face was covered with blood.

As a result, her eyes were slightly narrowed, and Cassia took a deep breath without hiding it, feeling much better for a while. I went to the tabletop and poured a glass of cold water. After a sip, the frozen expression on his face returned to its usual seriousness. What was it like just now? As if suddenly losing the memory of the first few seconds, Cassia couldn't remember.

"It must be another expression Isha and the others have never seen before." That was the answer, Cassia thought.

"Since I came here, I feel like you have changed." Isha then sat next to Cassia, and Nighthawk looked over when I spoke, seeming to agree with Isha's words, "In my memory Since you went to Larsa, you have always been a very stable and calm person. Now, it seems that you can see a little irritability."

Cassia laughed, but a smile cannot be called a smile. It should be a happy expression. At this moment, it looks more like a fake movement forced by the facial muscles. Only the voice can be regarded as a little happy.

"Because I know who is in the band of mountains on the border, the seemingly curved route on the map takes only two days, and it can be completed in nearly three days. But the actual situation is definitely not like this, far more than flames. The border forest of the alliance is dangerous. I can’t say that I understand the empire, but I know that some things are really difficult to deal with. Compared to the empire, I like the Flame Alliance more. Those second-class creatures are much more cute. Sha and the others remained silent.

If you don't know how to answer, then there is no comfort. But Cassia could feel that Isha and others were worried about him, which was enough. He knew that Yisha Nighthawks really didn't know much about the empire, so at the beginning they didn't expect them to be aware of the pressure and threats given to them when the family elite and knight attendants led the team.

After that, Cassia also fell into this silent environment. When the time went to 8 o'clock in the evening, the temperature began to gradually drop. Alternating yellow and cool lights can be seen outside, and there are people walking out on the street, looking calm.

Thinking in her heart, seeing that it was almost time for departure, Cassia finally decided to remind Isha of them and a few other strange faces in advance. One is that I don’t want to see them and I die in front of my eyes. After all, it’s never a happy thing. Everyone has the right to live. The second point is that for this kind of sneak action, it is only suitable for Cassia himself, not for a team. With sonic impulse and rejection, both detection and concealment, Cassia has excellent performance. But if you bring a teammate, the two abilities that are very suitable for sneaking will lose their effect. Speed, endurance and overall strength are all seriously out of touch with Cassia, in order to take care of them, Cassia will only sink deeper and deeper.

Knowing some words will make Isha and the others feel confused, or feel despised. Compared with his life, Cassia thought those were nothing.

Of course, Cassia has another plan. If after the first encounter with the enemy, Isha and the others are still reluctant to leave, Cassia can only choose to knock them all unconscious.

"Shortly after departure, calculate the time based on the distance. It should be around 3 in the morning when we encountered the enemy." After thinking about a good word, Cassia raised his voice and made other strange faces look over, "We are thirteen. People plus the so-called 15-person auxiliary team, the target is not big, and the night environment can bypass many enemy reconnaissance teams. It’s just that after entering the mountain range on the border, it’s hard to imagine that the enemy will be deployed there. What's down. And once the traces are caught, based on the number of them, what we call escape is nothing more than delaying time by constantly relying on personnel to cushion."

"So for your safety, there is one thing I want to tell you in advance."

The facial expressions of Nighthawk and others had begun to change, and they immediately guessed what it was, but only a few strange faces were confused.

"I think everyone is not afraid of death. UU reads, but since you can live, why don't you cherish the opportunities you can seize?" Cassia started with a rhetorical question, "After the first encounter with the enemy, I hope that you who were still alive at that time will choose to leave. Only then will you have a chance to ensure your safety. Too deep, the enemy will absolutely block all exits, and there will be no chance to evacuate at that time."

The words were only finished, but Yisha and others sighed without refuting. They knew Cassia's thoughts.

"Do you want us to escape?" A very low voice came from the opposite corner of the hall.

Cassia looked over, thought about it, and suppressed the other words in her heart, "Let’s talk about it after encountering the enemy. At that time, everyone still has a chance to choose." After speaking, she looked at the time again, and it was close to five. Ten minutes is nine o'clock. So closing his eyes, Cassia leaned his head against the wall, took a deep breath, and entered a semi-sleep state, making final preparations for the upcoming action.

And the few strange faces on the opposite side seemed to have something to say, and when they saw Cassia who closed their eyes, they stopped picking them up.

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